China links with Russia and Iran, shuns the USA

But you're not anti-American at,no what a ridiculous notion... :rolleyes:

You must have been the smartest boy in your whole "collage."


All of my above claims are true - please explain why the truth is anti American

THEY arent true. you claim them as the reason these countries are "pissed" at us. sophmoric stupidity. there may be an element of truth in them; but they are not the guiding reason we have tensions with them; their own ambitions are.

it's so typical of a loser like you to look for the hate-your-own-country version of things

Are you saying you didn't impose a dictator on Iran and are you saying there is evidence for a Nuclear bomb in that country.
Perhaps you could prove these things so posters don't think you're a liar.

Please inform me as to why America should assist or support either side in a land dispute that is so far away from its coasts and where there is no danger of attack from that country.

Are you saying the CIA didn't assist the coup against the elected government of Ukraine?
I have recordings and photos of American politicians deciding who they're going to allow into the new government and the capture of CIA operatives in the area, assisting the coup.
All of my above claims are true - please explain why the truth is anti American

THEY arent true. you claim them as the reason these countries are "pissed" at us. sophmoric stupidity. there may be an element of truth in them; but they are not the guiding reason we have tensions with them; their own ambitions are.

it's so typical of a loser like you to look for the hate-your-own-country version of things

Are you saying you didn't impose a dictator on Iran and are you saying there is evidence for a Nuclear bomb in that country.
Perhaps you could prove these things so posters don't think you're a liar.

Please inform me as to why America should assist or support either side in a land dispute that is so far away from its coasts and where there is no danger of attack from that country.

Are you saying the CIA didn't assist the coup against the elected government of Ukraine?
I have recordings and photos of American politicians deciding who they're going to allow into the new government and the capture of CIA operatives in the area, assisting the coup.

my GOD what an idiot?
what is the name of the dictator we "imposed on Iran"?
and yes; there is a mountain of evidence Iran is building nukes
i dont need to prove it; the whole world knows it except idiots. you claim they arent; prove the 13,000 or so centrifuges they have cannot be used for building a nuke
please prove a land dispute is the main reason China is "pissed' at us; and not a myriad other more important matters; because your idiotic post sure makes the implication that the land dispute is what really matters

prove the CIA assisted in the "coup" in Ukraine. in fact prove it was a coup

you are simply a moron
How are those sanctions against Russia working out? They really hurt don't they?

What fools democrats are, what utterly stupid fools.
Iran is pissed of at America because, after they managed to get rid of your puppet, tyou simply blockaded their country and made up lies about nuclear weapons.

Russia is pissed off at America because, after their friends in Ukraine had a dictator imposed by am American sponsored coup, they voted to leave the pro American dictator, prefering to be with Russia.

China is pissed of at America because America is interfering in local land disputes that have shit all to do with America.

If America were to start a new arms race, America would be bankrupt and risk a war no one could win as both sides would lose millions of people and have vast areas of land unusable for hundreds of years'.

The war mongering fools on here display massive stupidity, more so when you consider all of this is down to American foreign policy.

the whole world knows Iran is working on a nuclear weapon except; apparantly; moronic messag boarders ranting about "war mongering" on the part of the USA

the whole world knows under the current Russian leadership Russia is acting like it wants to regain lost glory and empire. only morons in denial dont know this

the whole world knows china doesnt give a sh*t about anybody but itself and its massive economy. they dont even give a shit about their own people; the pollution is so bad streetlights come on in the day. only an idiot finds a reason to make America the bad guy regarding china

Iran - please post the prooif they're after a nuke. I know you can't because there isn't any.

Russia - did I say otherwise?

China - of course they're interested in the rest of the world - they trade in the vast majority of it.

You trust "Death to America" Iran.
I do not.

BBC News - Q&A: Iran nuclear crisis

Iran's nuclear programme became public in 2002, when an opposition group revealed secret activity including construction of a uranium enrichment plant at Natanz and a heavy-water reactor at Arak. Enriched uranium can be used to make nuclear weapons, and spent fuel from a heavy-water reactor contains plutonium suitable for a bomb.


China has made its bed...time for Western boycotts.
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THEY arent true. you claim them as the reason these countries are "pissed" at us. sophmoric stupidity. there may be an element of truth in them; but they are not the guiding reason we have tensions with them; their own ambitions are.

it's so typical of a loser like you to look for the hate-your-own-country version of things

Are you saying you didn't impose a dictator on Iran and are you saying there is evidence for a Nuclear bomb in that country.
Perhaps you could prove these things so posters don't think you're a liar.

Please inform me as to why America should assist or support either side in a land dispute that is so far away from its coasts and where there is no danger of attack from that country.

