China carrier a show of force as Japan tension festers


Mar 11, 2010
Japan needs to slow its roll a bit as China has the world's second largest Navy and they are still using our Navy for their defense. This aint 1942.

Sino-Japanese relations deteriorated sharply this month after Japan bought the East China Sea islands, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China, from their private owner, sparking anti-Japan protests across China.
"China will never tolerate any bilateral actions by Japan that harm Chinese territorial sovereignty," Vice Foreign Minister Zhang Zhijun said on Tuesday. "Japan must banish illusions, undertake searching reflection and use concrete actions to amend its errors, returning to the consensus and understandings reached between our two countries' leaders."
The risks of military confrontation are scant, but political tensions between Asia's two biggest economies could fester.
For the Chinese navy, the addition of carriers has been a priority as it builds a force capable of deploying far from the Chinese mainland.
China this month warned the United States, with President Barack Obama's "pivot" to Asia, not to get involved in separate territorial disputes in the South China Sea between China and U.S. allies such as the Philippines.
Uncle Ferd says, "Yea...

... China liable to load up dat 200 million man army on dat carrier...' come down on Japan like stink onna monkey."
Japan must banish illusions, undertake searching reflection and use concrete actions to amend its errors, returning to the consensus and understandings reached between our two countries’ leaders.”
China argues like a woman.. not only does she demand that you to defer to her “inborn power”, but she wants you to feel guilty and apologize for having your own perspective on truth!
Japan must banish illusions, undertake searching reflection and use concrete actions to amend its errors, returning to the consensus and understandings reached between our two countries’ leaders.”
China argues like a woman.. not only does she demand that you to defer to her “inborn power”, but she wants you to feel guilty and apologize for having your own perspective on truth!

Not a bad analysis, especially the analogy of China. I have heard similar rumblings from expats in Beijing, they seem to be overplaying their global economic and military position.

The Japanese are in absolutely no position to do anything, aside from their healthy economy, they have NO military to defend themselves other than what we sell them or give them....haha. I always remember that part when getting the condescending looks from the Japs in hawaii.
And someday when that carrier is actually able to be in active service it'll really be tense.
Sinusitis wrote: China argues like a woman.. not only does she demand that you to defer to her “inborn power”, but she wants you to feel guilty and apologize for having your own perspective on truth!

Uncle Ferd says, "Yea."
The Japanese are in absolutely no position to do anything, aside from their healthy economy, they have NO military to defend themselves other than what we sell them or give them....haha.

That is not the case, you ignorant dope.
I always remember that part when getting the condescending looks from the Japs in hawaii.

The word is 'Japanese.' I'm sure all those extra letters are a real challenge for you, but try to remember.
And capitalize the name of a state, you disrespectful turd.

Oh my what to do, an insult from a nameless person on the internet, my self esteem is shattered. I go again.... doing homework for other people as they continually remind me of their ignorance.

The JSDF or Japanese Self-Defense Force is not a fully fledged military. The JAP Constitution under the Self-Defence Forces Act of 1954 states - "The Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes", and also, "land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained." However, in practice the Diet, (or Parliament), which Article 41 of the Constitution defines as "the highest organ of the state power", established the Self-Defense Forces in 1954. Although they are equipped as a conventional military force, they are, by law, an extension of the police, created solely to ensure national security. Due to the constitutional debate concerning the Forces' status, any attempt at increasing the Forces' capabilities and budget tends to be controversial. Thus the JSDF's capabilities are mainly defensive, with only limited overseas capabilities. The JSDF lacks offensive capabilities such as aircraft carriers, long-range surface-to-surface missiles, ballistic missiles, strategic bombers,[19] marines, amphibious units, and large caches of ammunition.

