China Aims to Spend at Least $360 Billion on Renewable Energy by 2020


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
China Aims to Spend at Least $360 Billion on Renewable Energy by 2020
Source: NY Times
China intends to spend more than $360 billion through 2020 on renewable power sources like solar and wind, the governments energy agency said on Thursday.

The agency said in a statement that China would create more than 13 million jobs in the renewable energy sector by 2020, curb the growth of greenhouse gasses that contribute to global warming and reduce the amount of soot that in recent days has blanketed Beijing and other Chinese cities in a noxious cloud of smog.

Even the headline-grabbing numbers on total investment and job creation may understate what is already happening on the ground in China. Greenpeace estimates that China installed an average of more than one wind turbine every hour of every day in 2015, and covered the equivalent of one soccer field every hour with solar panels.

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This is why china will be the next super power and we will be looked down on as a failure.
China Aims to Spend at Least $360 Billion on Renewable Energy by 2020
Source: NY Times
China intends to spend more than $360 billion through 2020 on renewable power sources like solar and wind, the governments energy agency said on Thursday.

The agency said in a statement that China would create more than 13 million jobs in the renewable energy sector by 2020, curb the growth of greenhouse gasses that contribute to global warming and reduce the amount of soot that in recent days has blanketed Beijing and other Chinese cities in a noxious cloud of smog.

Even the headline-grabbing numbers on total investment and job creation may understate what is already happening on the ground in China. Greenpeace estimates that China installed an average of more than one wind turbine every hour of every day in 2015, and covered the equivalent of one soccer field every hour with solar panels.

Read more:®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0

This is why china will be the next super power and we will be looked down on as a failure.

China is able to get things done that need to be done. The US is so partisan that nothing good ever happens.

China is building infrastructure that'll make it easier to make money, making energy that will mean it won't have so many problems with oil rich countries. China is on the way up and the US is on the way down.
China Aims to Spend at Least $360 Billion on Renewable Energy by 2020
Source: NY Times
China intends to spend more than $360 billion through 2020 on renewable power sources like solar and wind, the governments energy agency said on Thursday.

The agency said in a statement that China would create more than 13 million jobs in the renewable energy sector by 2020, curb the growth of greenhouse gasses that contribute to global warming and reduce the amount of soot that in recent days has blanketed Beijing and other Chinese cities in a noxious cloud of smog.

Even the headline-grabbing numbers on total investment and job creation may understate what is already happening on the ground in China. Greenpeace estimates that China installed an average of more than one wind turbine every hour of every day in 2015, and covered the equivalent of one soccer field every hour with solar panels.

Read more:®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0

This is why china will be the next super power and we will be looked down on as a failure.

China is able to get things done that need to be done. The US is so partisan that nothing good ever happens.

China is building infrastructure that'll make it easier to make money, making energy that will mean it won't have so many problems with oil rich countries. China is on the way up and the US is on the way down.
No country with the energy reserves, Silicon Valley, and entrepreneurial spirit we have is on its way down. And no country with a proposed trillion dollar infrastructure build out is on its way down. Actually, as obama likes to cite, of all the developed countries in the world, we have fared economically better than anyone else in the last eight years.
How wind and solar are winning the day
According to Lazard, wind costs have fallen 66 percent since 2009, from $140/MWh to $47/MWh.


Large-scale solar’s cost declines have been even more dramatic, falling 85 percent since 2009 from more than $350/MWh to $55/MWh.


Compare this with the cheapest form of conventional fuel-fired generation today — natural gas-fired combined cycle power plants whose LCOE averages $63/MWh.


Wind And Solar Are Our Cheapest Electricity Sources — Now What Do We Do? – America’s Power Plan

Given this, I think that in the US we will be spending a lot more on renewables than anyone imagined 5 years ago.
Does anyone know how much the US currently spends?

I would hope any "renewable energy" spending is Private and not from my tax dollars. Too much overhead to run money through the giant sink-hole FED GOVT.

If renewable energy is profitable.......private will do it.
There have been subsidies for both wind and solar. Subsidies to utilities and to individuals using these for power for private residences. I do not think that they are needed now. Both renewables are more than competitive with fossil fuels. And both, especially solar, scalable, to from residential to giga-watt installations.

Where the government should be involved is large grid out to the areas that have the highest potential for these sources of power. Do it in the same manner that the Interstates were built. And then charge the utilities for the amount of power they put over the lines. Cost plus enough cover future maintenance.
There have been subsidies for both wind and solar. Subsidies to utilities and to individuals using these for power for private residences. I do not think that they are needed now. Both renewables are more than competitive with fossil fuels. And both, especially solar, scalable, to from residential to giga-watt installations.

Where the government should be involved is large grid out to the areas that have the highest potential for these sources of power. Do it in the same manner that the Interstates were built. And then charge the utilities for the amount of power they put over the lines. Cost plus enough cover future maintenance.
Subsidies are nothing but government approved racketeering. The kind of racketeering the Mafia can only dream of committing.

