China’s Socialist Government Pulls Popular TV Program;What Dem’s Want for US

What Democrats want for United States. Thanks for supporting my post dork. :113:
Then change your OP title wording to Communist instead of Socialist, Spanky.
Educate yourself Spanky. Marx said socialism is first step toward totalitarian communism. Socialist states are near totalitarian.
Any form of govt can become totalitarian even ours and it is, but you don't see the writing on the wall because you want repubs to be like the Chinese and so does Trump hence his fight with media.
if he wanted to be like china he'd just shut it down and put up trump approved news only.

so far i mostly see only the left ranking sites as good or bad and invariably it's the conservatives sites that are labeled BAD by such agencies.

who's trying to control the media again?

and as for trump bitching at CNN, who's DOJ is in court right now for spying on the media?

i'll let that sit there for now.
There is a piece of paper holding him back but don't thing Trump, Oblama or any president in US didn't wish they could do something about freedom of the press..

hell obama was mad about the constitution getting in his way at times. but the last 2 presidents have been the worst i've ever seen with their media infatuation.
LOL, the OP apparently doesn't realize it is Trump who loves Chinese and North Korean ways of governing:

"President Trump told donors on Saturday that China’s president, Xi Jinping, was now “president for life,” and added: “I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll want to give that a shot someday.”

During an interview with Fox Business Network's Lou Dobbs, Mr Trump said: "He's a powerful man. I happen to think he's a very good person."

US President Donald Trump told a cheering crowd at a campaign rally that there was once tough talk “back and forth” between him and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un “and then we fell in love.”

Mr Trump said at a weekend rally in West Virginia: “He wrote me beautiful letters and they’re great letters. We fell in love.”

The only lovers of totalitarianism is your party, Hoss.
has he sent anyone billions in unmarked bills on a pallet at 2am lately?
These guys are more interested in stuffing it into their own pockets...But since that dough that Oblama gave them was from frozen accounts held since 1979 I can't see why you be bitching?
cause last i checked iran is an enemy and we didn't give back frozen assets, we gave back many times more due to "interest".

maybe that's why i question the move.
Democratic Party wants to be the “Great Oz” out of Washington D.C. Outsider Trump has been fighting them everyday.

The “outsider” that fills his staff and cabinet with establishment swamp critters!

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/—-/ Didn’t Libs demand Amos & Andy be taken off the air? Didn’t libs demand the Simpsons take the Deli owner character off the air because he was politically incorrect? This makes your charge of a Strawman argument null and void.

Links please

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‘Simpsons’ creator reveals why Apu is tainted now
Simpsons Alludes to Apu Stereotype Controversy, Documentarian Fires Back

as said in the episode:
“It’s hard to say…,” Lisa answered. “Something that started out decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect.” Turning to a framed photo of Kwik-E-Mart proprietor Apu on her nightstand, Lisa added: “What can you do?”

pretty sure a conservative didn't care about apu.

censoring our news:
AWFUL! Barack Obama Announces Plan to CENSOR Fox News (MUST READ) - The Political Insider
And so, if we’re going to change how Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Mitch McConnell think, we’re going to have to change how our body politic thinks, which means we’re going to have to change how the media reports on these issues, and how people’s impressions of what it’s like to struggle in this economy looks like. And how budgets connect to that. And that’s a hard process because that requires a much broader conversation than typically we have on the nightly news.
sure sounds like he wants to dictate what goes on the news to me. now trump is around and he feuds with them daily and has revoked media passes from acosta (dunno if anyone else) and maybe somewhere in all his ramblings he's said the same about dictating how we provide the news. it's just as wrong here.

plenty of links out there of liberals stopping free speech (anti-fa, colleges not allowing conservative speakers, news sources being labeled good or bad, BY the left (if you see anyone on the right trying to validate news with a stamp of approval shoot me the link, i can't find one).
China’s centralized national authority recently pulled a popular TV program about the day’s of China’s imperial past. It wasn’t socialist enough and promoted a grand and luxurious lifestyle. They will tell their people how to think. The government will control history and determine who the heroes and villains are. This is what the Democratic Party (aka Socialist Party) would like in the United States. Total control of our lives by a liberal central government in Washington D.C. Democrats don’t believe in liberty or democracy. (We know this from their efforts to overturn 2016 election)
Why China turned against a blockbuster drama
The media has effectively already done that. Any show that isn't PC gets yanked from the air. That's what happened to Roseanne and "Last Man Standing."
Okie Dokie Spanky.

