China Aims to Spend at Least $360 Billion on Renewable Energy by 2020

Your post is pure hogwash, Solar and Wind can not supply the power to power 1% of the homes in China let alone anywhere else.

Reality begs to differ.

China to generate a quarter of electricity from wind power by 2030

They put out carbon free energy? If you ignore the maintenance and replacement which now, is a 24 hour a day, 7 day a week, every year demand.

24/7? Then how come nobody is ever out maintaining them when I drive past? Oh, that's right, it's just another one of your weird fantasies.

Building more and bigger, replacing the thousands, the tens of thousands that fail, is anything but carbon free, it is carbon creating. And using more to make less is plan old stupidity. Democrats have no grasp of Science, if you did you would understand that making more, and bigger, and getting less out is a losing proposition.

The free market disagree with you. People are building turbines because they are very profitable, because they return so much energy. If you've got a problem with the free market, you must be some kind of commie.

After one year of operation, Wind Turbines are producing less energy than the day they were built, by the 8-10th year of operation Wind Turbines produce a 1/4 of when they were first installed.

Please tell us how that works, with links.

Back in the real world, turbines have a constant output over their lives.

Nuclear power on the other hand, in the USA, produces more power now then when they were installed

Please tell us how that works, with links.

Back in the real world, nuclear reactors have the same max power output over their lives, by design.

Any way you look at the Science, Wind and Solar fail and the idea that you can simply make them bigger, make more of them, and replace them often, is just proof that Solar and Wind have failed.

I don't know how you got so delusional, and it doesn't really matter. You just are.
Reality begs to differ.

China to generate a quarter of electricity from wind power by 2030

I don't know how you got so delusional, and it doesn't really matter. You just are.
China will do what when? How about actually linking to the report your "news" vaguely references! Really, an article about an article that references a report that you have not seen is what you believe? Really? Are you that gullible? Produce the report that you have just made a claim about or look like the fool spewing hogwash that you are.
Nuclear power on the other hand, in the USA, produces more power now then when they were installed

Please tell us how that works, with links.

Back in the real world, nuclear reactors have the same max power output over their lives, by design.

I don't know how you got so delusional, and it doesn't really matter. You just are.
"by design"? Well, that shows mamooth to be ignorant. You would think people claiming the higher ground of being based in Science would at the very least google what they reply to before they foolishly respond.

Nuclear Power in the USA has increased not decreased, less plants produce more power by improved design. Now there something people who have no understanding of engineering and science forget about. Designs can be improved upon. One of the biggest problems with "design" was nuclear power plant chemistry, which has been redesigned, resulting in less unscheduled outages. Or how about the biggest problem in pressurized water reactors, the steam generators that failed, being replaced with improved designs, resulting in more power created? There is also that pesky thing called capacity factor that takes many things into consideration, going from 66% to over 90%.

Mamooth demands links? While failing to link or only linking to tertiary sources?
Nuclear power has increased in the USA despite Nuclear power plants being shutdown!

Despite recent closures, U.S. nuclear capacity is scheduled to increase by 2020 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

A significant achievement of the US nuclear power industry over the last 20 years has been the increase in operating efficiency with improved maintenance. This has resulted in greatly increased capacity factor (output proportion of their nominal full-power capacity), which has gone from 56.3% in 1980 and 66% in 1990 to 91.1% in 2008. A major component of this is the length of refuelling outage, which in 1990 averaged 107 days but dropped to 40 days by 2000. The record is now 15 days. In addition, average thermal efficiency rose from 32.49% in 1980 to 33.40% in 1990 and 33.85% in 1999.

All this is reflected in increased output even since 1990, from 577 billion kilowatt hours to 809 billion kWh, a 40% improvement despite little increase in installed capacity, and equivalent to 29 new 1,000 MWe reactors.
LOL The subsidies achieved exactly what they were designed for. The renewables are now cheaper to install, and produce each watt cheaper than any fossil fuel. Without the externalities of the fossil fuels. That is hardly failure. The only failure I see here is between your ears.
First there is no such thing as Renewable Energy, that is a farce of a term that is the opposite of what Wind and Solar are.

