Chilling - Gun confiscations begin in Florida

This is a very slippery slope, when legislators pass laws that allow local authorities to confiscate guns from individuals based on "criteria" before any crime has been committed.

While we certainly see the benefit IF THE PERSON WAS ACTUALLY STOPPED from murdering people, but none of the people from whom weapons were taken have. And yes, it's a small number of people to begin with. but once the precedent has been set, once Florida gets a Democrat gun grabber governor and legislature all it takes is arbitrary rulings to be added, such as anyone who's ever posted on a forum and seems angry about political circumstances, could be added to the list. Or anyone who supports certain Presidents. Don't ever underestimate the radical Left.

More than 450 people in Florida ordered to give up guns under new law, report says

Here is a link to the full text of the law passed.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

If a person identifies you as potentially harmful through nearly any act or threat of aggression, you could have your guns confiscated.

This is a VERY VERY dangerous law. The state has declared lawyers hired to defend actions by defendants to block these actions cannot be awarded attorneys fees, thereby discouraging attorneys from taking cases where these actions have been initiated.

This should be seen as a shot across the bow to the 2nd amendment.

Unbelievable leeway to do large scale confiscations.
Yes, taking guns away from mentally unstable people who have not killed anyone is a travesty. So is denying a drivers license to blind people until that actually run over someone in a crosswalk. Fucking idiot!

A blind person doesn't have a right to a driver's license.

And why not? If a complete Idiot with openly known homicidal tendencies can buy and own a gun why shouldn't a blind person be permitted to drive? There isn't much difference.

Driving is not a guaranteed constitutional right
A blind person has the right to buy a gun no one has the right to drive
IF....everyone the guns were taken from had made credible threats against others and that is provable, then that information should be made available to the public.

Having a hush hush, secret means of doing this is even worse because we don't know if the people who had their guns taken were a credible threat in any way.
People who are outspoken such as anyone on this forum could be added to that list if the wrong people get in power.

All it takes is a few votes in a Leftist legislature or a few State Supreme Court radicals to expand this into a comprehensive confiscation scheme.
IF....everyone the guns were taken from had made credible threats against others and that is provable, then that information should be made available to the public.

Having a hush hush, secret means of doing this is even worse because we don't know if the people who had their guns taken were a credible threat in any way.
People who are outspoken such as anyone on this forum could be added to that list if the wrong people get in power.

All it takes is a few votes in a Leftist legislature or a few State Supreme Court radicals to expand this into a comprehensive confiscation scheme.

In this case, it was a right wing state government that passed this law into law. It's the same law that Colorado tried to get passed here. But the NRA spent a few million in blocking it. But it looks like the NRA is a bit cash strapped right now and maybe our Politicians will be more likely to vote without being bought off as much. And even though the fruitcakes do get their arms temporarily removed, it should not be for public records. Even fruitcakes privacy should be protected. Even a fruitcake like you.
I shouldn't have my guns taken away if the only person I'm going to harm is myself.
This is a very slippery slope, when legislators pass laws that allow local authorities to confiscate guns from individuals based on "criteria" before any crime has been committed.

While we certainly see the benefit IF THE PERSON WAS ACTUALLY STOPPED from murdering people, but none of the people from whom weapons were taken have. And yes, it's a small number of people to begin with. but once the precedent has been set, once Florida gets a Democrat gun grabber governor and legislature all it takes is arbitrary rulings to be added, such as anyone who's ever posted on a forum and seems angry about political circumstances, could be added to the list. Or anyone who supports certain Presidents. Don't ever underestimate the radical Left.

More than 450 people in Florida ordered to give up guns under new law, report says

Here is a link to the full text of the law passed.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

If a person identifies you as potentially harmful through nearly any act or threat of aggression, you could have your guns confiscated.

This is a VERY VERY dangerous law. The state has declared lawyers hired to defend actions by defendants to block these actions cannot be awarded attorneys fees, thereby discouraging attorneys from taking cases where these actions have been initiated.

This should be seen as a shot across the bow to the 2nd amendment.

Unbelievable leeway to do large scale confiscations.

If you dig deep enough, you'll find that it was the NRA who helped to pen it.
This is a very slippery slope, when legislators pass laws that allow local authorities to confiscate guns from individuals based on "criteria" before any crime has been committed.

