Chicken guts & dried dung


Apr 9, 2009
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Instead of considering the curvatures of chicken guts and the shape of dried goat-dung and using their interpretations of their observations to tell us how such things affect us, and what they would do about such matters if elected, and how their actions would affect us, etc.,

what about "our" presidential candidates discussing such matters as the environment and conservation of natural resources, the need to reform education,
need to change our transportation system, water-land-and-air pollution, Citizens United and the electoral college, and credit cards and big banks and the loss of little banks and their ability to guage loans and create local businesses, and the need for constitutional amendment and initiative & referendum and recall and the commercialization of the penal system and marijuana and its effect on the prison population, and over population, our lack of pride and lack of know-how and can-do
and lack of any check on US Supreme court constitutional decisions, unemployment and underemployment and the neef for a law of the sea that would end ocean pollution and piracy and the blockade of ports in the absence of formal declarations of war, and the lack of a free press and the presence of a foreign controlled press, and unending war and lack of exit plans, etc, etc, etct, ad infinitum.-

The debates are manipulated by the sponsors in a host of ways and are not debates and their subjects are not fit subjects for Presidential debates and if they were no time is provided for their discussion and no means are afforded the public to aid it in their consideration

American "politics" are not politics; they are illusions.

Aside from Israel and American Dualies, the US is controlled by corporations, is ruled by anonymity, and is absued almost as bad as was Gaddaf i

America is destroying itself and so is the world.
Hey, Unkotare,
that's a very good question.
Why is it?

anxiously awaiting your reply

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Instead of considering the curvatures of chicken guts and the shape of dried goat-dung and using their interpretations of their observations to tell us how such things affect us, and what they would do about such matters if elected, and how their actions would affect us, etc.,

what about "our" presidential candidates discussing such matters as the environment and conservation of natural resources, the need to reform education,
need to change our transportation system, water-land-and-air pollution, Citizens United and the electoral college, and credit cards and big banks and the loss of little banks and their ability to guage loans and create local businesses, and the need for constitutional amendment and initiative & referendum and recall and the commercialization of the penal system and marijuana and its effect on the prison population, and over population, our lack of pride and lack of know-how and can-do
and lack of any check on US Supreme court constitutional decisions, unemployment and underemployment and the neef for a law of the sea that would end ocean pollution and piracy and the blockade of ports in the absence of formal declarations of war, and the lack of a free press and the presence of a foreign controlled press, and unending war and lack of exit plans, etc, etc, etct, ad infinitum.-

The debates are manipulated by the sponsors in a host of ways and are not debates and their subjects are not fit subjects for Presidential debates and if they were no time is provided for their discussion and no means are afforded the public to aid it in their consideration

American "politics" are not politics; they are illusions.

Aside from Israel and American Dualies, the US is controlled by corporations, is ruled by anonymity, and is absued almost as bad as was Gaddaf i

America is destroying itself and so is the world.

This post is a good example of your brain on meth.

Stay in school, don't do drugs.
October 21 2012

***for all the attempts to stress supposed differences, the two presidential candidates essentially agree on the major economic issues their Big Money financiers care about, from Social Security cuts (for them) to free trade deals (more of them) to regulations (less of them) to corporate tax rates (lower them).”
They look alike. Romney and Obama are both tall, articulate and aggressive, but when you listen closely, they often sound alike. Yes, there are stylistic differences and rhetorical distinctionsm but both are seeking to be perceived as centrists, focused more on dumbing it down and dumping on each other than offering bold reforms.

Third parties are not welcome in the spectacle. Last week, the Green Party’s Presidential candidate Jill Stein was arrested for protesting her exclusion from the political debates.

And so if you are still harboring any illusions about the electoral process as a lever for change, forget them. Our democracy, alas, seems bought and paid for, an empty charade, even as our media and political class lecture the rest of the world about the holy grail of democracy.

Mediachannel’s News Dissector Danny Schechter "



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