Wind and Solar are not cheaper to install than a fossil fuel plant? First, Wind and Solar are given free government land. Second Wind and Solar are given massive amounts of cash, call it a subsidy, call it a tax break, but whatever you call it, it is millions of dollars paying off all who invested before we see one house powered with electricity. Externalities? Right! Solar and Wind are dependent on fossil fuels, in the manufacture of said Solar and Wind, in the maintenance of Solar and Wind, in the operation of Solar and Wind, and in the disposal of Solar and Wind. In every step of the process, the function, the utilization of Solar and Wind, it is entirely dependent on fossil fuels.

Solar and Wind increase the use of Fossil Fuels. There is no way around it, when you create a never before industry which builds the largest things in the world that give us the least return, you are increasing the us fossil fuels.

The idea that Solar and Wind free us from using fossil fuels is nothing less than outright lying.
If it is so bad why is china spending all this money?
what are you talking about? Is Matthew really brave enough to engage and support Matthew's own comments, lets see? Explain what you are talking about.
renewable energy employs twice as many people as fossil fuels yet produces less then 1% of the electricity of fossil fuels. Brilliant Scientific based solution to our Energy needs.

You're numbers are way off, but the bigger point is your suckass logic.

It takes time to build things. For a while, there were more buggies in the USA than cars, even if more people were building cars.
My numbers are 100% accurate, yes you are right it takes time to build things, and to build the giant Wind Turbines and giant Solar Panels by the millions takes time, and fossil fuels. What part of your great science came up with, "Make Bigger and More". Logic? In your tiny mind "Bigger" and "More" is science? Ignoring the bigger they are, the more of them you build, the more CO2 you create in manufacturing, thus in your logic, causing global warming. Yep, build them faster to prove a point, that CO2 is a problem. Brilliant Science from idiots!!!!
Your numbers are pulled from your ass and they stink.
Nuclear is far to expensive to be anything but a backup.
Liar. Solar and Wind are by far a 1000x's more expensive. Everything associated with solar and wind is a subsidy. That is why solar and wind has died in greece, spain, germany, and everywhere else.
2 remarkable facts that illustrate solar power’s declining cost

That annual report (which I covered in this post) covers the development of renewable energy in emerging nations. It shows, among other things, that those countries, led by China, are now investing more in renewable energy and installing more renewable energy capacity than developed nations.

It also shows that, thanks to recent cost declines, the capital costs of new solar in emerging economies has nudged down barely below the costs of new wind:

As Randall says, “solar was bound to fall below wind eventually, given its steeper price declines, [but] few predicted it would happen this soon.”

Keep in mind, this is only capex — capital costs. The total cost of energy wind produces for emerging nations is still cheaper, because wind turbines produce more output per megawatt of capacity than solar panels. (They have a higher “capacity factor,” in the lingo.) But it is an impressive milestone nonetheless.

It is one reason that solar PV capacity is set to outpace wind for the first time this year. In a year-end note, BNEF chair Michael Liebreich says, “the latest projections from our solar and wind analysis teams are that there will be almost 70 gigawatts of photovoltaics added globally in 2016, up from 56 gigawatts in 2015, and that wind installations will total 59 gigawatts, down from 62 gigawatts last year.”

Together, wind and utility-scale solar are now the cheapest available energy sources in the places that are building the most of them. Liebreich says bluntly, “renewable energy will beat any other technology in most of the world without subsidies.

As usual, Ms. Elektra doesn't know know her ass from a hole in the ground.
"By 2025, worldwide coal use increases by approximately 60 percent over 2002 levels............."

For the next 30 years at least, China is going to be going bonkers burning coal!


Do I like it? duh.......but it is what it is. Maybe I set the bar too low on the dreaming stuff, but I do.

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