China: Facts Regarding Wuhan in 2020

May 4, 2022
There is much to absorb and think about in the linked article.

excerpts: This editorial is part of a series examining the inner workings of authoritarianism around the world.

In the first weeks of 2020, a radiologist at Xinhua Hospital in Wuhan, China, saw looming signs of trouble. He was a native of Wuhan and had 29 years of radiology experience. His job was to take computed tomography (CT) scans, looking at patients’ lungs for signs of infection.

And infections were everywhere. “I have never seen a virus that spreads so quickly,” he told a reporter for the investigative magazine Caixin. “This growth rate is too fast, and it is too scary.”

“The CT machines in the hospital were overloaded every day,” he added. “The machines are exhausted and often crash.”

Facts matter:

But this tableau of chaos was hidden from the Chinese people — and the world — in early 2020. Chinese authorities had acknowledged on Dec. 31, 2019, that there were 27 cases of “pneumonia of unknown origin,” and 44 confirmed cases on Jan. 3, 2020. The Wuhan health commission reported 59 cases on Jan. 5, then abruptly reduced the number to 41 on Jan. 11, and claimed there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission or any signs of doctors getting sick.

That claim was a lie. The coronavirus was running rampant. Doctors at the radiologist’s hospital, and other hospitals, were getting sick. But China’s Communist Party leaders prize social stability above all else. They fear any sign of public panic or admission that the ruling party-state is not in control. The authorities in both Wuhan and Beijing kept the situation secret, especially because annual party political meetings were being held in Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, from Jan. 6 to Jan. 17.

Secrecy has long been a major tool of the governing Communist Party. It suppresses independent journalism, censors digital news and communications, and withholds vital information from its people. Doctors in Wuhan who knew the truth were afraid to speak out. China did not reveal human transmission of the virus until Jan. 22, and by then, the global pandemic had been ignited. In 3½ years, covid-19 has taken nearly 7 million lives by official counts. The true death toll is probably twice or three times that number.

A discussion facts is usually overrun by the great mass of ignorati. I expect no less here, but...

This editorial is part of a series examining the inner workings of authoritarianism around the world. Previously, we looked at how dictatorships exploit social media, at the creation of disinformation and at how autocrats share tactics. This installment examines how China’s authoritarian system handled a grave public health crisis, as seen through the eyes of doctors and other health-care professionals on the front lines who were struggling to cope with a virus no one had witnessed before. At a time when trust and transparency were needed to save lives, Chinese authorities covered up the facts and lied — and they continue to do so today.

In Wuhan, the radiologist realized the virus was jumping from person to person. On Jan. 16, he spoke privately about it with a colleague, expressing concern the disease was exploding. The colleague, in tears, replied, “Wuhan will go down in history as a result.”

The doctors are gagged​

Hope this helps.

And then they launched it. And then DEM GOV, mayors....they begin to intentionally spread and Trump up death numbers.

Only 6% Covid labeled deaths were even due to true respiratory illness. 94% were other pre-existing. //
And then they launched it. And then DEM GOV, mayors....they begin to intentionally spread and Trump up death numbers.

Only 6% Covid labeled deaths were even due to true respiratory illness. 94% were other pre-existing. //
please take any conspiracy related nonsense elsewhere

you're not wanted here
Right. On the MAGA Cult side.

A discussion facts is usually overrun by the great mass of ignorati. I expected no less here. Thank you for playing.
You do not post facts. You post opinions magically turned to fact just by saying it and having a corrupt government backing it up. In other words, bullshit.
I did not do the math on that. The GOVT itself put out that fact. Do some research you POS. see below. "For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. " can't bold it on this browser. Gotta work too. can't babysit your ignorant rear end.

Conditions contributing to deaths involving COVID-19, by age group, United States. Week ending 2/1/2020 to 12/5/2020.
Data as of 12/6/2020
Source: National Center for Health Statistics. National Vital Statistics System. Provisional data. 2020.
This table shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on
average, there were 2.9 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and
by age groups. Values in the table represent number of deaths that mention the condition listed and 94% of deaths mention more than one
condition. As such, the rows should not be summed. Additional notes are listed at the end of the table.
And then they launched it. And then DEM GOV, mayors....they begin to intentionally spread and Trump up death numbers.

