China warns Trump we will back North Korea if the US strikes first

You know, there are a whole bunch of cabinet and diplomatic positions that haven't been filled in Trump's WH.

One of those positions is the diplomatic post for South Korea.

Considering that there are lots of things going on over there, wouldn't it be kinda prudent to have a diplomat over in S. Korea? You know, the place where there is a war brewing and we have a whole bunch of personnel and troops?

^^ Semi Related - U.S. ambassador to South Korea on the mend after knife attack
. Wow.
Time to strengthen South Korean forces right now, and get ready for War on the horizon... All civilians in South Korea should be prepared to leave immediately as if a typhoon is coming. No more games there or here. Time to man up.
We've got a guy over there who knows what he's doing - Marc Knapper, Chargé d’Affaires ad interim | U.S. Embassy & Consulate in Korea

That said, yea I don't think we can play games with Kimmy, he's a fruit loop and isn't going to stop pushing. I was watching a documentary interview with some N. Korean's who'd ended up "outside" (fled, were captured, etc.) and they were saying there's a lot of folks who almost welcome a war with America; firstly because they think they've got a shot of winning due to propaganda, and secondly just to get it the fuck over with because the government is constantly telling them the US is coming any day now. I almost wonder if Kimmy is one of them types and wants to get shit over with. Since he took over in 2011 he's gotten more and more out of control imo I think his pot shot over Japan is an indication that he's not entirely sane...
"We've stayed out of North Korea for half a century,

Because the Chinese kicked us out. Are you suggesting we should have invaded China?
. No we had a president who lost his spine, and we were placed into a precarious situation because of it. China couldn't do anything to us, except for what we allowed for them to do to us at the time. Our indecision and political infighting caused us to leave the theater, not China. Remember we were the greatest power on earth at the time, and we had just proved it in Japan. The whole world marvelled at a nation that could bring untold destruction upon them from the sky, and the race was on.

Wrong, on literally every point. China absolutely could kill our soldiers and force us to commit to a huge ground war in China.That's the decision we were forced to make. Our nukes were still mounted on planes. China was not a castrated Japan, you are delusional to think we could have nuked their cities at will. And for you to blame one President for not invading a country that we haven't invaded for 60 years is laughable and seriously undermines your credibility.
. Japan wanted us to bog down in a ground war on their soil, but we decided otherwise. Dropped the bombs, and Japan surrendered... We could have made China surrender at the time as well, but that wasn't our goal to go to war with China. We were stopped for political reasons back home, and not by them forcing us to quit anything. If you think otherwise, then your credibility is at risk as well. Anything we did at that time was our choice to make, and not anyone else's choice at the time. Japan at the time had whipped China's ace (all but defeated them), but we fought the Japs in which took them off of their game (spread them thin).
The Generals have already told Trump and red state Amerika.......there are no military solutions against North Korea!!!!! When are you dumb fuck conservatives going to realize this????
. Well quit running your mouth, and start telling us in detail what should be done about the North Korea threat to this nation along with Japan etc. ?? What, just sit back and let them become a nuclear power that can easily bribe the world for billions in aid or else ? Threaten us on behalf of China ? That place ain't nothing but a hardened military complex ready to bring power to the region by way of their nuclear power. Are we to act now or wait till we are China and NK's punk in the world ? We best get our act together with Russia or end up as Germany did in world war two (fighting on two many fronts) if the crap hits the fan.
. No we had a president who lost his spine, and we were placed into a precarious situation because of it. China couldn't do anything to us, except for what we allowed for them to do to us at the time. Our indecision and political infighting caused us to leave the theater, not China. Remember we were the greatest power on earth at the time, and we had just proved it in Japan. The whole world marvelled at a nation that could bring untold destruction upon them from the sky, and the race was on.