Government of China - Wikipedia

"Government of China"
"The legal power of the Communist Party is guaranteed by the PRC Constitution and its position as the supreme political authority in the PRC is realised through its comprehensive control of the state, military, and media.[2]"
What Democrats want for United States. Thanks for supporting my post dork. :113:
Then change your OP title wording to Communist instead of Socialist, Spanky.
Educate yourself Spanky. Marx said socialism is first step toward totalitarian communism. Socialist states are near totalitarian.
Any form of govt can become totalitarian even ours and it is, but you don't see the writing on the wall because you want repubs to be like the Chinese and so does Trump hence his fight with media.
That's just horseshit. When the government controls everyone's job, then totalitarianism is inevitable.
/—-/ Didn’t Libs demand Amos & Andy be taken off the air? Didn’t libs demand the Simpsons take the Deli owner character off the air because he was politically incorrect? This makes your charge of a Strawman argument null and void.

Links please

Sent from my iPhone using
‘Simpsons’ creator reveals why Apu is tainted now
Simpsons Alludes to Apu Stereotype Controversy, Documentarian Fires Back

as said in the episode:
“It’s hard to say…,” Lisa answered. “Something that started out decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect.” Turning to a framed photo of Kwik-E-Mart proprietor Apu on her nightstand, Lisa added: “What can you do?”

pretty sure a conservative didn't care about apu.

censoring our news:
AWFUL! Barack Obama Announces Plan to CENSOR Fox News (MUST READ) - The Political Insider
And so, if we’re going to change how Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Mitch McConnell think, we’re going to have to change how our body politic thinks, which means we’re going to have to change how the media reports on these issues, and how people’s impressions of what it’s like to struggle in this economy looks like. And how budgets connect to that. And that’s a hard process because that requires a much broader conversation than typically we have on the nightly news.
sure sounds like he wants to dictate what goes on the news to me. now trump is around and he feuds with them daily and has revoked media passes from acosta (dunno if anyone else) and maybe somewhere in all his ramblings he's said the same about dictating how we provide the news. it's just as wrong here.

plenty of links out there of liberals stopping free speech (anti-fa, colleges not allowing conservative speakers, news sources being labeled good or bad, BY the left (if you see anyone on the right trying to validate news with a stamp of approval shoot me the link, i can't find one).

So, with the exception of the current and former presidents trying to go after the news sources that dare say bad things about them, we have private citizens trying to change things they do not agree with. It does not seem anyone is trying to get the government involved, so it is not socialism.

Let me ask, are your examples above fundamentally different than Conservatives boycotting Target for not saying Merry Christmas or Starbucks because their Christmas cups are not Christmasy enough?

Or Christians boycotting Disney because Disney has a day set aside for gay pride?

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/—-/ Didn’t Libs demand Amos & Andy be taken off the air? Didn’t libs demand the Simpsons take the Deli owner character off the air because he was politically incorrect? This makes your charge of a Strawman argument null and void.

Links please

Sent from my iPhone using
‘Simpsons’ creator reveals why Apu is tainted now
Simpsons Alludes to Apu Stereotype Controversy, Documentarian Fires Back

as said in the episode:
“It’s hard to say…,” Lisa answered. “Something that started out decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect.” Turning to a framed photo of Kwik-E-Mart proprietor Apu on her nightstand, Lisa added: “What can you do?”

pretty sure a conservative didn't care about apu.

censoring our news:
AWFUL! Barack Obama Announces Plan to CENSOR Fox News (MUST READ) - The Political Insider
And so, if we’re going to change how Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Mitch McConnell think, we’re going to have to change how our body politic thinks, which means we’re going to have to change how the media reports on these issues, and how people’s impressions of what it’s like to struggle in this economy looks like. And how budgets connect to that. And that’s a hard process because that requires a much broader conversation than typically we have on the nightly news.
sure sounds like he wants to dictate what goes on the news to me. now trump is around and he feuds with them daily and has revoked media passes from acosta (dunno if anyone else) and maybe somewhere in all his ramblings he's said the same about dictating how we provide the news. it's just as wrong here.

plenty of links out there of liberals stopping free speech (anti-fa, colleges not allowing conservative speakers, news sources being labeled good or bad, BY the left (if you see anyone on the right trying to validate news with a stamp of approval shoot me the link, i can't find one).

