China Training For War With Japan

China will get their butts kicked

Their Navy sucks

What are you talking about smokey?!? China has the 3rd largest navy in the world and is working in entering the aircraft carrier club. Japan is 4th, but don't make it seem like the Chinese are weak!

Military: List of the Top 10 Largest Navies in the World

They have the third largest airforce also.

Military: Top 10 Largest Air Force in the World

The also have the 3rd most powerful army!

Military: Top 10 Most Powerful Armies in the World
Obama should come out and say if someone attack's Japan they attack America too.

That would silence half of his detractors and be the most badass thing he's done in his presidency. Sadly, there's no way that'll happen :(

He shouldn't say it. No red-lines. China already knows this. However, Japan is tough enough to take care of herself.

Nevertheless, this is silly. We train to fight nearly every country out there including China and Russia. That doesn't mean we are going to attack them. Same with China. They might be training on fighting Japan, but I doubt China is interested in possibly starting WW III!!!

We should be on prepared and position ourselves in case of a war, but we should realize there is a SMALL probability of China attacking Japan!
Obama should come out and say if someone attack's Japan they attack America too.

That would silence half of his detractors and be the most badass thing he's done in his presidency. Sadly, there's no way that'll happen :(

He shouldn't say it. No red-lines. China already knows this. However, Japan is tough enough to take care of herself.

Nevertheless, this is silly. We train to fight nearly every country out there including China and Russia. That doesn't mean we are going to attack them. Same with China. They might be training on fighting Japan, but I doubt China is interested in possibly starting WW III!!!

We should be on prepared and position ourselves in case of a war, but we should realize there is a SMALL probability of China attacking Japan!

China attacks Japan and it means the US, S Korea and EU takes sides against them

Why would they piss off their major trade partners?
China isn't going to invade Taiwan. They don't want a smoking ruin, they want Taiwan and its wealth intact, just like Hong Kong, and that happens by the political process.

And thinking Obama is "weak' is highly delusional ODS. Confident men don't need to talk tough to prove they're not wimps. That's why the conservatives here spend their days trying to talk tough. Look at Bush, with his tough-talk and needless war-starting, all because of his daddy issues. Bush is the like role-model for the sissymen who badly need to compensate for something.
This is where the fight will occur,

China ships in disputed waters: Japan coastguard |

and contrary to leftwingers opinion, China has been building a blue water navy for several years now.

“These moves into the 'distant seas' would seem inevitable for a nation as large as China,” he said. “But it goes without saying that this expansion into blue waters is largely about countering the Pacific Fleet.”

China’s Xinhua news agency reported that a PLA Navy destroyer and two frigates exercising in the Western Pacific earlier this year were practicing maritime confrontation, open-sea mobile combat, law enforcement and open-sea naval commanding.

“Make no mistake, the PLA Navy is focused on war at sea and about sinking an opposing fleet,” Fanell said.

There is evidence that the PLA Navy has ambitions even beyond the Pacific.

Van Tol said China sent a frigate through the Suez Canal in 2011 to evacuate citizens during unrest in Libia, and Chinese ships have participated in anti-piracy efforts off the coast of Somalia."

China's naval aspirations: A 'blue-water' force - Stripes - Independent U.S. military news from Iraq, Afghanistan and bases worldwide

We have names for Chinas ships........Targets

Yes, if WE decide to shoot, that is correct. However, if Japan is left to fend for herself, she will lose. That was the point of the OP.


China tried invading Vietnam.

Guess what happened.

Is it worse than what the Western world has done to Africa?

You mind Bill Gates using Africans for pharmaceutical experiments instead of mice?


Gates Foundation Critique - Techrights

Only one of many when googling for Bill Gates Africa Pharmaceuticals.
An HIV vaccination was only one of many experiments bypassing the mouse for humans.
Over 240,000 humans.
What the hell, they're Black.

My son did an entire paper on this rat's phony Foundations 2 years ago.$750-million-to-global-fund
We have names for Chinas ships........Targets

Yes, if WE decide to shoot, that is correct. However, if Japan is left to fend for herself, she will lose. That was the point of the OP.


China tried invading Vietnam.

Guess what happened.


Here is actually what happened........................The Chinese entered Northern Vietnam and advanced quickly about 15–20 kilometers into Vietnam, with fighting mainly occurring in the provinces of Cao Bằng, Lào Cai and Lạng Sơn. The Vietnamese avoided mobilizing their regular divisions, and held back some 300,000 troops for the defence of Hanoi. The Vietnamese forces tried to avoid direct combat, and often used guerrilla tactics.