While we certainly see the benefit IF THE PERSON WAS ACTUALLY STOPPED from murdering people, but none of the people from whom weapons were taken have. And yes, it's a small number of people to begin with. but once the precedent has been set, once Florida gets a Democrat gun grabber governor and legislature all it takes is arbitrary rulings to be added, such as anyone who's ever posted on a forum and seems angry about political circumstances, could be added to the list. Or anyone who supports certain Presidents. Don't ever underestimate the radical Left.

More than 450 people in Florida ordered to give up guns under new law, report says

Here is a link to the full text of the law passed.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

If a person identifies you as potentially harmful through nearly any act or threat of aggression, you could have your guns confiscated.

This is a VERY VERY dangerous law. The state has declared lawyers hired to defend actions by defendants to block these actions cannot be awarded attorneys fees, thereby discouraging attorneys from taking cases where these actions have been initiated.

This should be seen as a shot across the bow to the 2nd amendment.

Unbelievable leeway to do large scale confiscations.

The left is so scared of Trump becoming Hitler, yet do something like this? Un-fucking-real.
Ah yes, all crazies should have an arsenal. LOL What a bunch of stupid asshole losers you people are.
You have to be a fucking nitwit to believe mentally deranged people should be out buying arms. The Florida law is aimed at those who have made threats and are dangers to their family and the community. Only a lunatic would want to see these people armed to the hilt.

You don’t get it. Allowing the government to be able to decide if someone is a danger or not is a dangerous power grab. If you go on Facebook and rant about how stupid Trump supporters are, should they have the right to take your gun away? Why do you people want to give the government so much power, yet at the same time fear that Trump will make himself America’s dictator? Seems you’re not smart enough to know your values contradict one another.
I shouldn't have my guns taken away if the only person I'm going to harm is myself.

If you had your guns and you were locked in a 12 inch thick walled room with no way out and no access to other people I would agree with you.
This is a very slippery slope, when legislators pass laws that allow local authorities to confiscate guns from individuals based on "criteria" before any crime has been committed.

While we certainly see the benefit IF THE PERSON WAS ACTUALLY STOPPED from murdering people, but none of the people from whom weapons were taken have. And yes, it's a small number of people to begin with. but once the precedent has been set, once Florida gets a Democrat gun grabber governor and legislature all it takes is arbitrary rulings to be added, such as anyone who's ever posted on a forum and seems angry about political circumstances, could be added to the list. Or anyone who supports certain Presidents. Don't ever underestimate the radical Left.

More than 450 people in Florida ordered to give up guns under new law, report says

Here is a link to the full text of the law passed.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

If a person identifies you as potentially harmful through nearly any act or threat of aggression, you could have your guns confiscated.

This is a VERY VERY dangerous law. The state has declared lawyers hired to defend actions by defendants to block these actions cannot be awarded attorneys fees, thereby discouraging attorneys from taking cases where these actions have been initiated.

This should be seen as a shot across the bow to the 2nd amendment.

Unbelievable leeway to do large scale confiscations.
I don't see a problem with confescation IF the person is violent or mentally disturbed.

The problem seems to be the purposeful release of disturbed individuals by authorities in Democrat controlled districts.

It's like they're setting them loose so they can carry out attacks. I know this sounds far-fetched, but that's the beauty of it. Nobody would suspect that our media's favorite politicians are lining us up for the slaughter just so they can take away our Constitutional rights one by one.
The Ends Justify The Means.
I shouldn't have my guns taken away if the only person I'm going to harm is myself.

If you had your guns and you were locked in a 12 inch thick walled room with no way out and no access to other people I would agree with you.

Locking me in a room would be depriving me of my freedom.
A sign of real freedom is the right to have a gun with at least one bullet.
This is a very slippery slope, when legislators pass laws that allow local authorities to confiscate guns from individuals based on "criteria" before any crime has been committed.

While we certainly see the benefit IF THE PERSON WAS ACTUALLY STOPPED from murdering people, but none of the people from whom weapons were taken have. And yes, it's a small number of people to begin with. but once the precedent has been set, once Florida gets a Democrat gun grabber governor and legislature all it takes is arbitrary rulings to be added, such as anyone who's ever posted on a forum and seems angry about political circumstances, could be added to the list. Or anyone who supports certain Presidents. Don't ever underestimate the radical Left.

More than 450 people in Florida ordered to give up guns under new law, report says

Here is a link to the full text of the law passed.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

If a person identifies you as potentially harmful through nearly any act or threat of aggression, you could have your guns confiscated.

This is a VERY VERY dangerous law. The state has declared lawyers hired to defend actions by defendants to block these actions cannot be awarded attorneys fees, thereby discouraging attorneys from taking cases where these actions have been initiated.

