China supports gun bans in the us!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Shocker, I know.

Historians say that one of the reasons the US hasn't been invaded in recent history is the knowledge that our populace is armed.



» Communist Chinese Government Calls For Americans to be Disarmed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
If you want to get a taste of how a state treats citizens who refuse to submit to big government tyranny yet who are completely disarmed, look no further than China itself.
As we reported earlier this year, a villager in northern China attempting to resist a forced government relocation by remaining on his land was brutally crushed to death by a road flattening truck on the orders of a Chinese government official.
China is routinely rocked by riots staged by residents furious at the arbitrary theft of their land by the state, which under the Communist system claims that the government owns all land and that private property rights are non-existent. However, the state-owned media ensures that news of the protests does not reach a national audience.
Since the state has all the guns, the idea of government thugs arbitrarily kicking people off their own property is a routine occurrence in China. The kind of massive land grabs and forced relocations that occur almost every day in China is not a situation that has yet been visited on America primarily because Americans have the second amendment with which to protect their private property rights"

» Communist Chinese Government Calls For Americans to be Disarmed Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
Historians say that one of the reasons the US hasn't been invaded in recent history is the knowledge that our populace is armed.

Yeah, right. Ten thousand miles of ocean on both sides wouldn't be a factor. Military bases all over the planet, nobody even knows about that. No, Rumania scrapped its plans for invasion because they got their hands on a copy of "The Deer Hunter" and freaked out over the prospect of old farts with silly red hats traipsing through the woods.


I kill me.
Historians say that one of the reasons the US hasn't been invaded in recent history is the knowledge that our populace is armed.

Yeah, right. Ten thousand miles of ocean on both sides wouldn't be a factor. Military bases all over the planet, nobody even knows about that. No, Rumania scrapped its plans for invasion because they got their hands on a copy of "The Deer Hunter" and freaked out over the prospect of old farts with silly red hats traipsing through the woods.


I kill me.

Once again I am floored by the rampant ignorance displayed among those who puff themselves up as intellectually superior.
When the day comes that China is the superpower, I have little doubt they will have the influence over America needed to achieve whatever they want.
That should pretty much speak for itself.

90% of murderers have a criminal record....
...I'm certain they'd give up their guns if the government asked them to do so.

Gun control advocates frequently point out that the majority of murders are committed by acquaintances, trying to make people fearful of letting relatives have access to guns. But this claim regarding domestic violence irresponsibly makes people afraid of those who they have no reason to be afraid of. What isn’t mentioned by these same advocates is that most of these acquaintances are not people who are emotionally close to each other. They involve rival gang members who know each other. Acquaintance murders also include prostitutes and their pimps or Johns as well as cab drivers who are murdered by their fares.
To put it bluntly, criminals are not typical citizens. About 90 percent of adult murderers have an adult criminal record. They tend to have low IQs and long histories of social problems. Murders are also very heavily concentrated among minorities in urban areas. Over 70 percent of murders occur in about 3 percent of the counties in the US.

Read more: The truth about Costas, Belcher and guns | Fox News
Historians say that one of the reasons the US hasn't been invaded in recent history is the knowledge that our populace is armed.

Yeah, right. Ten thousand miles of ocean on both sides wouldn't be a factor. Military bases all over the planet, nobody even knows about that. No, Rumania scrapped its plans for invasion because they got their hands on a copy of "The Deer Hunter" and freaked out over the prospect of old farts with silly red hats traipsing through the woods.


I kill me.

Once again I am floored by the rampant ignorance displayed among those who puff themselves up as intellectually superior.

It doesn't take superiority. You made an eminently mockable point; I delivered.
So sue me. Or make a point less remockable. And try to attribute it to something more tangible than "some people say".

You want a debate, bring your A game or take the consequences.

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