China arrests Australian TV host on suspicion of spying

You trust China to tell you the truth.
But the alternative you suggest is trusting anonymous internet posters who know shit about shit about this to suddenly have all the truth based on gut feelings and thoughts and prayers. You don't think that is just as silly, if not more so?

If there is anyone on this forum who has watched more videos, news articles or form information on China, and it's adversaries interactions with them, be it Japan, India, Taiwan, Australia and even just random people who have lived there (and seemingly have no objective), I'd like to meet them.

I try to seek objective and fair coverage, be it the Indian/China border scuffle, the issues with Chinas artificial islands in the South China Sea (many are unstable, for instance, and their intentions aren't necessarily military but economic, due to UN economic rules of border sovereignty), their military expansion and capabilities or, the claims by Communists that they expelled a U.S Destroyer from the SCS, and have said so publicly (while U.S has remained mum on the issue). Even the trade war that America had, in which, China was losing but regained much ground AFTER the Wuhan Virus was released has been a real issue of interest for me.

Bottom line, I have my thesis on China based on more than a decade of interest in the matter and in particular the last few years. I am not some "anonymous poster who knows sh__ about sh__". I may not be some top level classified operative. I can tell you, I'm batting a better average than many of those who had their head in the sand though.

People can disagree or retort the article and the reality of the arrest, but this isn't coming out of left field. Simply because I make strong comments about the threat China poses to the West and America that might be inconvenient for some, doesn't mean it isn't a very real danger. We've seen this movie before, no society has had more obvious warnings about the danger than China has shown. This isn't 1938, we aren't beholden to waiting for official announcements in the papers to tell us what is what. All the world and it's government knows what is going on.

Who is going to call it out today? We better start on forums and hope it continues in the highest offices of the West.
Originally posted by Taz
Did China give you a 10% discount at all the Chinese restaurants in the world or something?

I wish...

Mexican food is overrated... I'll never understand America's fascination with it... and I'm Latino.

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