Child abuse in public schools

Boris, you are a lame mind, and the behavior is abhorrent to all like me on the right of center. We believe in the Rule of Law.

Those of you on the far right would love to do it to your enemies if you could. You believe in the rule of man.

The far right?

More meaningless drivel. . . .
Coming from the master of revisionist drivel, yes, here heeeeeeee issssss, M. D. Rawlings.
Coming from the master of revisionist drivel, yes, here heeeeeeee issssss, M. D. Rawlings.

More meaningless drivel.

JakeStarkey, at what point do you intend to actually back these incessant claims of yours with specifics and substantive arguments?

You have never once explained yourself along these lines.

What revisionism, chapter and verse, argument, citation?
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I don't have to back any claims, merely pull yours apart. If and when you offer something of significance, I will support it.
I don't have to back any claims, merely pull yours apart. If and when you offer something of significance, I will support it.

You don't have to back your claims, merely pull mine apart?

More meaningless drivel. Dude, you have never once pulled anything apart. You have never once even stated what revisionism I have supposedly produced. That's my point.

So the latter part of the above doesn't really mean you will pull this or that apart, but merely make the claim. Hence, nothing specific will be given by you, and so nothing of significance can be given by me in response. No argument, no citation, just the accusation.
They suspended a teacher for advising students that they did not have to answer personal and intrusive questions on a form. I thought kids were covered by the Constitution same as adults.
Whitehall is spot on and M. D. Rawlings is still in the gutter looking up.
Coming from the master of revisionist drivel, yes, here heeeeeeee issssss, M. D. Rawlings.

More meaningless drivel.

JakeStarkey, at what point do you intend to actually back these incessant claims of yours with specifics and substantive arguments?

You have never once explained yourself along these lines.

What revisionism, chapter and verse, argument, citation?

The next time jake backs up any of the BS he posts will be the first.
Damn..... 2 hours and 10 replies and nobody's defending the school?

They don't deserve to be defended. The garbage today that's called "education" has no place in any school. I realize there are some teachers who really are good, but there's a whole bunch of them who should be shown the door - and union rights be damned. What is truly needed in schools are solid core classes : math, sciences, history and government (preferably taught correctly), English grammar and literature (including those classics that have been banned from schools for one asinine reason or another).

A Child's Guide to Sexual Anatomy, Study in The Use of Condoms, The Pleasure of Birth Control, and Speed-Sexing have no place in kindergarten or grammar school classes.

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