China is already at war with America

I fear that the economic intermingling is far too advanced to just "decouple" from China. They own vast amounts of farmland and real estate in America it is not just companies doing business in China.
Free Traders Are Traitors

After every Communist revolution, the new government confiscated all foreign-owned property without compensation. Time to do the same to them.

Screw that. I ain't paying a vig for their bullshit.

How about, regulate and tax the hell out of them?

Do you realize, Google hasn't made a working product in their entire existence? Not one! They can't even make a simple text editor work
Yet billions use their service every day, sometimes at a rate of hundreds of millions of people an hour during business hours. Their search engine is their product, and, like their politics or not, "google it" is now an accepted part of our everyday language. Perhaps, just perhaps you could build your own service or make your own products since other people's success bothers you so much, Of course you might have to put down your phone and your pot for a few hours a day. nah you won't do that.

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