So, with the exception of the current and former presidents trying to go after the news sources that dare say bad things about them, we have private citizens trying to change things they do not agree with. It does not seem anyone is trying to get the government involved, so it is not socialism.

Let me ask, are your examples above fundamentally different than Conservatives boycotting Target for not saying Merry Christmas or Starbucks because their Christmas cups are not Christmasy enough?

Or Christians boycotting Disney because Disney has a day set aside for gay pride?

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when your "protest" is keeping others from peacefully speaking their mind, then i draw the line. the protests you mention to me are just stupid on both sides as you demand a business do thing your way or you'll take your business elsewhere.

just take it and go is my attitude. i don't boycott people or companies due to their political views or actions. take gillette - i'm not going to protest them, i just won't buy their razors now. i won't tell others what to do i'll just tell myself.

but when a college bans a conservative from speaking because they're conservative, then yes i would have an issue with that. same as if they banned a liberal.

if someones protest is blocking traffic and making me a part of their drama, yes, i have a problem with that.

really don't care which side is doing it.
China’s centralized national authority recently pulled a popular TV program about the day’s of China’s imperial past. It wasn’t socialist enough and promoted a grand and luxurious lifestyle. They will tell their people how to think. The government will control history and determine who the heroes and villains are. This is what the Democratic Party (aka Socialist Party) would like in the United States. Total control of our lives by a liberal central government in Washington D.C. Democrats don’t believe in liberty or democracy. (We know this from their efforts to overturn 2016 election)
Why China turned against a blockbuster drama
/—-/ Didn’t Libs demand Amos & Andy be taken off the air? Didn’t libs demand the Simpsons take the Deli owner character off the air because he was politically incorrect? This makes your charge of a Strawman argument null and void.

Links please

Sent from my iPhone using
‘Simpsons’ creator reveals why Apu is tainted now
Simpsons Alludes to Apu Stereotype Controversy, Documentarian Fires Back

as said in the episode:
“It’s hard to say…,” Lisa answered. “Something that started out decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect.” Turning to a framed photo of Kwik-E-Mart proprietor Apu on her nightstand, Lisa added: “What can you do?”

pretty sure a conservative didn't care about apu.

censoring our news:
AWFUL! Barack Obama Announces Plan to CENSOR Fox News (MUST READ) - The Political Insider
And so, if we’re going to change how Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Mitch McConnell think, we’re going to have to change how our body politic thinks, which means we’re going to have to change how the media reports on these issues, and how people’s impressions of what it’s like to struggle in this economy looks like. And how budgets connect to that. And that’s a hard process because that requires a much broader conversation than typically we have on the nightly news.
sure sounds like he wants to dictate what goes on the news to me. now trump is around and he feuds with them daily and has revoked media passes from acosta (dunno if anyone else) and maybe somewhere in all his ramblings he's said the same about dictating how we provide the news. it's just as wrong here.

plenty of links out there of liberals stopping free speech (anti-fa, colleges not allowing conservative speakers, news sources being labeled good or bad, BY the left (if you see anyone on the right trying to validate news with a stamp of approval shoot me the link, i can't find one).

So, with the exception of the current and former presidents trying to go after the news sources that dare say bad things about them, we have private citizens trying to change things they do not agree with. It does not seem anyone is trying to get the government involved, so it is not socialism.

Let me ask, are your examples above fundamentally different than Conservatives boycotting Target for not saying Merry Christmas or Starbucks because their Christmas cups are not Christmasy enough?

Or Christians boycotting Disney because Disney has a day set aside for gay pride?

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Another full blown Lefty has hacked the account of Gator again....
“News” agencies should be required to report known FACTS without ANY bias. They should not have the freedom to defame and slander while hiding behind “editorial” values. News agencies have become nothing more than talk shows pushing an agenda. You should support your President in his quest to hold media to a standard.

