China 'Plays' Both US & Russia In Ukraine While Making Its Move To Become Top World Power


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.'
-- Sun Tzu, 'The Art of War'

Sun Tzu, whose work dates back to the fifth century B.C. and is now studied at military academies across the world, stressed the paramount importance of deception and surprise in warfare. To this day, contemporary Chinese military planners religiously adhere to Sun Tzu’s guidance. China’s entire warfare philosophy centers on this precept - to win means to trick your enemy. In other words, victory is only possible if you can deceive your opponent.

China is applying Sun Tzu's 'The Art Of War' in Ukraine against both Russia and the US, manipulating both to weaken each other in their Proxy War against each other as it makes moves to become the world's #1 Super Power.

'And tricking leaders in Washington is what Beijing has been doing. Make no mistake, China’s recent diplomatic charm offensive aimed at positioning itself as a peacemaker in Ukraine is nothing but a Sun Tzu-inspired gimmick. Its purpose is to divert Washington’s attention from China’s real target – Taiwan, buy time to finalize the PLA’s war preparations, and then launch a surprise attack on Taiwan. The peacemaker charade, including a 12-point peace plan, is intended to catch the Pentagon off guard, leaving U.S. forces to scramble.'

Chinese Presidnt Xi recently met with Russian President to 'encouage a peace agreement with Ukraine IOT stop the war'.

It was a complete ruse, based on Sun Tzu's teachings.

China knows Russia WILL not, CAN not stop its war in Ukraine until it has conquered and annexed Ukraine, returning it to its former status as one of the now-seperate 15 STATES that made up the USSR.

'Moscow believes that without restoring its strategic security buffer zone -- of which Ukraine is part of, in Moscow’s view -- lost as a result of the collapse of the USSR, Russia will cease to exist as a state in the long-term. Loss of Ukraine to NATO, in Moscow’s rationale, would embolden other post-Soviet states, like Georgia and Moldova, to attain membership an alliance that Russia’s military doctrine has codified as security threat number one.'

Again, China knows this - Xi's trip to Russia was all for show.

China benefits the most from a continued, prolonged Proxy War between Russia and tbe US:

Both Russia and the US - Super Powers - are China's enemy, despite China's recent 'alliance' with Russia (against the US)
-- 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' ... but also still my enemy.

Both nations are weakened by their proxy war

Both nations deplete their military stockpiles.

The US stays focused on Ukraine.

The US does not have the military weapons and munitions Taiwan already bought but has not delivered yet because it is too busy sending weapons systems and munitions to Ukraine (for free)
-- Taiwan remains without weapons systems / munitions needed to defend itself

The US has reportedly all but depleted its wartime oil reserves and is 'dangerously' low in its own weapons / munitions stockpiles needed should China militarily move to take Taiwan
-- US military commanders warn China is oir greatest threat right now

China is building a large Intel Collection Center in Cuba specifically to conduct SIGINT collections (signals / communications) in the US.

China has 'quietly' (because it has not been widely reported by the MSM) increasing its cyber disruption attacks on Guam, a strategic base for the US in its efforts to defend the region and in any effort to defend Taiwan.

China has aggressively ignored regional pacts / agreements by sailing military ship-supported research ships into an area in which China is legally prohibited from going.

China has recently perpetrated 2 aggressive near-miss incidents in which its aircraft / ships have gotten dangerously close to US assets. In one incident a CCP fighter passed within 10 feet of US fighters, and in another incident a CCP warship crossed in front of a US by yards.

And recently, also hardly reported, one of China's top Generals stated China was militarily ready to take Taiwan at any moment it is ordered to do so and would not blink an eye / hesitate to do so.

Between its Proxy War in Ukraine, the Biden illegal invasion, their continued 7-year crusade to take down Trump, and their own numerous scandals from which the Democrats are focused on protecting Biden, the Biden administration and Democrats are not focused on China or the defense of Taiwan at all...

...and that's the way Sun Tzu would have liked it / the way Xi and the CCP like it.

Fool me.once, shame on you,.fool me twice, shame on me. Give China credit for taking advantage of the naive, greedy and optimistic. The West did it to themselves. It will continue until patriotism, brains and courage replace the self serving.
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Fool me.once, shame on you,.foolme twice, shame on me. Give China credit for taking advantage of the naive, greedy and optimistic. The West did it to themselves. It will continue until patriotism, brains and courage replace the self serving.