Only 6% Covid labeled deaths were even due to true respiratory illness. 94% were other pre-existing. //
I don't think it is necessarily a partisan issue, it does seem to be tainted though.

Unless Trump admits it was an error to take a million dollars from Pfizer for his inauguration, and unless he admits it was a bad decision to appoint BIG Pharma industry insiders, (Scott Gottlieb, Alex Azar?) IMO? I don't think he can be trusted with a second term. .. )

The biggest failure? That was the pandemic.

That was all Trump.

RFKjr. met with Trump, and Fauci, warned them both. . . Trump knew, but he consciously sold out, and took that thirty pieces of silver from Big Pharma & Pfizer.

Trump does not deserve the nomination. Folks need to wake the hell up already. :rolleyes:

(from a previous post)

"Nothing could be further from the truth. If that were true, he'd have never let him stay on. Or he'd have canned his ass.

He let Fauci take the reins, and let Pfizer call the shots (no pun :heehee:) on everything.

"This video pointed out, that after Trump's meeting with RFKjr. and Dr. Fauci, the Pfizer corporation made a million dollar contribution to inauguration of Trump.

After which, Trump appointed;

Who was a Big pharma insider and lobbyist, and then, after that, the Trump administration appointed him, and he went back to work for them.

". . . Gottlieb was also paid as a speaker by Johnson & Johnson, which owns a subsidiary that produces the opioid painkiller Nucynta, in January of last year. The federal drug payment disclosure database shows that Gottlieb received payments from Pfizer, the manufacturer of several opioid products, in 2015.

On a call with reporters on Tuesday, Sens. Ed. Markey, D-Mass., and Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, announced their opposition to Gottlieb’s nomination, citing his opioid industry ties.

“People die because of the opioid epidemic,” said Brown. “We need all hands on deck to fight this crisis, including and especially the FDA. Unfortunately Dr. Gottlieb’s record indicates that as commissioner he wouldn’t take the epidemic and the FDA’s authority to rein in prescription painkillers and other drugs seriously enough.”

Markey, who opposed President Barack Obama’s last FDA commissioner, Dr. Robert Califf, on grounds that the agency was moving too fast to approve dangerous new prescription painkillers, voiced similar concerns over Trump’s nominee.

“Dr. Gottlieb has also said he wants the FDA approval process to move faster, and that FDA has too high of a standard for safety. I strongly disagree with that,” said Markey during the call.. . ."

That? Is who Trump chose for FDA. Drain the swamp indeed. :rolleyes:

. . . and then there was this too pointed out. . .

". . .Effective January 1, 2012, Azar became president of Lilly USA, LLC, the largest division of Eli Lilly and Company, and was responsible for the company's entire operations in the United States.[21] Prices for drugs rose substantially under Azar's leadership, including the tripling of the cost of the company's top-selling insulin drug. Also under Azar's watch, Eli Lilly was one of three companies accused in a class-action lawsuit of exploiting the drug pricing system to increase profits for insulin. Eli Lilly was also fined in Mexico for colluding on the price of insulin.[22][23] In connection with the position, Azar served on the board of directors of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization, a pharmaceutical lobby.[24]

In January 2017, Azar resigned from Eli Lilly "to pursue other career opportunities" as a result of a company reorganization.[25] He also resigned from the board of directors of the Biotechnology Innovation Organization. In his last year at the corporation he earned $2 million.[26] . ."


"On November 13, 2017, President Trump announced via Twitter that he would nominate Azar to be the next Secretary of Health and Human Services.[24][27]"

Nope, Trump never was a road block to the corporate Deep State. He helped enthrone it, he enabled it, and he profited from it.

Your contention that he got in the way is false, as are the MAGAs delusions that he was taken by surprise. You are both living in denial, and in an alternate reality.