Wrong, on literally every point. China absolutely could kill our soldiers and force us to commit to a huge ground war in China.That's the decision we were forced to make. Our nukes were still mounted on planes. China was not a castrated Japan, you are delusional to think we could have nuked their cities at will. And for you to blame one President for not invading a country that we haven't invaded for 60 years is laughable and seriously undermines your credibility.
. Japan wanted us to bog down in a ground war on their soil, but we decided otherwise. Dropped the bombs, and Japan surrendered... We could have made China surrender at the time as well, but that wasn't our goal to go to war with China. We were stopped for political reasons back home, and not by them forcing us to quit anything. If you think otherwise, then your credibility is at risk as well. Anything we did at that time was our choice to make, and not anyone else's choice at the time. Japan at the time had whipped China's ace (all but defeated them), but we fought the Japs in which took them off of their game (spread them thin).
The Generals have already told Trump and red state Amerika.......there are no military solutions against North Korea!!!!! When are you dumb fuck conservatives going to realize this????
. Well quit running your mouth, and start telling us in detail what should be done about the North Korea threat to this nation along with Japan etc. ?? What, just sit back and let them become a nuclear power that can easily bribe the world for billions in aid or else ? Threaten us on behalf of China ? That place ain't nothing but a hardened military complex ready to bring power to the region by way of their nuclear power. Are we to act now or wait till we are China and NK's punk in the world ? We best get our act together with Russia or end up as Germany did in world war two (fighting on two many fronts) if the crap hits the fan.
. All I can say is "WAR IS HELL".
Wrong, on literally every point. China absolutely could kill our soldiers and force us to commit to a huge ground war in China.That's the decision we were forced to make. Our nukes were still mounted on planes. China was not a castrated Japan, you are delusional to think we could have nuked their cities at will. And for you to blame one President for not invading a country that we haven't invaded for 60 years is laughable and seriously undermines your credibility.
. Japan wanted us to bog down in a ground war on their soil, but we decided otherwise. Dropped the bombs, and Japan surrendered... We could have made China surrender at the time as well, but that wasn't our goal to go to war with China. We were stopped for political reasons back home, and not by them forcing us to quit anything. If you think otherwise, then your credibility is at risk as well. Anything we did at that time was our choice to make, and not anyone else's choice at the time. Japan at the time had whipped China's ace (all but defeated them), but we fought the Japs in which took them off of their game (spread them thin).
The Generals have already told Trump and red state Amerika.......there are no military solutions against North Korea!!!!! When are you dumb fuck conservatives going to realize this????
. Well quit running your mouth, and start telling us in detail what should be done about the North Korea threat to this nation along with Japan etc. ?? What, just sit back and let them become a nuclear power that can easily bribe the world for billions in aid or else ? Threaten us on behalf of China ? That place ain't nothing but a hardened military complex ready to bring power to the region by way of their nuclear power. Are we to act now or wait till we are China and NK's punk in the world ? We best get our act together with Russia or end up as Germany did in world war two (fighting on two many fronts) if the crap hits the fan.
. All I can say is "WAR IS HELL".

Which is why war needs to be avoided at all cost and the use of diplomacy needs to used. Trump and the warmongers in the U.S. need to learn to live a nuclear N. Korea and Iran for that matter.
Capitalism = garbage that built China blindly.

Communism = garbage North Korea.

How about Fascism for an answer?

The Fascism wouldn't tolerate Communism, nor Capitalist outsourcing.

Since the elite scumf*CKS hate Fascism so much, you know it's truly what we need.
The problem with fascism, is that govenment control over commerce stifles entreprenurialism, and wealth building within the state.
. Japan wanted us to bog down in a ground war on their soil, but we decided otherwise. Dropped the bombs, and Japan surrendered... We could have made China surrender at the time as well, but that wasn't our goal to go to war with China. We were stopped for political reasons back home, and not by them forcing us to quit anything. If you think otherwise, then your credibility is at risk as well. Anything we did at that time was our choice to make, and not anyone else's choice at the time. Japan at the time had whipped China's ace (all but defeated them), but we fought the Japs in which took them off of their game (spread them thin).
The Generals have already told Trump and red state Amerika.......there are no military solutions against North Korea!!!!! When are you dumb fuck conservatives going to realize this????
. Well quit running your mouth, and start telling us in detail what should be done about the North Korea threat to this nation along with Japan etc. ?? What, just sit back and let them become a nuclear power that can easily bribe the world for billions in aid or else ? Threaten us on behalf of China ? That place ain't nothing but a hardened military complex ready to bring power to the region by way of their nuclear power. Are we to act now or wait till we are China and NK's punk in the world ? We best get our act together with Russia or end up as Germany did in world war two (fighting on two many fronts) if the crap hits the fan.
. All I can say is "WAR IS HELL".

