China bites back.....look out america, its only gonna get worse

China Hits Back on Trump Tariffs as Europe Off Hook for Now

After Trump Tariffs Hit, China 'Not Afraid' To Fight Trade War

China responds to Trump tariffs with proposed list of 128 US products to target

The last time we pulled this shit.......
Here’s what happened the last time the U.S. imposed tariffs on steel
Some 200,000 workers in U.S. manufacturing lost their jobs because of tariffs under George W. Bush


You nuts are gonna rule the day, you followed a mad man to the edge.

Your first mistake was confusing Donald Trump with George Bush, or any other Republican President.

Well actually that was your second mistake, because that's why you Democrats lost the election in the first place, wasn't it?
Must we keep going with this we lost the election shit???? I just hope when they drag that orange white clown fuck head out of the white house, you sorry mf's get ready for prison rallies:abgg2q.jpg:

Sorry to piss in your mama's cornbread, but it ain't gonna happen.

Might as well go along with the flow and help make this country great again.

Could, would, or should?

If I let every "could, would, and should" get to me like you Trump-haters and leftists did, I'd be so paralyzed with fear that I couldn't, wouldn't or shouldn't get out of bed every morning.

But I can and I do because I'm not afraid of Trump. In fact, I welcome President Trump's Greatening of my country, seeing as how the last so-called "president" did everything he could to turn it into a third-world shithole.
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