Children dying all over the world and Democrats don’t care...why only help Brownies to our south?

Democrats are not in charge, Republicans are.

So get busy and do something useful for a change.
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?

Those kids can't stuff the voting boxes and destroy the country by bringing in their 3rd world ways.

BrokeLoser, I expected you to be able to deduce as much.
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that ALL Democrats (as you say) do not care about the people you mentioned?

I guarantee that you cannot provide such a link.

And without it, your point is totally unsubstantiated and utterly worthless (factually speaking).
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For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?

Do you start every thread with a false premise?

Dems do care about kids everywhere . It’s the cons who are heartless monsters . You don’t even care about Americans dieing in the wildfires . Because it’s California.
We wouldn’t have an illegal alien problem if people like you would stop giving them jobs.
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?

Hey, moron.....check out........

Executive Order 13769, ......., often referred to as the Muslim ban or the travel ban, was an executive order issued by United States President Donald Trump.
About 1% of the federal budget is spent on foreign aid. Of that, 14% is spent on humanitarian efforts such as UN food programs. Trump wants to cut that $$ by two thirds and give it only to "our friends."
How Does the U.S. Spend Its Foreign Aid?

So don't blame Democrats for not caring.
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?

Where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that ALL Democrats (as you say) do not care about the people you mentioned?

I guarantee that you cannot provide such a link. And without it, your point is proved totally unsubstantiated and utterly worthless (factually speaking).

Link us to your posts showing you demanded the US taxpayer allow Afghan kids to steal from them. I bet I can link to thousands where you and your loony buddies made the demand for wetbacks.
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?

Do you start every thread with a false premise?

Dems do care about kids everywhere . It’s the cons who are heartless monsters . You don’t even care about Americans dieing in the wildfires . Because it’s California.

I’ve said it many times before....I DON’T CARE, I can’t give two fucks about cultures killing themselves’s attrition doing what it does. Stop having fucking babies...TA-DA!
I say send them crates of rubbers and let them figure it out.
NOW, back to you bleeding heart fools.
“Link us to your posts showing you demanded the US taxpayer allow Afghan kids to steal from them. I bet I can link to thousands where you and your loony buddies made the demand for wetbacks.”
This is a serious thread...please add something of value.
I did. I intimated, as anyone with a functioning brain can understand, that this is all loaded horseshit from a freakish, racist mindset that should be mocked into oblivion. Such an important rejection of you and your hilariously stupid nonsense is very important to society, indeed.
This is a serious thread...please add something of value.
I did. I intimated, as anyone with a functioning brain can understand, that this is all loaded horseshit from a freakish, racist mindset that should be mocked into oblivion. Such an important rejection of you and your hilariously stupid nonsense is very important to society, indeed.

“I really hate the overly rational mind...the truth is a major inconvenience for me.”
Democrats continue to force good Americans to pay illegal wetbacks to gorge their fatass selves using taxpayer funds...meanwhile children starve to death daily in Yemen and they say nothing about it. FUCKING WEIRD!

For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?


Yemen: up to 85,000 young children dead from starvation

Paul Ryan blocks House from taking up Yemen bill
Dimms only want to help children that can make Conservatives somehow look bad.

Their compassion is simply political calculus. Nothing more.
trump is on the side of the saudis who are funding what....o the war in yemen

not all people are as ignorant as trump voters
For what ever the reason Democrats have issued the free pass and golden ticket to Mexicans, Central and South Americans...Meanwhile, people far more desperate and in far worse condition suffer all over the world while Democrats do nothing and say nothing about it.
Is a plane ride really the difference maker? Why aren’t they advocating to fly jumbo jets around the globe in an effort to round up the worlds most desperate for us to take care of?

Do you start every thread with a false premise?

Dems do care about kids everywhere . It’s the cons who are heartless monsters . You don’t even care about Americans dieing in the wildfires . Because it’s California.
Planned parenthood supporter claiming he loves kids. Now that's funny.
Democrats are not in charge, Republicans are.

So get busy and do something useful for a change.
Next month when the democrats take power back in one house. Instead of helping americans, their first priority is Trumps tax return.

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