China Lied, More People Died: Chinese epicenter Wuhan raises number of virus dead by 1,290


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Like Anyone except WHO believed them:
BEIJING (AP) — At least 50% more people died in China's virus epicenter of Wuhan than previously counted, with state media on Friday attributing the initial undercount to how overwhelmed the health system was coping with thousands of sick people.

The addition of 1,290 victims raised Wuhan’s death toll to 3,869, the most in China, and may confirm suspicions that far more people died in the city where the illness began than has been previously announced.

Well, it's nice of them to at least provide 10% accuracy to their numbers. I wonder about the other 90% though.

When the communists give the world revised "facts", it's only designed to mitigate their own worries. Japan has companies pulling out, there is increased pressure on local politicians to change course and confront China. In turn, the communists are feeling the heat. Even citizens are thinking twice before paying a couple of bucks less for Made In China products.

Citizens of the world have lost loved ones and have had their dreams shattered. The Communist Party of China has to pay, or, politicians around the world will pay with their jobs.
The identities of good and bad guys in the pandemic are becoming more and more clear, every day.

Good guys - Trump administration. US medical care, National Guard, Self-isolators.

Bad guys - Chinese government, WHO, leftist supporters of both of them

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