Children dying all over the world and Democrats don’t care...why only help Brownies to our south?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?
The answer can be found on
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?
The answer can be found on

This is a serious thread...please add something of value. Why are you willing to fight to the death to make sure the southern roaches are spoon fed while never mentioning the others dying and living in despair? That’s pretty fucked up. A connecting landmass and a plane ride makes the difference huh?
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?
The answer can be found on

Can we use your log-in name and password? whistles people. You're not supposed to be overtly racist...

Didn't you get the memo?
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?
They're pandering to their base whistles people. You're not supposed to be overtly racist...

Didn't you get the memo?
The dog whistle metaphor presumes it's only the dog who can hear the whistle....So why is it that you can hear the whistle?....You must be a racist!
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?
The answer can be found on

Are Democrats against those others requesting assylum?

Children are dying, being sold to pedophiles in Afghanistan and you say nothing about saving them...Meanwhile little Gustavo gets three hots and a cot in a detention center and you whine like little bitches. You should be ashamed of yourselves for allowing a little ole plane ride to make the difference. whistles people. You're not supposed to be overtly racist...

Didn't you get the memo?
The dog whistle metaphor presumes it's only the dog who can hear the whistle....So why is it that you can hear the whistle?....You must be a racist!

It's a libturd drone. There isn't any actual thinking going on to make that imbecile anything more than a tool that parrots agitprop.
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?
The answer can be found on

This is a serious thread...please add something of value. Why are you willing to fight to the death to make sure the southern roaches are spoon fed while never mentioning the others dying and living in despair? That’s pretty fucked up. A connecting landmass and a plane ride makes the difference huh?

Your question is biased.
Ask an objective question and maybe you'll get some decent answers.
I'm all for helping the Syrians since they've lost their homes and cities to Bashar al Assad.
But Trump won't tolerate that since they're Muslims.
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?
The answer can be found on

This is a serious thread...please add something of value. Why are you willing to fight to the death to make sure the southern roaches are spoon fed while never mentioning the others dying and living in despair? That’s pretty fucked up. A connecting landmass and a plane ride makes the difference huh?

Your question is biased.
Ask an objective question and maybe you'll get some decent answers.
I'm all for helping the Syrians since they've lost their homes and cities to Bashar al Assad.
But Trump won't tolerate that since they're Muslims.

Why aren’t you Mexicrats crowdfunding to save the poor people in Afghanistan? Why isn’t Jeff Bezos and Mark Zukerberg donating one days wage to spare the Afghans from selling their children and why aren’t you and your people storming their headquarters to demand that they do?
All of the G20 nations not just the USA need to address the world calamity of starving children IMO. I believe the only solution is offering sterilization with relief. Every time I suggest that people wig out, which I don't understand. Is it better to encourage ignorant people who can't feed their kids to have more kids? When we see the videos of starving kids in Africa for example, the Mom doesn't have just one kid she has 3 or 4.
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?
Because Trump won't let them in.
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?
Oh please. The rising infant natality rate in Appalachia proves Republicans don’t even care what happens to their own base. So pretending they care about what happens to the rest of the world is laughable.
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?
Because Trump won't let them in.

Bezos or Soros could fly them into Mexico...they could cross with the caravan of filth. They’d be no different than the Hondurans or the El Salvadorans.
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?
Oh please. The rising infant natality rate in Appalachia proves Republicans don’t even care what happens to their own base. So pretending they care about what happens to the rest of the world is laughable.

This thread isn’t about who or what Republicans care’s about what and who Mexicrats don’t care about.
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?
Why aren't you?

Oh yeah...the hatred-of-all-non-'white'-people thing.


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