China Training For War With Japan

I've heard all the yellow peril talk before. It was most notable before 9/11. The liberals were saying "hey, pay attention to the Taliban", but the conservatives were fixated with laser-like precision on China, telling us all how China was about to overrun the African oil fields and the Panama Canal.

Conservatives need an enemy, and China is often a convenient one. The trouble with that is how it takes eyes off the real troubles.

The nature of the massive Chinese Investment in Africa is evolving and there is such a lack of information on all that ---it will be some time before it can be said with precision what the true motivation of China in Africa is...even if they know can find many anecdotal stories on the negative and the positive side.

Regarding the Panama is an interesting piece>>>

Chinese tycoon plans to rival Panama Canal with $40 billion waterway through Nicaragua - Washington Times
China launched a punitive attack against Vietnam and lost over 200,000 in the process just to show the Vietnamese government they could. Vietnam quit being belligerent.

China invaded Vietnam because Vietnam invaded Cambodia to stop the Khmer Rouge from slaughtering millions of people. You have your facts wrong. China invaded in a German style Blitz, but the Vietnamese fought back hard and had the Chinese runnng back over the border with their tails between their legs. In one month of fighting, the Chinese lost more soldiers than the US lost in a decade (estimates are the Chinese lost between 63K-200K based on who you talk to). The Chinese accomplished nothing.

AFP: In China, war with Vietnam is forgotten history

Despite its advantage in numbers and strength, China fought to a bloody stalemate and had no effect on Vietnam's foreign policy, he said.

The Chinese government "saw little to boast about and this undoubtedly helps explain the lack of official acknowledgement of this war and those who fought in it," Worthing said.

You are mostly correct about why China invaded N. was an attempt to get the Vietnamese to withdraw from Cambodia, to demonstrate to Russia that they could not protect Vietnam and also as a punitive strike against N. Vietnam....all this occurred right after the Sino-Soviet split when there was border fighting between Russia and China.

The Chinese strategy was to draw Vietnam into a major battle necessitating their withdrawal of forces from Cambodia to fight China...this failed because Russian intelligence tipped of Vietnam of China's strategy.

When it became apparant to China that Vietnam would not fall into their trap....they decided to withdraw mainly because they did not want to provoke Russia too much...a Russian invasion of China at that was a real possibility and the Russians had tried to convince America to go in with them on a pre-emptive strike to destroy Chinas nuclear program.

However, it was not a stalemate....anyone who thinks China even at that time when their military was much inferior to what it is now could not have completely occupied Vietnam is living in fantasy land.

The N. Vietnamese to their credit did put up a good fight....but this was not what prompted the Chinese withdrawal....China had very limited goals to begin with...mainly to get the Vietnamese to withdraw from Cambodia...when that failed they decided to withdraw fearing that if they went too far into Vietnam the Soviets would react.

China wants this buried in the history books because it was a major disappointment. Russia wasn't about to Invade China and they were not seeking America's help in doing so. Where the hell did you get that?

FACTS: China goal was to protect their ally, the murderous and just as bad as the NAZIs Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot. They failed bigtime and ran back across the border with possibly 200K dead Chinese soliders. That would have been the equilavent to 20% of their army!
I've heard all the yellow peril talk before. It was most notable before 9/11. The liberals were saying "hey, pay attention to the Taliban", but the conservatives were fixated with laser-like precision on China, telling us all how China was about to overrun the African oil fields and the Panama Canal.

Conservatives need an enemy, and China is often a convenient one. The trouble with that is how it takes eyes off the real troubles.

What a crock of horse-shit! First, conservatives have warned the Muslims are the west's greatest threat, yet it's you libtards that constantly protect and placate them. We should be mindful of China. In reality the only countries that militarily poss a threat to us in a conventional war are: Russia, China, Britian and India. Not much chance of a war with Britian and India, but Russia and China are another story. We should be mindful. Regardles of the conventional war threat, China is a huge economic threat. We owe them a ton of cash, they manipulate their currency and use unfair trade practices to steal our manufacturing sector. We should be mindful of the trade war they have against America!
First, conservatives have warned the Muslims are the west's greatest threat,

Only after 9/11. Prior to that, conservatives were mostly ignoring the muslims and screaming about China.

It was the liberals who were talking about the Taliban. Granted, that was more focused on human rights issues than terrorism issues, but at least the liberals were pointing out how we should be very concerned that islamicists had taken control of Afghanistan.
China is not going to attack Taiwan and certainly not Japan.

China is not going to hold LA as a hostage because the USA will melt all of China into a radioactive parking lot.
China is not going to attack Taiwan and certainly not Japan.

China is not going to hold LA as a hostage because the USA will melt all of China into a radioactive parking lot.

China has a big enough problem controlling their own people. They have no capability to attack offshore
It was the liberals who were talking about the Taliban. .

No it wasn't. With typical hypocrisy, liberals - notably 'women's rights' groups largely remained silent the more we learned about the treatment of women under the Taliban.
Looks like Japan is about to get nuked again...

No it doesn't. You're an idiot.

Oh, and whale is delicious, btw.

Full of mercury, Japanese are sending themselves crazy by eating it.
Justice for Migalooo and his friends.