Christian beliefs and values are and have always been the core, the foundation for what made and makes America the greatest nation on earth. That said; supporting those who seek to compromise Christian values is kin to supporting those who seek to change and compromise American values. Seems fucking stupid...right?
/—-/ Didn’t Libs demand Amos & Andy be taken off the air? Didn’t libs demand the Simpsons take the Deli owner character off the air because he was politically incorrect? This makes your charge of a Strawman argument null and void.

Links please

Sent from my iPhone using
‘Simpsons’ creator reveals why Apu is tainted now
Simpsons Alludes to Apu Stereotype Controversy, Documentarian Fires Back

as said in the episode:
“It’s hard to say…,” Lisa answered. “Something that started out decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect.” Turning to a framed photo of Kwik-E-Mart proprietor Apu on her nightstand, Lisa added: “What can you do?”

pretty sure a conservative didn't care about apu.

censoring our news:
AWFUL! Barack Obama Announces Plan to CENSOR Fox News (MUST READ) - The Political Insider
And so, if we’re going to change how Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Mitch McConnell think, we’re going to have to change how our body politic thinks, which means we’re going to have to change how the media reports on these issues, and how people’s impressions of what it’s like to struggle in this economy looks like. And how budgets connect to that. And that’s a hard process because that requires a much broader conversation than typically we have on the nightly news.
sure sounds like he wants to dictate what goes on the news to me. now trump is around and he feuds with them daily and has revoked media passes from acosta (dunno if anyone else) and maybe somewhere in all his ramblings he's said the same about dictating how we provide the news. it's just as wrong here.

plenty of links out there of liberals stopping free speech (anti-fa, colleges not allowing conservative speakers, news sources being labeled good or bad, BY the left (if you see anyone on the right trying to validate news with a stamp of approval shoot me the link, i can't find one).

So, with the exception of the current and former presidents trying to go after the news sources that dare say bad things about them, we have private citizens trying to change things they do not agree with. It does not seem anyone is trying to get the government involved, so it is not socialism.

Let me ask, are your examples above fundamentally different than Conservatives boycotting Target for not saying Merry Christmas or Starbucks because their Christmas cups are not Christmasy enough?

Or Christians boycotting Disney because Disney has a day set aside for gay pride?

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All these "private citizens" were thoroughly brainwashed in the government indoctrination centers we call "schools." they are all government trained propagandists.
/—-/ Didn’t Libs demand Amos & Andy be taken off the air? Didn’t libs demand the Simpsons take the Deli owner character off the air because he was politically incorrect? This makes your charge of a Strawman argument null and void.

Links please

Sent from my iPhone using
‘Simpsons’ creator reveals why Apu is tainted now
Simpsons Alludes to Apu Stereotype Controversy, Documentarian Fires Back

as said in the episode:
“It’s hard to say…,” Lisa answered. “Something that started out decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect.” Turning to a framed photo of Kwik-E-Mart proprietor Apu on her nightstand, Lisa added: “What can you do?”

pretty sure a conservative didn't care about apu.

censoring our news:
AWFUL! Barack Obama Announces Plan to CENSOR Fox News (MUST READ) - The Political Insider
And so, if we’re going to change how Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Mitch McConnell think, we’re going to have to change how our body politic thinks, which means we’re going to have to change how the media reports on these issues, and how people’s impressions of what it’s like to struggle in this economy looks like. And how budgets connect to that. And that’s a hard process because that requires a much broader conversation than typically we have on the nightly news.
sure sounds like he wants to dictate what goes on the news to me. now trump is around and he feuds with them daily and has revoked media passes from acosta (dunno if anyone else) and maybe somewhere in all his ramblings he's said the same about dictating how we provide the news. it's just as wrong here.

plenty of links out there of liberals stopping free speech (anti-fa, colleges not allowing conservative speakers, news sources being labeled good or bad, BY the left (if you see anyone on the right trying to validate news with a stamp of approval shoot me the link, i can't find one).

So, with the exception of the current and former presidents trying to go after the news sources that dare say bad things about them, we have private citizens trying to change things they do not agree with. It does not seem anyone is trying to get the government involved, so it is not socialism.

Let me ask, are your examples above fundamentally different than Conservatives boycotting Target for not saying Merry Christmas or Starbucks because their Christmas cups are not Christmasy enough?

Or Christians boycotting Disney because Disney has a day set aside for gay pride?