Are you saying the CIA didn't assist the coup against the elected government of Ukraine?
I have recordings and photos of American politicians deciding who they're going to allow into the new government and the capture of CIA operatives in the area, assisting the coup.

my GOD what an idiot?
what is the name of the dictator we "imposed on Iran"?
and yes; there is a mountain of evidence Iran is building nukes
i dont need to prove it; the whole world knows it except idiots. you claim they arent; prove the 13,000 or so centrifuges they have cannot be used for building a nuke
please prove a land dispute is the main reason China is "pissed' at us; and not a myriad other more important matters; because your idiotic post sure makes the implication that the land dispute is what really matters

prove the CIA assisted in the "coup" in Ukraine. in fact prove it was a coup

you are simply a moron

You claim you don't need to prove it.
Translation - it's a lie and can't.

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The US and UK deposed the elected government and put the shah back as absolute ruler.
Bush's Fault

wrong buzz word, Frank. When they say Foreign Relations they mean ISRAEL.

Failed Foreign Relations = Israel. That is Pentagon policy these days. Blame Israel. If it weren't for Israel everything in the world would be wonderful. The world isn't looking too bright to me these days. They may want to rethink that one.
China and Russia ink $400 billion gas deal |

China's president also called for an Asian security arrangement that would include Russia and Iran and exclude the United States.


Well there you go.
Time for America and its allies to build more nukes, bigger nukes, invent new weapons more deadly than nukes, and band together to screw China, Russia and Iran economically...and at the same time build their own security and trade bloc.

USA, EU, Britain, Australia etc...should band together and boycott all things and people 'China', 'Russia', 'Iran' and all their other commie etc buddies.

You're quite the alarmist war-monger aren't you?
How's that Indonesian invasion of Australia going?
Everything DC does is about China and Russia. It's about hegemony which is a fancy fucking word for EMPIRE. An empire that is about to end. The demise of the U.S. will be especially brutal so I hope you're ready.
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Everything DC does is about China and Russia. It's about hegemony which is a fancy fucking word for EMPIRE. An empire that is about to end. The demise of the U.S. will be especially brutal so I hope you're ready.

If the little voices in your little head have really convinced you, why don't you hike up your skirt and start running now before it's too late? The weaklings like you are always the first to go.
China and Russia ink $400 billion gas deal |

China's president also called for an Asian security arrangement that would include Russia and Iran and exclude the United States.


Well there you go.

Time for America and its allies to build more nukes, bigger nukes, invent new weapons more deadly than nukes, and band together to screw China, Russia and Iran economically...and at the same time build their own security and trade bloc.

USA, EU, Britain, Australia etc...should band together and boycott all things and people 'China', 'Russia', 'Iran' and all their other commie etc buddies.

More like, time for the New World Order to get a taste of its own medicine, for a change.
THEY arent true. you claim them as the reason these countries are "pissed" at us. sophmoric stupidity. there may be an element of truth in them; but they are not the guiding reason we have tensions with them; their own ambitions are.

it's so typical of a loser like you to look for the hate-your-own-country version of things

Are you saying you didn't impose a dictator on Iran and are you saying there is evidence for a Nuclear bomb in that country.
Perhaps you could prove these things so posters don't think you're a liar.

Please inform me as to why America should assist or support either side in a land dispute that is so far away from its coasts and where there is no danger of attack from that country.

Are you saying the CIA didn't assist the coup against the elected government of Ukraine?
I have recordings and photos of American politicians deciding who they're going to allow into the new government and the capture of CIA operatives in the area, assisting the coup.

my GOD what an idiot?
what is the name of the dictator we "imposed on Iran"?

Shah Reza Pahlevi

and yes; there is a mountain of evidence Iran is building nukes
i dont need to prove it; the whole world knows it except idiots. you claim they arent; prove the 13,000 or so centrifuges they have cannot be used for building a nuke
please prove a land dispute is the main reason China is "pissed' at us; and not a myriad other more important matters; because your idiotic post sure makes the implication that the land dispute is what really matters

That's right. The evidence is simlply technically. Nobody needs this kind of enriched Uran for power stations or research purposes.
But again, you history ignorant fools: your country started the fire in the first place.
The diaperheads would never had the success without the supression by your installed crook in Teheran. Iran was already a relatively modern country that time.

prove the CIA assisted in the "coup" in Ukraine. in fact prove it was a coup
Well, your guys even did not make any effort to conceal it. Your Nuland phone conversations when they started it are free available on the net. The blackmail by the EU against Janukovitch (also a crook, but an elected one) was obvious. The daywages paid by western NGOs to the "demonstrators" on the Maidan are common knowledge.
Blackwater ( now Academi, bwahahahaha) mercenaris were and are still deployed by the installed government in Kiev. Actually this government has no money because Russia stopped giving loans, so who pays them? Rhetorical question, I know.

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