Which is why war needs to be avoided at all cost and the use of diplomacy needs to used. Trump and the warmongers in the U.S. need to learn to live a nuclear N. Korea and Iran for that matter.
. Can't be no bodies punk... Sorry.
Capitalism = garbage that built China blindly.

Communism = garbage North Korea.

How about Fascism for an answer?

The Fascism wouldn't tolerate Communism, nor Capitalist outsourcing.

Since the elite scumf*CKS hate Fascism so much, you know it's truly what we need.
The problem with fascism, is that govenment control over commerce stifles entreprenurialism, and wealth building within the state.

Most entrepreneurialism today is obviously dirty, by hiring foreigners, like hiring illegals, or outsourcing, just because it's cheaper.

Not only is this a threat to national livelihood, but now even a threat to national security, as this thread exposes.

So, I don't see how it's so bad?
Capitalism = garbage that built China blindly.

Communism = garbage North Korea.

How about Fascism for an answer?

The Fascism wouldn't tolerate Communism, nor Capitalist outsourcing.

Since the elite scumf*CKS hate Fascism so much, you know it's truly what we need.
The problem with fascism, is that govenment control over commerce stifles entreprenurialism, and wealth building within the state.
Yes... Unregulated capitalism has been a problem or either the loss of our patriotism/morals/honesty/decency/honor has been lost, and therefore we bring all this evilness upon us now.
Capitalism = garbage that built China blindly.

Communism = garbage North Korea.

How about Fascism for an answer?

The Fascism wouldn't tolerate Communism, nor Capitalist outsourcing.

Since the elite scumf*CKS hate Fascism so much, you know it's truly what we need.
The problem with fascism, is that govenment control over commerce stifles entreprenurialism, and wealth building within the state.

Most entrepreneurialism today is obviously dirty, by hiring foreigners, like hiring illegals, or outsourcing, just because it's cheaper.

Not only is this a threat to national livelihood, but now even a threat to national security, as this thread exposes.

So, I don't see how it's so bad?
Because it would cease altogether. The only development would come from the minds of those in power. That's very limiting.
Capitalism = garbage that built China blindly.

Communism = garbage North Korea.

How about Fascism for an answer?

The Fascism wouldn't tolerate Communism, nor Capitalist outsourcing.

Since the elite scumf*CKS hate Fascism so much, you know it's truly what we need.
The problem with fascism, is that govenment control over commerce stifles entreprenurialism, and wealth building within the state.

Most entrepreneurialism today is obviously dirty, by hiring foreigners, like hiring illegals, or outsourcing, just because it's cheaper.

Not only is this a threat to national livelihood, but now even a threat to national security, as this thread exposes.

So, I don't see how it's so bad?
Because it would cease altogether. The only development would come from the minds of those in power. That's very limiting.

It seems you're thinking of Communism.

Fascism doesn't replace business, but rather micro-manages it a bit.

Just enough so you don't get what's going on now, a hostile BS China built by our Capitalists.
Capitalism = garbage that built China blindly.

Communism = garbage North Korea.

How about Fascism for an answer?

The Fascism wouldn't tolerate Communism, nor Capitalist outsourcing.

Since the elite scumf*CKS hate Fascism so much, you know it's truly what we need.
The problem with fascism, is that govenment control over commerce stifles entreprenurialism, and wealth building within the state.

Most entrepreneurialism today is obviously dirty, by hiring foreigners, like hiring illegals, or outsourcing, just because it's cheaper.

Not only is this a threat to national livelihood, but now even a threat to national security, as this thread exposes.

So, I don't see how it's so bad?
Because it would cease altogether. The only development would come from the minds of those in power. That's very limiting.

It seems you're thinking of Communism.

Fascism doesn't replace business, but rather micro-manages it a bit.