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Another full blown Lefty has hacked the account of Gator again....
“News” agencies should be required to report known FACTS without ANY bias. They should not have the freedom to defame and slander while hiding behind “editorial” values. News agencies have become nothing more than talk shows pushing an agenda. You should support your President in his quest to hold media to a standard.

Christian beliefs and values are and have always been the core, the foundation for what made and makes America the greatest nation on earth. That said; supporting those who seek to compromise Christian values is kin to supporting those who seek to change and compromise American values. Seems fucking stupid...right?
":requiring" how a business should be run in accordance with MY standards to me sounds like the left demanding their way is the right way.

whos going to determine what is and is not news to me? to you? to someone in kansas with a very different lifestyle?

if you don't like what someone is doing, stop watching and support it with LOOK AT THEM type stuff.
/—-/ Didn’t Libs demand Amos & Andy be taken off the air? Didn’t libs demand the Simpsons take the Deli owner character off the air because he was politically incorrect? This makes your charge of a Strawman argument null and void.

Links please

Sent from my iPhone using
‘Simpsons’ creator reveals why Apu is tainted now
Simpsons Alludes to Apu Stereotype Controversy, Documentarian Fires Back

as said in the episode:
“It’s hard to say…,” Lisa answered. “Something that started out decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect.” Turning to a framed photo of Kwik-E-Mart proprietor Apu on her nightstand, Lisa added: “What can you do?”

pretty sure a conservative didn't care about apu.

censoring our news:
AWFUL! Barack Obama Announces Plan to CENSOR Fox News (MUST READ) - The Political Insider
And so, if we’re going to change how Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Mitch McConnell think, we’re going to have to change how our body politic thinks, which means we’re going to have to change how the media reports on these issues, and how people’s impressions of what it’s like to struggle in this economy looks like. And how budgets connect to that. And that’s a hard process because that requires a much broader conversation than typically we have on the nightly news.
sure sounds like he wants to dictate what goes on the news to me. now trump is around and he feuds with them daily and has revoked media passes from acosta (dunno if anyone else) and maybe somewhere in all his ramblings he's said the same about dictating how we provide the news. it's just as wrong here.

plenty of links out there of liberals stopping free speech (anti-fa, colleges not allowing conservative speakers, news sources being labeled good or bad, BY the left (if you see anyone on the right trying to validate news with a stamp of approval shoot me the link, i can't find one).

So, with the exception of the current and former presidents trying to go after the news sources that dare say bad things about them, we have private citizens trying to change things they do not agree with. It does not seem anyone is trying to get the government involved, so it is not socialism.

Let me ask, are your examples above fundamentally different than Conservatives boycotting Target for not saying Merry Christmas or Starbucks because their Christmas cups are not Christmasy enough?

Or Christians boycotting Disney because Disney has a day set aside for gay pride?

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Another full blown Lefty has hacked the account of Gator again....
“News” agencies should be required to report known FACTS without ANY bias. They should not have the freedom to defame and slander while hiding behind “editorial” values. News agencies have become nothing more than talk shows pushing an agenda. You should support your President in his quest to hold media to a standard.

Christian beliefs and values are and have always been the core, the foundation for what made and makes America the greatest nation on earth. That said; supporting those who seek to compromise Christian values is kin to supporting those who seek to change and compromise American values. Seems fucking stupid...right?
":requiring" how a business should be run in accordance with MY standards to me sounds like the left demanding their way is the right way.

whos going to determine what is and is not news to me? to you? to someone in kansas with a very different lifestyle?

if you don't like what someone is doing, stop watching and support it with LOOK AT THEM type stuff.

This has nothing to do with “my standards”. This is about real news vs. fake news. Any news with spin or bias is and should be considered fake news.
“News” isn’t and shouldn’t be an opinion piece...what’s news to me should be the same news to you.
The fact is; news agencies, in an attempt to grow their viewership have morphed into propaganda machines with an agenda...they’ trying to compete with “shows”, they have lost their way and they should not be provided with the “free press” label.

