China corners the market on rare earth metals.


Senior Member
May 6, 2007
It seems that the USA outsourced both the mining and refinement/manufacturing that results in rare earth magnets. Used in everything from cellphones to Hybrid autos.
China has cut of most if not all exports of the materials used to make rare earth magnets.
Toyota cannot make hybrid autos without the materials....

Experts say it will take us at minimum 3 years to gear back up our production/refinement, manufacturing to make rare earth magnets in the USA again.

Smooth move corporate exlax.

ps it was outsourced to save money.
Krugman wrote a piece about this. The Chinese are already using it as a political weapon. When Japanese coast guard boats found a Chinese trawler in their waters, and arrested the Captain..the Chinese stopped exports of rare earths until he was released.
Umm people this is a pretty big thing.

It is a huge thing, allowing them to temporarily corner the market on alternative energy and numerous vital components.

Insiders say that China is leveraging it's monopoly to force manufacturers to relocate to China, securing for themselves vital manufacturing technology and proprietary secrets.

Meanwhile China steadfastly denies that any ban is in place.

I hope people wake up and realize how even a second rate world power such as China will be a bastard if they ever have real clout on the international stage.

Most acute is the way in Which China is targeting individual firms with their chicken tariffs and rare earth mineral boycots. Pressuring individual firms to cave in to whatever they demand and denying them the protection of a state response.

China may just be asserting, or pissed because everybody wants them to break their illegal dollar peg, but make no mistake, China is our enemy.

If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and bites like a duck, it is a duck.

I am onboard for a Neubarth boycott of Chinese goods. After I buy that super cheap leather love seat of course! And some miniblinds for the bathroom. And some machine tool accessories that cost a small fraction of US made alternatives.....And a new lithium ion cordless drill, and a Chevy Volt, and a new Iphone, and a strategic missile defense shield protecting precious Turkey and Israel from deadly Iranian weapons of mass deception.
This will likely blow up in China's face however in the long run. They may have won this small trade battle by cutting us off from rare earth metals, but it will everyone else including the U.S more leery of them going forward. U.S and China are suppose to be trying to get relations back on track this week from what I've read.
China is our biggest future enemy.

I believe someday we will fight a global war with China over resources.

Wrong. The reason that the U.S and other countries have not had rare earth metal mines is not due to environmental concerns. It is due to the fact that the majority of other rare metal earth companies went out of business back when China flooded the market, essentially driving out the competition. It is a unfair fight considering how China has it's government backing while these mining companies in other countries have no help from their respective governments.

In fact, the whole reason why many potential businesses stayed out of the market was due to fears that China would reflood the market again like they did previously.
China is our biggest future enemy.

I believe someday we will fight a global war with China over resources.

We'll never get that far, least for the time being. A war is in neither country's interests either politically or fiscally. Neither country would benefit. The reason for the rise of the U.S as a global superpower was the fact it stayed out of wars for the most part (excluding War of 1812 and Civil War) while Europe destroyed each other. The U.S benefited, especially after World War II where it was kingmaker. China would be smart to follow our path if it wants to stay a global superpower.
Oh, and China is blowing the US away with new coal fired power plants, at the rate of one every other week online.

Who's standing in the way of that here?
Oh, and China is blowing the US away with new coal fired power plants, at the rate of one every other week online.

Who's standing in the way of that here?

Are you done being ignorant yet?


Chinese find development has a high price - Business - World business - China 2.0 -

But Zai confessed she had “some sorrows” about Chengdu’s rapid transformation.
“The traffic is bad,” she said. “And the air is becoming terrible.”

The haze that hangs over this city, and many others in China, is among the most visible of stresses created by breakneck development. Just 1 percent of the country’s 560 million urban residents breathe air considered safe by the European Union, according to a 2007 report by the World Bank.

Last year, China burned 3.3 billion tons of coal to generate power, warm its homes and fuel cook stoves in rural villages. That's up from 2.4 billion tons in 2005, according to U.S. Department of Energy estimates, or more than three times the amount of coal burned the United States, the next largest consuming country.
China is our biggest future enemy.

I believe someday we will fight a global war with China over resources.

We'll never get that far, least for the time being. A war is in neither country's interests either politically or fiscally. Neither country would benefit. The reason for the rise of the U.S as a global superpower was the fact it stayed out of wars for the most part (excluding War of 1812 and Civil War) while Europe destroyed each other. The U.S benefited, especially after World War II where it was kingmaker. China would be smart to follow our path if it wants to stay a global superpower.

Things change. China could consume so many resources that we are forced into a lifestyle that none of us would recognize, yet.
Things change. China could consume so many resources that we are forced into a lifestyle that none of us would recognize, yet.

As I just posted from an article, China has more to worry about for the current moment. It cannot even sustain it's own growth, never mind the pollution and corruption in the country. On top of that, it's one child system is coming back to haunt them with many chinese men ending up marrying their first cousins or nobody at all.

The housing market in China at this point is pretty much a bubble I'd say. I've seen the articles of empty towns that China has built to just pretty much keep up their growth inflation. A house divided against itself cannot stand, and China can only keep it up for so long.
China is our biggest future enemy.

I believe someday we will fight a global war with China over resources.

We'll never get that far, least for the time being. A war is in neither country's interests either politically or fiscally. Neither country would benefit. The reason for the rise of the U.S as a global superpower was the fact it stayed out of wars for the most part (excluding War of 1812 and Civil War) while Europe destroyed each other. The U.S benefited, especially after World War II where it was kingmaker. China would be smart to follow our path if it wants to stay a global superpower.

Things change. China could consume so many resources that we are forced into a lifestyle that none of us would recognize, yet.

If china cut us off tomorrow from all trade what would we byuy in the stores? Cell phones? TV's, and about 2/3 of non food stuffs on our shelves.
Heck we even get about 25% of the materials to make prescription medicines from China.

for a time at least we have sold our souls to the China store.

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