Just enough so you don't get what's going on now, a hostile BS China built by our Capitalists.
No. I'm thinking of fascism... The reason it never stays in a lighthanded guiding role; is because they always turn dictatorial. If it weren't for that... Then yes. It could work in a micro management capacity. But the underlying governmental structure would have to be set up, in such a way, that it couldn't turn dictatorial.
Capitalism = garbage that built China blindly.

Communism = garbage North Korea.

How about Fascism for an answer?

The Fascism wouldn't tolerate Communism, nor Capitalist outsourcing.

Since the elite scumf*CKS hate Fascism so much, you know it's truly what we need.
The problem with fascism, is that govenment control over commerce stifles entreprenurialism, and wealth building within the state.

Most entrepreneurialism today is obviously dirty, by hiring foreigners, like hiring illegals, or outsourcing, just because it's cheaper.

Not only is this a threat to national livelihood, but now even a threat to national security, as this thread exposes.

So, I don't see how it's so bad?
Because it would cease altogether. The only development would come from the minds of those in power. That's very limiting.

It seems you're thinking of Communism.

Fascism doesn't replace business, but rather micro-manages it a bit.

Just enough so you don't get what's going on now, a hostile BS China built by our Capitalists.
No. I'm thinking of fascism... The reason it never stays in a lighthanded guiding role; is because they always turn dictatorial. If it weren't for that... Then yes. It could work in a micro management capacity. But the underlying governmental structure would have to be set up, in such a way, that it couldn't turn dictatorial.

Some Democratic Parliaments like Great Britain, and the U.S, have been far worse than many dictators.

Besides, I think it's possible to hold Democratic values, while micro-managing within a Capitalist framework.
Most have historically offered facsism, but merely as a means for them to become dictator.
It could work but would require a very well written constitution that safeguards against such an occurrence. There would still need to be a separation of powers, to keep the others in check.
Most have historically offered facsism, but merely as a means for them to become dictator.
It could work but would require a very well written constitution that safeguards against such an occurrence. There would still need to be a separation of powers, to keep the others in check.

What if we just jail the idiots who outsource to China?
Capitalism = garbage that built China blindly.

Communism = garbage North Korea.

How about Fascism for an answer?

The Fascism wouldn't tolerate Communism, nor Capitalist outsourcing.

Since the elite scumf*CKS hate Fascism so much, you know it's truly what we need.
The problem with fascism, is that govenment control over commerce stifles entreprenurialism, and wealth building within the state.

Most entrepreneurialism today is obviously dirty, by hiring foreigners, like hiring illegals, or outsourcing, just because it's cheaper.

Not only is this a threat to national livelihood, but now even a threat to national security, as this thread exposes.

So, I don't see how it's so bad?
Because it would cease altogether. The only development would come from the minds of those in power. That's very limiting.
. A good example... If you decide to add a building to your property, then you are moving the economy by purchasing materials to build, maybe pay a helper to help you build or a company to build it for you. But first you have to get local government to ok the build, charge you with permits, and make you follow size and hight spec's, and then tax you for the thing infinitely. This kind of regulation stifles growth, stops progress, hinders dreamers etc. The only involvement the county or city should have in someone wanting to add a building, shed or mother & law wing to their property, is on codes or spec's concerning the person having enough knowledge to build something safe and not an eyesore. The main home or structure along with the property should be the only thing that is taxed. All adds to the property should be non-taxable and allowed in order to spur economic activity.
Most have historically offered facsism, but merely as a means for them to become dictator.
It could work but would require a very well written constitution that safeguards against such an occurrence. There would still need to be a separation of powers, to keep the others in check.

What if we just jail the idiots who outsource to China?
Why should we pay to house and feed them? Give them a "deadline" to bring the assets home; and if they don't... Well... There has to be a cheaper, if not more profitable solution than jail...
Most have historically offered facsism, but merely as a means for them to become dictator.
It could work but would require a very well written constitution that safeguards against such an occurrence. There would still need to be a separation of powers, to keep the others in check.

What if we just jail the idiots who outsource to China?
. Keep picking on China, and NK is gonna launch.. China's got it made with their little NK proxy to keep us in line.

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