China Expansion in the Bahamas

Boy, this just gives me the warm fuzzies with a China loving, or at least naive, administration coming into power. Can’t wait to have a Chinese military complex 90 miles from FL.

Chinese Military Bases in The Caribbean?

Smart move by Red China and Chairman Xi for sure. Puts them in close proximity to their allies in the Biden Family and able to provide back up. Xi handed the Bidens a check for a billion and a half, and they need to protect that investment.

And many American voters right here on this board will never get it. They would have voted for Xi himself over Trump...their indoctrination is full and complete.
Fuck Trump he is nothing but a dead turd in the USA.
If he ran as a Prog you would have been doing cartwheels. You guys live off what he has said to individuals. That is one of the Prog mantra's.
I am more of a Teddy Roosevelt Progressive myself. I have no idea why you have your fantasies about other people's political ideology.

You can be what you want, but I think America will be leaning more to a Stalinistic or Hitlerite progressivism under the Democrats. They are really hot to trot for Draconian Gun Control and socialized medicine.
I think you are exaggerating and nothing of the sort will occur. If not tell us what Stalinist endeavors will they take first? Collectivization of farms and the killing off of the Kulaks(Native Americans had that happen when domicile white European settles that claimed to be Christians killed millions to take their land).?

Gun control and medical rationiong via Socialized medicine will be their first steps. I guess you are going to be in for a rude awakening of sorts.
I already have socialized medicine at the VA and have had it for many years. it is just a good as private practice medicine because we use private practitioners..Gun control? I control what guns I have and don't have not my government. I can get anything I want and I don't care if they like it or not.

Prepare yourself for LONG waits to see doctors and denial of service for “elective” surgeries. I have plenty of guns, but if they tax them to death, make ammo unavailable it will make things difficult. They may just flat out ban them, as many lefties want. Remember, lefties are largely concentrated in big cities. They would be much more concerned if latte’s were banned than guns.
I called the VA on the 27th to get pain management, had an X-ray on the 31st and have received my walking papers to see a private health care center for the process of pain management on the 4th...It has always been this way at the VA and I joined during Boosh jr.
Then there is that pesky Patriot Act. Where they have recorded near everything we do. For the state of course. Blame the citizens for the foreigners and then silence them as the tyranny ramps up big time. The abomination that is the TSA has now become the stasi on passenger airlines when flying.
Do tell. I would love to know what Trump has done to damage the US.

370,000 Dead
21 million sick
160,000 businesses closed
65 million jobs lost.

What you don’t seem to understand is that the system now supports how many veterans? You think the system can support 360 million plus and all the illegals and asylum seekers from around the world that are going to be guaranteed healthcare? Shortsighted thinking at its best.

Um, yeah, actually, I think it can...

Here's the thing. WE spend 17% of our GDP on health care.. mostly because of the inefficiencies of a profit system. Lots of people contributing nothing to health and wellness making a shitload of money off the pain and suffering of the sick.

The Single Payer countries, spend 8-11% of their GDP. They live longer, have lower infant mortality rates, and no one goes bankrupt because someone in the family gets sick. You don't have "GoFundMe" because Mom got cancer.

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