Time someone blew up Japan's whaling fleet.

I got news for you. Japan has AEGIS. Nuff said..

Additionally, their fleet is kept in top form. They treat their ships as their home and it looks that way. Immaculate. Rust is myth to them

Now, on American ships that's another story.

China invaded Vietnam because Vietnam invaded Cambodia to stop the Khmer Rouge from slaughtering millions of people. You have your facts wrong. China invaded in a German style Blitz, but the Vietnamese fought back hard and had the Chinese runnng back over the border with their tails between their legs. In one month of fighting, the Chinese lost more soldiers than the US lost in a decade (estimates are the Chinese lost between 63K-200K based on who you talk to). The Chinese accomplished nothing.

You are mostly correct about why China invaded N. was an attempt to get the Vietnamese to withdraw from Cambodia, to demonstrate to Russia that they could not protect Vietnam and also as a punitive strike against N. Vietnam....all this occurred right after the Sino-Soviet split when there was border fighting between Russia and China.

The Chinese strategy was to draw Vietnam into a major battle necessitating their withdrawal of forces from Cambodia to fight China...this failed because Russian intelligence tipped of Vietnam of China's strategy.

When it became apparant to China that Vietnam would not fall into their trap....they decided to withdraw mainly because they did not want to provoke Russia too much...a Russian invasion of China at that was a real possibility and the Russians had tried to convince America to go in with them on a pre-emptive strike to destroy Chinas nuclear program.

However, it was not a stalemate....anyone who thinks China even at that time when their military was much inferior to what it is now could not have completely occupied Vietnam is living in fantasy land.

The N. Vietnamese to their credit did put up a good fight....but this was not what prompted the Chinese withdrawal....China had very limited goals to begin with...mainly to get the Vietnamese to withdraw from Cambodia...when that failed they decided to withdraw fearing that if they went too far into Vietnam the Soviets would react.

China wants this buried in the history books because it was a major disappointment. Russia wasn't about to Invade China and they were not seeking America's help in doing so. Where the hell did you get that?

FACTS: China goal was to protect their ally, the murderous and just as bad as the NAZIs Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot. They failed bigtime and ran back across the border with possibly 200K dead Chinese soliders. That would have been the equilavent to 20% of their army!

You should do better research before you open your pie hole>>>>>USSR planned nuclear attack on China in 1969 - Telegraph
Regarding the ridicuously report of Chinese Casualties in their punitive strike into N. Vietnam

Chinese casualties

The number of casualties during the war is disputed. Vietnamese source claimed the PLA had suffered 62,500 total casualties; while Chinese democracy activist Wei Jingsheng told western media in 1980 that the Chinese troops had suffered 9,000 deaths and about 10,000 wounded during the war. New Chinese sources indicated that China only suffered 6,954 lost.
Time someone blew up Japan's whaling fleet.

Your weak sandbox sure as hell won't do it.

One day we might graduate from pop guns and mortars...and get some of the latest weapons, and plenty of them.
Useless politicians.
Nuke powered and nuke armed subs, ICBMs, and long range nuke etc armed drones etc.
As it stands today, the sandbox is just a doormat and boot licker of Japan.

We might get lucky, China might do the job for us.
I've heard all the yellow peril talk before. It was most notable before 9/11. The liberals were saying "hey, pay attention to the Taliban", but the conservatives were fixated with laser-like precision on China, telling us all how China was about to overrun the African oil fields and the Panama Canal.

Conservatives need an enemy, and China is often a convenient one. The trouble with that is how it takes eyes off the real troubles.

Of course they do.

Anyone that has ever travelled to China and have friends who are Chinese know that modern China has one overwhelming interest.

Time someone blew up Japan's whaling fleet.

Your weak sandbox sure as hell won't do it.

One day we might graduate from pop guns and mortars...and get some of the latest weapons, and plenty of them.
Useless politicians.
Nuke powered and nuke armed subs, ICBMs, and long range nuke etc armed drones etc.
As it stands today, the sandbox is just a doormat and boot licker of Japan.

We might get lucky, China might do the job for us.

Be careful what you wish for, Dundee. If China ever does anything regarding your sandbox it will be TO you, not FOR you. At which point you'd all piss yourselves and come crying to us for help, of course.
Anyone that has ever travelled [sic] to China and have [sic] friends who are Chinese know [sic] that modern China has one overwhelming interest.


Of course they do. That's a large part of the point behind China's growing 'assertiveness,' and it doesn't preclude unfortunate missteps along the way.
I've heard all the yellow peril talk before. It was most notable before 9/11. The liberals were saying "hey, pay attention to the Taliban", but the conservatives were fixated with laser-like precision on China, telling us all how China was about to overrun the African oil fields and the Panama Canal.

Conservatives need an enemy, and China is often a convenient one. The trouble with that is how it takes eyes off the real troubles.

Of course they do.

Anyone that has ever travelled to China and have friends who are Chinese know that modern China has one overwhelming interest.


The above is the typical sort of shallow thinking one sees constantly on this board....and unfortunately much of the thinking that is going on in Washington in regards to China which of course has led to our appeasement of China>>>>>>South China Sea And The United States - Analysis

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