China also bought the Bidens.

If the evidence that exists against Joe Biden and the Biden 12 existed against Trump, Donald Trump would have already been indicted, charged, tried, convicted, and sitying in some federal prison, if not in Gitmo.
I've felt from the beginning that Biden pulled out of Afghanistan in order to fund the war that was coming to Ukraine more easily....
And I believe China told him what to do the entire way.... and is still telling him what to do....
China is applying Sun Tzu's 'The Art Of War' in Ukraine against both Russia and the US, manipulating both to weaken each other in their Proxy War against each other as it makes moves to become the world's #1 Super Power.
Intel Agencies etc caught on to Sun Tzu well before even The Donald latched on .

These Chinese moves are for public consumption only -- feed the sheeple basically with what they expect to hear etc .
The true moves are never hinted at officially , which is why Dot Connection is the most difficult game to play successfully , albeit rewarding when you achieve an occasional "win" .
'All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.'
-- Sun Tzu, 'The Art of War'

Sun Tzu, whose work dates back to the fifth century B.C. and is now studied at military academies across the world, stressed the paramount importance of deception and surprise in warfare. To this day, contemporary Chinese military planners religiously adhere to Sun Tzu’s guidance. China’s entire warfare philosophy centers on this precept - to win means to trick your enemy. In other words, victory is only possible if you can deceive your opponent.

Eek. Eek. There's a Chinese hiding under your bed and he's going to sneak out tonight and steal your goodies.

(There's actually a Chinese in my bed, but the worst thing she does is snores.)

China benefits the most from a continued, prolonged Proxy War between Russia and tbe US:

Meh, not really. First, it works on the assumption that China is a global power militarily. It really isn't. They don't have the ability to project power anywhere in the World like the US and even Russia still does. While their Navy has a lot of ships, they don't have aircraft carriers that are of very good quality. Their nukes number in the hundreds compared to our thousands.

Where China DOES excel is in its ability to build up good will in the third world with the "Belt and Road" initiative. i.e.- they go into impoverished countries in Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia and help them build up infrastructure, roads, etc. that in turn facilitate the penetration of Chinese goods into their markets. This is actually... kind of brilliant, the thing we Americans USED to do but forgot because the GOP spent too much time pandering to Wingnuts whining about "Helping the foreigners!"

The US does not have the military weapons and munitions Taiwan already bought but has not delivered yet because it is too busy sending weapons systems and munitions to Ukraine (for free)
-- Taiwan remains without weapons systems / munitions needed to defend itself

The US has reportedly all but depleted its wartime oil reserves and is 'dangerously' low in its own weapons / munitions stockpiles needed should China militarily move to take Taiwan
-- US military commanders warn China is oir greatest threat right now

And recently, also hardly reported, one of China's top Generals stated China was militarily ready to take Taiwan at any moment it is ordered to do so and would not blink an eye / hesitate to do so.

Except legally, China is perfectly entitled to invade Taiwan. Taiwan is considered a province of China, and still labors under the delusion that it is the legitimate government of China. So any invasion of Taiwan by China would be considered by international law to be an internal Chinese matter.

Now, here's why it's never going to happen. First, Amphibious invasions are very difficult to pull off. During World War II, Allied Commanders rejected invading Taiwan when all it had defending it were a few hundred thousand starving Japanese troops. (They instead opted to invade the Philippines and planned to invade Japan herself.)

Today, Taiwan is much better defended and if they force needed to invade it did start mustering, they would have plenty of time to muster their reserves, mine the beaches and be ready. A Chinese invasion of Taiwan would dwarf D-Day in terms of logistics and number of troops, and with modern satellite technology, we'd know it long before it started.

Secondly, China is very dependent on Taiwan (and vice-versa) economically. They need Taiwanese investment for their industries, Taiwan needs Chinese resources and labor. You make the mistake of thinking that Beijing and Taipei are sworn enemies when they've largely learned to live with each other. (Think about family members who don't really like each other but still show up for family parties.)