You didn’t know that companies are required to follow regulatory measures and guidelines set forth by government agencies?
Links please

Sent from my iPhone using
‘Simpsons’ creator reveals why Apu is tainted now
Simpsons Alludes to Apu Stereotype Controversy, Documentarian Fires Back

as said in the episode:
“It’s hard to say…,” Lisa answered. “Something that started out decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect.” Turning to a framed photo of Kwik-E-Mart proprietor Apu on her nightstand, Lisa added: “What can you do?”

pretty sure a conservative didn't care about apu.

censoring our news:
AWFUL! Barack Obama Announces Plan to CENSOR Fox News (MUST READ) - The Political Insider
And so, if we’re going to change how Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Mitch McConnell think, we’re going to have to change how our body politic thinks, which means we’re going to have to change how the media reports on these issues, and how people’s impressions of what it’s like to struggle in this economy looks like. And how budgets connect to that. And that’s a hard process because that requires a much broader conversation than typically we have on the nightly news.
sure sounds like he wants to dictate what goes on the news to me. now trump is around and he feuds with them daily and has revoked media passes from acosta (dunno if anyone else) and maybe somewhere in all his ramblings he's said the same about dictating how we provide the news. it's just as wrong here.

plenty of links out there of liberals stopping free speech (anti-fa, colleges not allowing conservative speakers, news sources being labeled good or bad, BY the left (if you see anyone on the right trying to validate news with a stamp of approval shoot me the link, i can't find one).

So, with the exception of the current and former presidents trying to go after the news sources that dare say bad things about them, we have private citizens trying to change things they do not agree with. It does not seem anyone is trying to get the government involved, so it is not socialism.

Let me ask, are your examples above fundamentally different than Conservatives boycotting Target for not saying Merry Christmas or Starbucks because their Christmas cups are not Christmasy enough?

Or Christians boycotting Disney because Disney has a day set aside for gay pride?

Sent from my iPhone using

Another full blown Lefty has hacked the account of Gator again....
“News” agencies should be required to report known FACTS without ANY bias. They should not have the freedom to defame and slander while hiding behind “editorial” values. News agencies have become nothing more than talk shows pushing an agenda. You should support your President in his quest to hold media to a standard.

Christian beliefs and values are and have always been the core, the foundation for what made and makes America the greatest nation on earth. That said; supporting those who seek to compromise Christian values is kin to supporting those who seek to change and compromise American values. Seems fucking stupid...right?
":requiring" how a business should be run in accordance with MY standards to me sounds like the left demanding their way is the right way.

whos going to determine what is and is not news to me? to you? to someone in kansas with a very different lifestyle?

if you don't like what someone is doing, stop watching and support it with LOOK AT THEM type stuff.

This has nothing to do with “my standards”. This is about real news vs. fake news. Any news with spin or bias is and should be considered fake news.
“News” isn’t and shouldn’t be an opinion piece...what’s news to me should be the same news to you.
The fact is; news agencies, in an attempt to grow their viewership have morphed into propaganda machines with an agenda...they’ trying to compete with “shows”, they have lost their way and they should not be provided with the “free press” label.

You didn’t know that companies are required to follow regulatory measures and guidelines set forth by government agencies?
except that you're now back to someone having to determine what "spin" is.

i'm 100% down for the news / media to correct itself. but demanding they follow a certain path? i don't see much of a difference of one side asking for it or the other.

telling exxon they can't dump oil into the river to me isn't the same as telling CBS what the facts of a story are and what they can and can't report.
“News” agencies should be required to report known FACTS without ANY bias. They should not have the freedom to defame and slander while hiding behind “editorial” values. News agencies have become nothing more than talk shows pushing an agenda. You should support your President in his quest to hold media to a standard.

Such a entity does not exist and has not existed in my lifetime.

While it is a nice dream to have, it is nothing but a wet dream.

I would support the president on his quest to hold them to a higher standard if his quest included all news agencies and not just the ones that say mean things about him.

Christian beliefs and values are and have always been the core, the foundation for what made and makes America the greatest nation on earth. That said; supporting those who seek to compromise Christian values is kin to supporting those who seek to change and compromise American values. Seems fucking stupid...right?

The biggest, proudest racist on this forum is going to talk about Christian beliefs and values? That would be funny if it were not so pathetic. Jesus was not a racist, Jesus taught there was no race.

You worship a man that is on his third wife and who has cheated on all 3 of the wives and you want to bring up Christian beliefs? Have you read what Jesus has to say about divorce and adultery?

Honest question...have you ever even opened a bible let a alone read one?

