China bites back.....look out america, its only gonna get worse

China's huge holdings of U.S. debt fell to $1.12 trillion at the end of October, their lowest level in more than six years, according to U.S. Treasury Department data. Japan held $1.13 trillion.

Both countries offloaded Treasuries during the month, but China dumped far more: its holdings dropped by $41.3 billion, while Japan's fell by just $4.5 billion.

Related: Trump attacks China on trade but misses the mark

China's willingness to lend vast sums to the U.S. government has drawn a lot of attention in recent years. Since September 2008, the Treasury Department has ranked it as the biggest foreign creditor to the U.S., with the exception of one month in early 2015 and again with its latest update.

The situation has raised concerns about Beijing's leverage over the United States. President-elect Donald Trump has claimed the opposite, suggesting it gives the United States "a lot of power" over China.

Experts say the reality is more complicated, arguing that the debt relationship binds the world's two largest economies closely together. Trump has suggested he will take a more confrontational stance toward China on trade, threatening to slap tariffs of as much as 45% on Chinese goods.

Related: 8 reasons why starting a trade war with China is a bad idea
Most of the garbage the Chinese have been exporting here are now also made and exported to us by countries such as Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines anyhow.
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China announced late Sunday that it would retaliate for the Trump administration's tariffs on steel and aluminum by imposing its own import charges on a list of 128 U.S. goods, including agricultural products ranging from fruit to frozen pork.

The new tariffs, which China's Ministry of Finance says begin on Monday, add fuel to what many economists fear is a burgeoning trade war between the two economic superpowers.

Beijing said it was suspending its obligations to the World Trade Organization to reduce tariffs on U.S. goods and would instead impose a 15 percent tariff on 120 U.S. goods, including fruit.

On pork and seven other products, the duty would be 25 percent, the Ministry of Commerce said, according to Xinhua news agency.

China Hits Back on Trump Tariffs as Europe Off Hook for Now

After Trump Tariffs Hit, China 'Not Afraid' To Fight Trade War

China responds to Trump tariffs with proposed list of 128 US products to target

The last time we pulled this shit.......
Here’s what happened the last time the U.S. imposed tariffs on steel
Some 200,000 workers in U.S. manufacturing lost their jobs because of tariffs under George W. Bush


You nuts are gonna rule the day, you followed a mad man to the edge.

Little Donald in essence told American businesses "great news, I'm raising prices on everything you sell by 25% starting immediately. That should boost sales right?"

This is what happens when you have a moron making decisions. A moron that is used to screwing other people in his own business dealings and who thinks other countries are as easy to f#$k with as the small town contractor that doesn't have the money to sue him to get money Lying Trump owes on a contract.

Less sales means fewer people needed to make product, which turns into tens of thousands losing their jobs.
Funny how every regressives on the board sides with communist China.

Regressives just love rewarding China for human rights abuses, virtual slavery, and shitting on the environment.
they are nothing but azz kissers , WHORES that will do ANYTHING for money and easy living Hawk !!
China Hits Back on Trump Tariffs as Europe Off Hook for Now

After Trump Tariffs Hit, China 'Not Afraid' To Fight Trade War

China responds to Trump tariffs with proposed list of 128 US products to target

The last time we pulled this shit.......
Here’s what happened the last time the U.S. imposed tariffs on steel
Some 200,000 workers in U.S. manufacturing lost their jobs because of tariffs under George W. Bush


You nuts are gonna rule the day, you followed a mad man to the edge.

Little Donald in essence told American businesses "great news, I'm raising prices on everything you sell by 25% starting immediately. That should boost sales right?"

This is what happens when you have a moron making decisions. A moron that is used to screwing other people in his own business dealings and who thinks other countries are as easy to f#$k with as the small town contractor that doesn't have the money to sue him to get money Lying Trump owes on a contract.

Less sales means fewer people needed to make product, which turns into tens of thousands losing their jobs.
Obama raised excise taxes on 9 different products in the US the first days he walked into the Oval Office skyrocketing prices. So spare me the hyperbole.
The American people will back Trump up all the way. Why should China be able to impose exorbitant tariffs on American goods, while the Chinese have been dumping all their shit into the US market for decades, with virtually no tariffs? The relationship needs to be reciprocal, the slow destruction of America's manufacturing base and jobs needs to stop.
The fact that China banned imports of US trash last year would have been a good enough reason to slap tariffs on their steel and aluminum IMO. China was the #1 importer of our trash.
China Hits Back on Trump Tariffs as Europe Off Hook for Now

After Trump Tariffs Hit, China 'Not Afraid' To Fight Trade War

China responds to Trump tariffs with proposed list of 128 US products to target

The last time we pulled this shit.......
Here’s what happened the last time the U.S. imposed tariffs on steel
Some 200,000 workers in U.S. manufacturing lost their jobs because of tariffs under George W. Bush


You nuts are gonna rule the day, you followed a mad man to the edge.

Your first mistake was confusing Donald Trump with George Bush, or any other Republican President.