The initial Chinese attack soon lost its momentum, and a new wave of attack was sent in. Eight Chinese divisions joined the battle, and captured some of the northernmost cities in Vietnam. After capturing the northern heights above Lang Son, the Chinese surrounded and paused in front of the city in order to lure the Vietnamese into reinforcing it with units from Cambodia. This had been the main strategic ploy in the Chinese war plan as Deng did not want to risk an escalation involving the Soviet Union. The VPA high command, after a tip-off from Soviet satellite intelligence, was able to see through the trap[citation needed], however, and committed reserves only to Hanoi.

Once this became clear to the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), the war was practically over. An assault was still mounted, but the Vietnamese only committed one VPA regiment defending the city.[citation needed] After three days of bloody house-to-house fighting, Lang Son fell on March 6. The PLA then took the southern heights above Lang Son[29] and occupied Sapa. The PLA claimed to have crushed several of the Vietnamese regular units.[5]

The Chinese now resumed their attacks aimed at the major provincial capitals and key communication centres in the border hinter land. Major battles developed at Cao Bằng, Lang Son, Hoang Lien Son, Lai Chau and Quang Ninh. The aim of these attacks was to draw in the regular Vietnamese Army formations and inflict heavy attrition on them through classical "meat-grinder" operations. There were fierce attacks and counterattacks. In Lang Son the Chinese launched 17 counterattacks to regain one objective.

By late last week of February, the Vietnamese had still not committed any of their regular divisions which were being held back for the defence of Hanoi. They had also not pulled out any of their 150,000 troops in Cambodia. In the provincial capital the Vietnamese adopted their favourite tactic: they withdrew from the towns into the adjoining hills. As the Chinese formations surged in they were engaged from all sides from the surrounding hills and quite severely mauled. At the same time, due to the crude tactics and strategy of the PLA command, PLA units also suffered extensive casualties themselves. The combination of high casualties, a badly organized command, harsh Vietnamese resistance and the risk of the Soviets entering the conflict stopped the Chinese from going any farther.[citation needed]

On March 6, China declared that the gate to Hanoi was open and that their punitive mission had been achieved. On the way back to the Chinese border, the PLA destroyed all local infrastructure and housing and looted all useful equipment and resources (including livestock), which were mainly donated by China to support Vietnam's economy prior to the war, severely weakening the economy of Vietnam's northernmost provinces.[5] The PLA crossed the border back into China on March 16. Both sides declared victory with China claiming to have crushed the Vietnamese resistance and Vietnam claiming to have repelled the invasion using mostly border militias.


Sino-Vietnamese War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Chinese military has fundamentally changed its strategy in just the last year or so....... recent writings by PLA officers indicate “a growing confidence within the PLA that they can prevent U.S. involvement if they attack Taiwan or Japan" and it now appears they are more apt to attack Japan....they have not forgotten what Japan did to them....the desire for revenge is very strong.

Beijing believes it can attack Taiwan or another neighbor while also bloodlessly deterring U.S. intervention. It would do so by deploying such overwhelmingly strong military forces—ballistic missiles, aircraft carriers, jet fighters and the like—that Washington dare not get involved.

As one Chinese General bluntly put it..."would America sacrifice Los Angeles in order to defend Taiwan" and recent American actions gives them many reasons to think it would not ....aka Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq. The well known American reluctance to take casualties is having a major influence on Chinese Planning.

When I was in Beijing in 2002 they likened Taiwan to the state of Texas, and announced their intent to take it back. You can read Chinese newspapers online in English if you so desire.
We have names for Chinas ships........Targets

Yes, if WE decide to shoot, that is correct. However, if Japan is left to fend for herself, she will lose. That was the point of the OP.


China tried invading Vietnam.

Guess what happened.


There was vastly more to Vietnam than today's small minded liberals can grasp. Yes, China supplied a lot of troops. But that war was lost because we did not understand how they were fighting it. And it was more about LBJ making money off of it than anything else.

Of course it can...With TAX MONEY and experiments on HUMANS in Africa.
He's worth over 50 billion and the average research for a medicine costs 360 million.
Think Mr. Gates can afford it?

How much have YOU done to help suffering people in Africa? Sure, you're not worth 50 billion, but you must be worth something, right?

So I guess everyone who's wealthy and wants TAX PAYERS to foot the bill of some supposedly phony humanitarian endeavor is okee dokee by you.

Now I know why everyone here calls you a loon.

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