The corporate Dirigisme/fascist cabal that engineered the scamdemic, & played anyone, that bought into this bullshit. You are just not able to be honest with yourselves.

Cognitive dissonance is a bitch. You just will never, ever be able to admit, that they were in leagues the entire time. Even though, here is the proof.

You need someone to blame, other than the corrupt government, the corrupt corporate establishment, and yourselves, for needing something outside of your own lack of ability to do any critical thinking.

So blame the republicans, blame the democrats, blame your powerless neighbors, who might think and live a little different than you . . . but god forbid, blame anyone but the corrupt corporations, institutions, political parties and politicians that everyone has allowed to grow up all around us.

Mod Edit: YouTube has banned this content, I am including a Bitchute version, though I do not expect it to work for very long. It is the only other place I have found it. The title is included as well, in case it becomes inoperable in the future, you can look for it.

Trump and Dr. Fauci Met With Robert Kennedy Jr. About Vaccines​


Trump, RFK, Vaccines
Quoted from WaPo state propaganda. . .

". . .Secrecy has long been a major tool of the governing Communist Party. It suppresses independent journalism, censors digital news and communications, and withholds vital information from its people.. .. "

A fact exposed from our own reality in the aftermath. . .

You do not post facts. You post opinions magically turned to fact just by saying it and having a corrupt government backing it up. In other words, bullshit.
Government? This is not from any government. But okay. People are used to you ignorantly commenting on things your mind imagines, rather than what others have posted.

There is much to absorb and think about in the linked article.

excerpts: This editorial is part of a series examining the inner workings of authoritarianism around the world.

In the first weeks of 2020, a radiologist at Xinhua Hospital in Wuhan, China, saw looming signs of trouble. He was a native of Wuhan and had 29 years of radiology experience. His job was to take computed tomography (CT) scans, looking at patients’ lungs for signs of infection.

And infections were everywhere. “I have never seen a virus that spreads so quickly,” he told a reporter for the investigative magazine Caixin. “This growth rate is too fast, and it is too scary.”

“The CT machines in the hospital were overloaded every day,” he added. “The machines are exhausted and often crash.”

Facts matter:

But this tableau of chaos was hidden from the Chinese people — and the world — in early 2020. Chinese authorities had acknowledged on Dec. 31, 2019, that there were 27 cases of “pneumonia of unknown origin,” and 44 confirmed cases on Jan. 3, 2020. The Wuhan health commission reported 59 cases on Jan. 5, then abruptly reduced the number to 41 on Jan. 11, and claimed there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission or any signs of doctors getting sick.

That claim was a lie. The coronavirus was running rampant. Doctors at the radiologist’s hospital, and other hospitals, were getting sick. But China’s Communist Party leaders prize social stability above all else. They fear any sign of public panic or admission that the ruling party-state is not in control. The authorities in both Wuhan and Beijing kept the situation secret, especially because annual party political meetings were being held in Wuhan, capital of Hubei province, from Jan. 6 to Jan. 17.
I did not do the math on that. The GOVT itself put out that fact. Do some research you POS.
leftwinger said:

And then they launched it. And then DEM GOV, mayors....they begin to intentionally spread and Trump up death numbers.

Only 6% Covid labeled deaths were even due to true respiratory illness. 94% were other pre-existing. //

con-spiracy alert! con-spiracy alert! con-spiracy alert!
Quoted from WaPo state propaganda. . .

". . .Secrecy has long been a major tool of the governing Communist Party. It suppresses independent journalism, censors digital news and communications, and withholds vital information from its people.. .. "

A fact exposed from our own reality in the aftermath. . .

Yes, secrecy.

Secrecy has long been a major tool of the governing Communist Party. It suppresses independent journalism, censors digital news and communications, and withholds vital information from its people. Doctors in Wuhan who knew the truth were afraid to speak out. China did not reveal human transmission of the virus until Jan. 22, and by then, the global pandemic had been ignited. In 3½ years, covid-19 has taken nearly 7 million lives by official counts. The true death toll is probably twice or three times that number.

but people like you conflate facts like this into grand conspiracies.

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