Government subsiding ANYTHING means only failure...but politicians and their cronies get rich. How the fuck a simple man like you does not know this, is appalling.
LOL The subsidies achieved exactly what they were designed for. The renewables are now cheaper to install, and produce each watt cheaper than any fossil fuel. Without the externalities of the fossil fuels. That is hardly failure. The only failure I see here is between your ears.
LOL The subsidies achieved exactly what they were designed for. The renewables are now cheaper to install, and produce each watt cheaper than any fossil fuel. Without the externalities of the fossil fuels. That is hardly failure. The only failure I see here is between your ears.
At extraordinary cost and amazingly wasteful, but you have no clue. The added benefit for dupes like you, is the politicians and their friends make a killing.
The stupid policies favored by the deniers would be like, if say around 1920, we had banned automobiles and subsidized horses, in order to save the precious jobs at the buggy whip factories.

Renewable energy already employs twice as many people in the USA as fossil fuels, and that imbalance keeps getting bigger. Yet the deniers want to destroy the renewable jobs and subsidize a dying industry, thus making sure China gets all of the jobs and profits. It's enough to make someone think they want to destroy the USA.
The stupid policies favored by the deniers would be like, if say around 1920, we had banned automobiles and subsidized horses, in order to save the precious jobs at the buggy whip factories.

Renewable energy already employs twice as many people in the USA as fossil fuels, and that imbalance keeps getting bigger. Yet the deniers want to destroy the renewable jobs and subsidize a dying industry, thus making sure China gets all of the jobs and profits. It's enough to make someone think they want to destroy the USA.
renewable energy employs twice as many people as fossil fuels yet produces less then 1% of the electricity of fossil fuels. Brilliant Scientific based solution to our Energy needs.
renewable energy employs twice as many people as fossil fuels yet produces less then 1% of the electricity of fossil fuels. Brilliant Scientific based solution to our Energy needs.

You're numbers are way off, but the bigger point is your suckass logic.

It takes time to build things. For a while, there were more buggies in the USA than cars, even if more people were building cars.
renewable energy employs twice as many people as fossil fuels yet produces less then 1% of the electricity of fossil fuels. Brilliant Scientific based solution to our Energy needs.

You're numbers are way off, but the bigger point is your suckass logic.

It takes time to build things. For a while, there were more buggies in the USA than cars, even if more people were building cars.
My numbers are 100% accurate, yes you are right it takes time to build things, and to build the giant Wind Turbines and giant Solar Panels by the millions takes time, and fossil fuels. What part of your great science came up with, "Make Bigger and More". Logic? In your tiny mind "Bigger" and "More" is science? Ignoring the bigger they are, the more of them you build, the more CO2 you create in manufacturing, thus in your logic, causing global warming. Yep, build them faster to prove a point, that CO2 is a problem. Brilliant Science from idiots!!!!
What part of your great science came up with, "Make Bigger and More". Logic? In your tiny mind "Bigger" and "More" is science?

That's your kook rambling. Don't ask us to explain it.

Ignoring the bigger they are, the more of them you build, the more CO2 you create in manufacturing, thus in your logic, causing global warming.

And then for many years, they put out carbon-free energy, repaying their carbon-debt many times over.

And then eventually, enough of the grid is carbon-free so that it's carbon-free power creating more carbon-free infrastructure.

A second grader could grasp that, but you can't. You really shouldn't be bothering the grownups.

And sadly, your vote counts as much an a normal person's vote.
What part of your great science came up with, "Make Bigger and More". Logic? In your tiny mind "Bigger" and "More" is science?

That's your kook rambling. Don't ask us to explain it.

Ignoring the bigger they are, the more of them you build, the more CO2 you create in manufacturing, thus in your logic, causing global warming.

And then for many years, they put out carbon-free energy, repaying their carbon-debt many times over.

And then eventually, enough of the grid is carbon-free so that it's carbon-free power creating more carbon-free infrastructure.

A second grader could grasp that, but you can't. You really shouldn't be bothering the grownups.

And sadly, your vote counts as much an a normal person's vote.
Your post is pure hogwash, Solar and Wind can not supply the power to power 1% of the homes in China let alone anywhere else. They put out carbon free energy? If you ignore the maintenance and replacement which now, is a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week, every year demand. Building more and bigger, replacing the thousands, the tens of thousands that fail, is anything but carbon free, it is carbon creating. And using more to make less is plan old stupidity. Democrats have no grasp of Science, if you did you would understand that making more, and bigger, and getting less out is a losing proposition.

After one year of operation, Wind Turbines are producing less energy than the day they were built, by the 8-10th year of operation Wind Turbines produce a 1/4 of when they were first installed. Nuclear power on the other hand, in the USA, produces more power now then when they were installed.

Any way you look at the Science, Wind and Solar fail and the idea that you can simply make them bigger, make more of them, and replace them often, is just proof that Solar and Wind have failed.

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