chicken hawks


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
chicken hawks of the white christian party, beating their chest while they hid when they had the opportunity to serve

You lousy son of bitch, I fucking hate your guts you piece of shit, and I hope karma comes and gives you a big case of terminal cancer.
Give me five minutes in a locked room with you, you fucking vile monster !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clinton's Draft Deferrment

In the autumn of 1969, Clinton entered the draft but received a high number (311) and was never called to serve -- however, Clinton made every effort to avoid the draft prior to entering it.
First, Bill Clinton received education deferments while at Georgetown and Oxford (where he helped organize demonstrations against the war). Second, Clinton attempted to avoid the draft for four years by enrolling, but never joining, the Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC). Clinton had enrolled in the ROTC hoping to avoid military service for four years, but, wanting a future in politics, had a change of heart and entered the draft.
In December 1969, safe from the draft with his high lottery number, Clinton changed his mind about joining the ROTC program and wrote a letter to the director of the ROTC program thanking him "for saving me from the draft" and regretted misleading him by not revealing the extent of his opposition to the war. The letter was leaked by the Pentagon to ABC news early in the 1992 fueled criticism of candidate Clinton's character.
Later in the 1992 campaign, it became known that Clinton's uncle had attempted to get Bill Clinton a Navy Reserve assignment during the Vietnam war. Clinton said he didn't know anything about it to the press on September 3, 1992 but a day later admitted that a former draft board member had informed him of his uncles' attempt several months before.
Remind us when Hildabeast and Bernie served. Wasn't Bernie a draft dodger?

As the single father of a young son, Sanders was exempt. Which of the Democratic candidates is calling for war again?

Oh? I think you better rethink your comment.

Bernie Sanders applied for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War, his campaign confirmed to ABC News.
"As a college student in the 1960s he was a pacifist," Michael Briggs, campaign spokesman added in an email. "[He] isn't now."

Sanders Applied for 'Conscientious Objector' Status During Vietnam
Remind us when Hildabeast and Bernie served. Wasn't Bernie a draft dodger?

As the single father of a young son, Sanders was exempt. Which of the Democratic candidates is calling for war again?

Oh? I think you better rethink your comment.

Bernie Sanders applied for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War, his campaign confirmed to ABC News.
"As a college student in the 1960s he was a pacifist," Michael Briggs, campaign spokesman added in an email. "[He] isn't now."

[FONT=Proxima-Nova, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sanders Applied for 'Conscientious Objector' Status During Vietnam[/FONT]

I realize "conscientious" is a big word, and not necessarily understood by Christians in Name Only, but I'll be happy to help you with it.

In the meantime, which Democratic candidates are beating the war drum again?
Remind us when Hildabeast and Bernie served. Wasn't Bernie a draft dodger?

As the single father of a young son, Sanders was exempt. Which of the Democratic candidates is calling for war again?

Oh? I think you better rethink your comment.

Bernie Sanders applied for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War, his campaign confirmed to ABC News.
"As a college student in the 1960s he was a pacifist," Michael Briggs, campaign spokesman added in an email. "[He] isn't now."

[FONT=Proxima-Nova, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sanders Applied for 'Conscientious Objector' Status During Vietnam[/FONT]

I realize "conscientious" is a big word, and not necessarily understood by Christians in Name Only, but I'll be happy to help you with it.

In the meantime, which Democratic candidates are beating the war drum again?

Your poor deflection is noted. You may sit down now
Remind us when Hildabeast and Bernie served. Wasn't Bernie a draft dodger?

As the single father of a young son, Sanders was exempt. Which of the Democratic candidates is calling for war again?

Oh? I think you better rethink your comment.

Bernie Sanders applied for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War, his campaign confirmed to ABC News.
"As a college student in the 1960s he was a pacifist," Michael Briggs, campaign spokesman added in an email. "[He] isn't now."

[FONT=Proxima-Nova, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sanders Applied for 'Conscientious Objector' Status During Vietnam[/FONT]

I realize "conscientious" is a big word, and not necessarily understood by Christians in Name Only, but I'll be happy to help you with it.

In the meantime, which Democratic candidates are beating the war drum again?

Your poor deflection is noted. You may sit down now

So you have no idea where the Democratic candidates stand. Your entire purpose in this thread is deflection.
Remind us when Hildabeast and Bernie served. Wasn't Bernie a draft dodger?

As the single father of a young son, Sanders was exempt. Which of the Democratic candidates is calling for war again?

Oh? I think you better rethink your comment.

Bernie Sanders applied for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War, his campaign confirmed to ABC News.
"As a college student in the 1960s he was a pacifist," Michael Briggs, campaign spokesman added in an email. "[He] isn't now."

[FONT=Proxima-Nova, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sanders Applied for 'Conscientious Objector' Status During Vietnam[/FONT]

I realize "conscientious" is a big word, and not necessarily understood by Christians in Name Only, but I'll be happy to help you with it.

In the meantime, which Democratic candidates are beating the war drum again?

Your poor deflection is noted. You may sit down now

So you have no idea where the Democratic candidates stand. Your entire purpose in this thread is deflection.

I pointed out while the nincompoop OP wants to disparage the republican candidate's lack of military service the main two democrats never served either. My purpose was to once again point out the hypocrisy, which I have done. Now sit
I pointed out while the nincompoop OP wants to disparage the republican candidate's lack of military service the main two democrats never served either. My purpose was to once again point out the hypocrisy, which I have done. Now sit

So the Mighty Keyboard Warrioress calls someone who's actually had a career in the military a "nincompoop." Typical.
Remind us when Hildabeast and Bernie served. Wasn't Bernie a draft dodger?

As the single father of a young son, Sanders was exempt. Which of the Democratic candidates is calling for war again?

Oh? I think you better rethink your comment.

Bernie Sanders applied for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War, his campaign confirmed to ABC News.
"As a college student in the 1960s he was a pacifist," Michael Briggs, campaign spokesman added in an email. "[He] isn't now."

[FONT=Proxima-Nova, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Sanders Applied for 'Conscientious Objector' Status During Vietnam[/FONT]

I realize "conscientious" is a big word, and not necessarily understood by Christians in Name Only, but I'll be happy to help you with it.

In the meantime, which Democratic candidates are beating the war drum again?

Your poor deflection is noted. You may sit down now

So you have no idea where the Democratic candidates stand. Your entire purpose in this thread is deflection.

Yeah yeah, we know you and other Dimocrats when push comes to shove, will bend over and allow the West to die.
I pointed out while the nincompoop OP wants to disparage the republican candidate's lack of military service the main two democrats never served either. My purpose was to once again point out the hypocrisy, which I have done. Now sit

So the Mighty Keyboard Warrioress calls someone who's actually had a career in the military a "nincompoop." Typical.

Just because one serves doesn't mean they can't be a nincompoop....I mean look at Bergdahl. You're spinning your wheels and boring me

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