Third, China is much more dependent on international trade, which would be cut off. True, their new friendship with Russia would keep them supplied in Oil, but a lot of other resources they need would be cut off and their ability to make money by shipping manufactured goods would be hampered by sanctions. You see, the reason why sanctions against Russia haven't worked in Ukraine is that Russia had already been under sanctions since 2014. It learned to do without. China just doesn't have that luxury.

Between its Proxy War in Ukraine, the Biden illegal invasion, their continued 7-year crusade to take down Trump, and their own numerous scandals from which the Democrats are focused on protecting Biden, the Biden administration and Democrats are not focused on China or the defense of Taiwan at all...

Funny, I didn't see any Chinese trying to overthrow our government on January 6th. Trump is the danger to America, not China.
China would have no chance of becoming the world's dominant economic and military power without the help of American Communists in the Deep State. It's a lucrative business. Just ask the Bidens, Clintons, etc.
China would have no chance of becoming the world's dominant economic and military power without the help of American Communists in the Deep State. It's a lucrative business. Just ask the Bidens, Clintons, etc.

Actually, China was the world's biggest economy up until the mid-19th Century when it was overtaken by the UK, and then the US.

It simply has the advantage of having 1.5 Billion people.
Actually, China was the world's biggest economy up until the mid-19th Century when it was overtaken by the UK, and then the US.

It simply has the advantage of having 1.5 Billion people.
Most of those 1.5 billion are slaves, which actually stifles an economy since they generally don't have much buying power. But they wouldn't be gaining much ground today without the help of bad players in the Western world.
Most of those 1.5 billion are slaves, which actually stifles an economy since they generally don't have much buying power. But they wouldn't be gaining much ground today without the help of bad players in the Western world.

Wow, your profound ignorance of China would be amusing if people like you weren't blundering us into a possible war.

Wow, your profound ignorance of China would be amusing if people like you weren't blundering us into a possible war.

Your little god, Pedo Joe, is in charge. If anyone is "blundering" while "plundering" it's your boss.
'All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.'
-- Sun Tzu, 'The Art of War'

Sun Tzu, whose work dates back to the fifth century B.C. and is now studied at military academies across the world, stressed the paramount importance of deception and surprise in warfare. To this day, contemporary Chinese military planners religiously adhere to Sun Tzu’s guidance. China’s entire warfare philosophy centers on this precept - to win means to trick your enemy. In other words, victory is only possible if you can deceive your opponent.

China is applying Sun Tzu's 'The Art Of War' in Ukraine against both Russia and the US, manipulating both to weaken each other in their Proxy War against each other as it makes moves to become the world's #1 Super Power.

'And tricking leaders in Washington is what Beijing has been doing. Make no mistake, China’s recent diplomatic charm offensive aimed at positioning itself as a peacemaker in Ukraine is nothing but a Sun Tzu-inspired gimmick. Its purpose is to divert Washington’s attention from China’s real target – Taiwan, buy time to finalize the PLA’s war preparations, and then launch a surprise attack on Taiwan. The peacemaker charade, including a 12-point peace plan, is intended to catch the Pentagon off guard, leaving U.S. forces to scramble.'

Chinese Presidnt Xi recently met with Russian President to 'encouage a peace agreement with Ukraine IOT stop the war'.

It was a complete ruse, based on Sun Tzu's teachings.

China knows Russia WILL not, CAN not stop its war in Ukraine until it has conquered and annexed Ukraine, returning it to its former status as one of the now-seperate 15 STATES that made up the USSR.

'Moscow believes that without restoring its strategic security buffer zone -- of which Ukraine is part of, in Moscow’s view -- lost as a result of the collapse of the USSR, Russia will cease to exist as a state in the long-term. Loss of Ukraine to NATO, in Moscow’s rationale, would embolden other post-Soviet states, like Georgia and Moldova, to attain membership an alliance that Russia’s military doctrine has codified as security threat number one.'

Again, China knows this - Xi's trip to Russia was all for show.

China benefits the most from a continued, prolonged Proxy War between Russia and tbe US:

Both Russia and the US - Super Powers - are China's enemy, despite China's recent 'alliance' with Russia (against the US)
-- 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' ... but also still my enemy.

Both nations are weakened by their proxy war

Both nations deplete their military stockpiles.