This should be seen as a shot across the bow to the 2nd amendment.

Unbelievable leeway to do large scale confiscations.
I don't see a problem with confescation IF the person is violent or mentally disturbed.

The problem seems to be the purposeful release of disturbed individuals by authorities in Democrat controlled districts.

It's like they're setting them loose so they can carry out attacks. I know this sounds far-fetched, but that's the beauty of it. Nobody would suspect that our media's favorite politicians are lining us up for the slaughter just so they can take away our Constitutional rights one by one.
The Ends Justify The Means.

Oh, I see. It's okay if that law is in place in a Republican controlled area but heaven forbid if it's put into place in a Democrat controlled area.
This is a very slippery slope, when legislators pass laws that allow local authorities to confiscate guns from individuals based on "criteria" before any crime has been committed.

While we certainly see the benefit IF THE PERSON WAS ACTUALLY STOPPED from murdering people, but none of the people from whom weapons were taken have. And yes, it's a small number of people to begin with. but once the precedent has been set, once Florida gets a Democrat gun grabber governor and legislature all it takes is arbitrary rulings to be added, such as anyone who's ever posted on a forum and seems angry about political circumstances, could be added to the list. Or anyone who supports certain Presidents. Don't ever underestimate the radical Left.

More than 450 people in Florida ordered to give up guns under new law, report says

Here is a link to the full text of the law passed.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

If a person identifies you as potentially harmful through nearly any act or threat of aggression, you could have your guns confiscated.

This is a VERY VERY dangerous law. The state has declared lawyers hired to defend actions by defendants to block these actions cannot be awarded attorneys fees, thereby discouraging attorneys from taking cases where these actions have been initiated.

This should be seen as a shot across the bow to the 2nd amendment.

Unbelievable leeway to do large scale confiscations.
I don't see a problem with confescation IF the person is violent or mentally disturbed.

The problem seems to be the purposeful release of disturbed individuals by authorities in Democrat controlled districts.

It's like they're setting them loose so they can carry out attacks. I know this sounds far-fetched, but that's the beauty of it. Nobody would suspect that our media's favorite politicians are lining us up for the slaughter just so they can take away our Constitutional rights one by one.
The Ends Justify The Means.

Oh, I see. It's okay if that law is in place in a Republican controlled area but heaven forbid if it's put into place in a Democrat controlled area.
This sort of thing tends to only happen in Democrat's districts.
This is a very slippery slope, when legislators pass laws that allow local authorities to confiscate guns from individuals based on "criteria" before any crime has been committed.

While we certainly see the benefit IF THE PERSON WAS ACTUALLY STOPPED from murdering people, but none of the people from whom weapons were taken have. And yes, it's a small number of people to begin with. but once the precedent has been set, once Florida gets a Democrat gun grabber governor and legislature all it takes is arbitrary rulings to be added, such as anyone who's ever posted on a forum and seems angry about political circumstances, could be added to the list. Or anyone who supports certain Presidents. Don't ever underestimate the radical Left.

More than 450 people in Florida ordered to give up guns under new law, report says

Here is a link to the full text of the law passed.

Statutes & Constitution :View Statutes : Online Sunshine

If a person identifies you as potentially harmful through nearly any act or threat of aggression, you could have your guns confiscated.

This is a VERY VERY dangerous law. The state has declared lawyers hired to defend actions by defendants to block these actions cannot be awarded attorneys fees, thereby discouraging attorneys from taking cases where these actions have been initiated.

This should be seen as a shot across the bow to the 2nd amendment.

Unbelievable leeway to do large scale confiscations.
I don't see a problem with confescation IF the person is violent or mentally disturbed.

The problem seems to be the purposeful release of disturbed individuals by authorities in Democrat controlled districts.

It's like they're setting them loose so they can carry out attacks. I know this sounds far-fetched, but that's the beauty of it. Nobody would suspect that our media's favorite politicians are lining us up for the slaughter just so they can take away our Constitutional rights one by one.
The Ends Justify The Means.

Oh, I see. It's okay if that law is in place in a Republican controlled area but heaven forbid if it's put into place in a Democrat controlled area.
This sort of thing tends to only happen in Democrat's districts.

Funny, isn't Parkland High School in a Republican District and that was the straw that broke the camel's back? It's more likely to happen in a Red Area because the Firearms are more accepted there. So dream on there, cupcake.

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