Well actually that was your second mistake, because that's why you Democrats lost the election in the first place, wasn't it?
Must we keep going with this we lost the election shit???? I just hope when they drag that orange white clown fuck head out of the white house, you sorry mf's get ready for prison rallies:abgg2q.jpg:
China Hits Back on Trump Tariffs as Europe Off Hook for Now

After Trump Tariffs Hit, China 'Not Afraid' To Fight Trade War

China responds to Trump tariffs with proposed list of 128 US products to target

The last time we pulled this shit.......
Here’s what happened the last time the U.S. imposed tariffs on steel
Some 200,000 workers in U.S. manufacturing lost their jobs because of tariffs under George W. Bush


You nuts are gonna rule the day, you followed a mad man to the edge.

Little Donald in essence told American businesses "great news, I'm raising prices on everything you sell by 25% starting immediately. That should boost sales right?"

This is what happens when you have a moron making decisions. A moron that is used to screwing other people in his own business dealings and who thinks other countries are as easy to f#$k with as the small town contractor that doesn't have the money to sue him to get money Lying Trump owes on a contract.

Less sales means fewer people needed to make product, which turns into tens of thousands losing their jobs.
Obama raised excise taxes on 9 different products in the US the first days he walked into the Oval Office skyrocketing prices. So spare me the hyperbole.
Uh,, with a deficit, jobs leaving the country and another depression looming...really bitch, is that all you got?
China Hits Back on Trump Tariffs as Europe Off Hook for Now

After Trump Tariffs Hit, China 'Not Afraid' To Fight Trade War

China responds to Trump tariffs with proposed list of 128 US products to target

The last time we pulled this shit.......
Here’s what happened the last time the U.S. imposed tariffs on steel
Some 200,000 workers in U.S. manufacturing lost their jobs because of tariffs under George W. Bush

You nuts are gonna rule the day, you followed a mad man to the edge.

Fresh shockwaves hit U.S. markets after Trump tweets, China steps up trade war
5 min ago - Stocks dropped Monday as technology companies came under fire and fears grew about a trade war with China. The Dow Jones industrial average plunged down more than 580 points, or 2.4 percent, in morning trading. The Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index ... (Washington Post)
Until they drag that orange mf off to prison, expect everything both nationally and globally to falter and wain.....nobody likes a clown for a president!!
The American people will back Trump up all the way. Why should China be able to impose exorbitant tariffs on American goods, while the Chinese have been dumping all their shit into the US market for decades, with virtually no tariffs? The relationship needs to be reciprocal, the slow destruction of America's manufacturing base and jobs needs to stop.
The fact that China banned imports of US trash last year would have been a good enough reason to slap tariffs on their steel and aluminum IMO. China was the #1 importer of our trash.
Correct, they would purchase used electronics such as cell phones, cars, copy machines, or other similar items and strip them of their gold, copper, or other valuable resources for their own manufacturing use. China basically has no resources. I knew sime Chinese in the US who were making millions doing this. But then their country started turning into a massive junkyard.
China Hits Back on Trump Tariffs as Europe Off Hook for Now

After Trump Tariffs Hit, China 'Not Afraid' To Fight Trade War

China responds to Trump tariffs with proposed list of 128 US products to target

The last time we pulled this shit.......
Here’s what happened the last time the U.S. imposed tariffs on steel
Some 200,000 workers in U.S. manufacturing lost their jobs because of tariffs under George W. Bush

You nuts are gonna rule the day, you followed a mad man to the edge.

Fresh shockwaves hit U.S. markets after Trump tweets, China steps up trade war
5 min ago - Stocks dropped Monday as technology companies came under fire and fears grew about a trade war with China. The Dow Jones industrial average plunged down more than 580 points, or 2.4 percent, in morning trading. The Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index ... (Washington Post)
Until they drag that orange mf off to prison, expect everything both nationally and globally to falter and wain.....nobody likes a clown for a president!!
We had that useless empty suit incompetent anti American clown Obama for eight years, and look what he did to the country and the world. Now, if you want to keep masturbating to Trump's removal or impeachment, as most Libtards do in a regular basis, please be our guest.
China Hits Back on Trump Tariffs as Europe Off Hook for Now

After Trump Tariffs Hit, China 'Not Afraid' To Fight Trade War

China responds to Trump tariffs with proposed list of 128 US products to target

The last time we pulled this shit.......
Here’s what happened the last time the U.S. imposed tariffs on steel
Some 200,000 workers in U.S. manufacturing lost their jobs because of tariffs under George W. Bush


You nuts are gonna rule the day, you followed a mad man to the edge.

Little Donald in essence told American businesses "great news, I'm raising prices on everything you sell by 25% starting immediately. That should boost sales right?"

This is what happens when you have a moron making decisions. A moron that is used to screwing other people in his own business dealings and who thinks other countries are as easy to f#$k with as the small town contractor that doesn't have the money to sue him to get money Lying Trump owes on a contract.

Less sales means fewer people needed to make product, which turns into tens of thousands losing their jobs.
Obama raised excise taxes on 9 different products in the US the first days he walked into the Oval Office skyrocketing prices. So spare me the hyperbole.
Uh,, with a deficit, jobs leaving the country and another depression looming...really bitch, is that all you got?
Obama doubled the deficit you're so worried about. I know he and Hillary have gone from heroes to zeros, but your anal hypocrisy still abides.

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