The US stays focused on Ukraine.

The US does not have the military weapons and munitions Taiwan already bought but has not delivered yet because it is too busy sending weapons systems and munitions to Ukraine (for free)
-- Taiwan remains without weapons systems / munitions needed to defend itself

The US has reportedly all but depleted its wartime oil reserves and is 'dangerously' low in its own weapons / munitions stockpiles needed should China militarily move to take Taiwan
-- US military commanders warn China is oir greatest threat right now

China is building a large Intel Collection Center in Cuba specifically to conduct SIGINT collections (signals / communications) in the US.

China has 'quietly' (because it has not been widely reported by the MSM) increasing its cyber disruption attacks on Guam, a strategic base for the US in its efforts to defend the region and in any effort to defend Taiwan.

China has aggressively ignored regional pacts / agreements by sailing military ship-supported research ships into an area in which China is legally prohibited from going.

China has recently perpetrated 2 aggressive near-miss incidents in which its aircraft / ships have gotten dangerously close to US assets. In one incident a CCP fighter passed within 10 feet of US fighters, and in another incident a CCP warship crossed in front of a US by yards.

And recently, also hardly reported, one of China's top Generals stated China was militarily ready to take Taiwan at any moment it is ordered to do so and would not blink an eye / hesitate to do so.

Between its Proxy War in Ukraine, the Biden illegal invasion, their continued 7-year crusade to take down Trump, and their own numerous scandals from which the Democrats are focused on protecting Biden, the Biden administration and Democrats are not focused on China or the defense of Taiwan at all...

...and that's the way Sun Tzu would have liked it / the way Xi and the CCP like it.
The stupid fucking leftards are completely oblivious to this stuff.

They think righties are the enemy.

One morning they're to wake up and discover what a real enemy is.
Fool me.once, shame on you,.fool me twice, shame on me. Give China credit for taking advantage of the naive, greedy and optimistic. The West did it to themselves. It will continue until patriotism, brains and courage replace the self serving.

China plays the long game, something the US can no longer do thanks to be massive political divide in the country.

While the US was wasting trillions on wars in the Middle East, China was investing trillions in places like Africa and South America ensuring they have future customers.

People in the US look at Africa and think of backwards people in grass huts, China sees them as a huge source of new consumers for their goods.

While the US is throwing around tariffs like candy China is spending money to help the farmers in Brazil get their soybean to the port in a cheaper and quicker method.
The stupid fucking leftards are completely oblivious to this stuff.

They think righties are the enemy.

One morning they're to wake up and discover what a real enemy is.

And you morons on the right think the lefties are the enemy....

One more time you prove there is no difference between the two sides.
my biggest problem with Biden is that he isn't doing more to repair our relationship with China, a partner we probably need going forward.

Do you think China would be so quick to back Putin's plays if Trump hadn't alienated them.
China is run by Communists. I don't trust them no matter who they're dealing with.
Russia is the US closest military rival.

China is the US closest economic rival.

The US Government doesn't care about the sovereignty of Ukraine or Democracy in Taiwan, they are just the 2 countries chosen to be used as pawns to fight their competition.
China is run by Communists. I don't trust them no matter who they're dealing with.
That's nice. The 1950's called, they want their paranoia back. And Joe McCarthy's corpse.

You stupid fucktards would just GIVE Taiwan to the Chinese.

Cause that's the way you clueless fucktards roll.

Taiwan isn't ours to take or give. It's the property of China. It even calls itself the "Republic of China".

China plays the long game, something the US can no longer do thanks to be massive political divide in the country.

While the US was wasting trillions on wars in the Middle East, China was investing trillions in places like Africa and South America ensuring they have future customers.

People in the US look at Africa and think of backwards people in grass huts, China sees them as a huge source of new consumers for their goods.

While the US is throwing around tariffs like candy China is spending money to help the farmers in Brazil get their soybean to the port in a cheaper and quicker method.

Yes, but China also has it's own issues with race. For instance, blacks who find themselves in China are often discriminated against.

Yes, but China also has it's own issues with race. For instance, blacks who find themselves in China are often discriminated against.

I am not saying China is a great country or a place I want to live, just explaining the differences between them and us

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