Did you want to discuss further? or are you just randomly hurling insults about in your usual trolling style?, yes I have followed your posts, they are comparable to the analysis of any 5th grade honor student and peppered with poorly worded insults. You are hardly a capable and informed adversary. Now go ahead and spew more pointless drivel at me...
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The JSDF or Japanese Self-Defense Force is not a fully fledged military. The JAP Constitution under the Self-Defence Forces Act of 1954 states - "The Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of force as means of settling international disputes", and also, "land, sea, and air forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained." However, in practice the Diet, (or Parliament), which Article 41 of the Constitution defines as "the highest organ of the state power", established the Self-Defense Forces in 1954. Although they are equipped as a conventional military force, they are, by law, an extension of the police, created solely to ensure national security. Due to the constitutional debate concerning the Forces' status, any attempt at increasing the Forces' capabilities and budget tends to be controversial. Thus the JSDF's capabilities are mainly defensive, with only limited overseas capabilities. The JSDF lacks offensive capabilities such as aircraft carriers, long-range surface-to-surface missiles, ballistic missiles, strategic bombers,[19] marines, amphibious units, and large caches of ammunition.

Did you want to discuss further? or are you just randomly hurling insults about in your usual trolling style?, yes I have followed your posts, they are comparable to the analysis of any 5th grade honor student and peppered with poorly worded insults. You are hardly a capable and informed adversary. Now go ahead and spew more pointless drivel at me...
Did you want to discuss further? or are you just randomly hurling insults about in your usual trolling style...

You can't manage to spell the entire word 'Japanese,' and you are whining about "trolling"? You are a shameless hypocrite as well as a filthy bigot.

And, you ignorant turd, The JAPANESE SDF has a standing army of over 230,000 (larger than that of Great Britain), is equipped with highly advanced combat aircraft and missle defense systems, and has the second most advanced navy in the world behind the US.

Try knowing what the fuck you're talking about before posting next time. And try doing so without the useless slurs, low-life.

Btw, nice job copying and pasting, plagiarist.
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Did you want to discuss further? or are you just randomly hurling insults about in your usual trolling style...

You can't manage to spell the entire word 'Japanese,' and you are whining about "trolling"? You are a shameless hypocrite as well as a filthy bigot.

And, you ignorant turd, The JAPANESE SDF has a standing army of over 230,000 (larger than that of Great Britain), is equipped with highly advanced combat aircraft and missle defense systems, and has the second most advanced navy in the world behind the US.

Try knowing what the fuck you're talking about before posting next time. And try doing so without the useless slurs, low-life.

Btw, nice job copying and pasting, plagiarist.

You do understand that it is common knowlege that the JSDF is NOT a fully fledged military and would absolutely have their asses handed to them by China in about 24 hours if not for the US Forces assigned to the defense of Japan. It is for this reason that Japan may galavant throughout the region showing their asses. If not for their economy, they would be quite pitiful.
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The way you've been constantly spinning and qualifiying ever since goes to show that you know your original statement was a stupid mistake. Were you indulging in a little too much hyperbole, dear? Yeah, maybe.

Get a little self control, show a little respect, and try again.
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You do understand that it is common knowlege that the JSDF is NOT a fully fledged military and would absolutely have their asses handed to them by China in about 24 hours if not for the US Forces assigned to the defense of Japan. It is for this reason that Japan may galavant throughout the region showing their asses. If not for their economy, they would be quite pitiful.

And here again you seem compelled to demonstrate your superficial understanding of the situation, and your general ignorance.
Usual unintelligible drivel. You do appear to live in your own little world, I know.... those messy facts do get in the way of making a credible argument. You are dismissed.

I support higher education.
Usual unintelligible drivel. You do appear to live in your own little world, I know.... those messy facts do get in the way of making a credible argument. You are dismissed.

I recognize your white flag. You shot your mouth off, were forced to dance around and qualify your ill-considered overstatement, and now you are beating a hasty retreat with your tail between your legs. Don't think it's not completely obvious. Next time, consider your words more carefully at the outset and you won't have to put yourself through all this.
To recap just some of the ways you fucked up:

You do understand that it is common knowlege that the JSDF is NOT a fully fledged military and would absolutely have their asses handed to them by China in about 24 hours.

Here we see the straw man you were hoping would act as a distraction from your ill-considered initial declaration.

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