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Democratic Party wants to be the “Great Oz” out of Washington D.C. Outsider Trump has been fighting them everyday.
This coming from someone with a CIA Poppy avatar.
How was that secret military tribunal btw ?

“News” agencies should be required to report known FACTS without ANY bias. They should not have the freedom to defame and slander while hiding behind “editorial” values. News agencies have become nothing more than talk shows pushing an agenda. You should support your President in his quest to hold media to a standard.

Such a entity does not exist and has not existed in my lifetime.

While it is a nice dream to have, it is nothing but a wet dream.

I would support the president on his quest to hold them to a higher standard if his quest included all news agencies and not just the ones that say mean things about him.

Christian beliefs and values are and have always been the core, the foundation for what made and makes America the greatest nation on earth. That said; supporting those who seek to compromise Christian values is kin to supporting those who seek to change and compromise American values. Seems fucking stupid...right?

The biggest, proudest racist on this forum is going to talk about Christian beliefs and values? That would be funny if it were not so pathetic. Jesus was not a racist, Jesus taught there was no race.

You worship a man that is on his third wife and who has cheated on all 3 of the wives and you want to bring up Christian beliefs? Have you read what Jesus has to say about divorce and adultery?

Honest question...have you ever even opened a bible let a alone read one?

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I’ve said it here many times before...every time one of you twisted fucks ask I tell you...I’M A TERRIBLE CHRISTIAN. Then I explain to the ignorant fools that one does not have to be a pastor to know that a Christian based society is one which perpetuates a higher grade society overall. Look, you don’t take c@ck in your ass but you love your faggots...right?
Are you starting to get it?
How bout you iceberg
‘Simpsons’ creator reveals why Apu is tainted now
Simpsons Alludes to Apu Stereotype Controversy, Documentarian Fires Back

as said in the episode:
“It’s hard to say…,” Lisa answered. “Something that started out decades ago and was applauded and inoffensive is now politically incorrect.” Turning to a framed photo of Kwik-E-Mart proprietor Apu on her nightstand, Lisa added: “What can you do?”

pretty sure a conservative didn't care about apu.

censoring our news:
AWFUL! Barack Obama Announces Plan to CENSOR Fox News (MUST READ) - The Political Insider
And so, if we’re going to change how Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) and Sen. Mitch McConnell think, we’re going to have to change how our body politic thinks, which means we’re going to have to change how the media reports on these issues, and how people’s impressions of what it’s like to struggle in this economy looks like. And how budgets connect to that. And that’s a hard process because that requires a much broader conversation than typically we have on the nightly news.
sure sounds like he wants to dictate what goes on the news to me. now trump is around and he feuds with them daily and has revoked media passes from acosta (dunno if anyone else) and maybe somewhere in all his ramblings he's said the same about dictating how we provide the news. it's just as wrong here.

plenty of links out there of liberals stopping free speech (anti-fa, colleges not allowing conservative speakers, news sources being labeled good or bad, BY the left (if you see anyone on the right trying to validate news with a stamp of approval shoot me the link, i can't find one).

So, with the exception of the current and former presidents trying to go after the news sources that dare say bad things about them, we have private citizens trying to change things they do not agree with. It does not seem anyone is trying to get the government involved, so it is not socialism.

Let me ask, are your examples above fundamentally different than Conservatives boycotting Target for not saying Merry Christmas or Starbucks because their Christmas cups are not Christmasy enough?

Or Christians boycotting Disney because Disney has a day set aside for gay pride?

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Another full blown Lefty has hacked the account of Gator again....
“News” agencies should be required to report known FACTS without ANY bias. They should not have the freedom to defame and slander while hiding behind “editorial” values. News agencies have become nothing more than talk shows pushing an agenda. You should support your President in his quest to hold media to a standard.

Christian beliefs and values are and have always been the core, the foundation for what made and makes America the greatest nation on earth. That said; supporting those who seek to compromise Christian values is kin to supporting those who seek to change and compromise American values. Seems fucking stupid...right?
":requiring" how a business should be run in accordance with MY standards to me sounds like the left demanding their way is the right way.

whos going to determine what is and is not news to me? to you? to someone in kansas with a very different lifestyle?

if you don't like what someone is doing, stop watching and support it with LOOK AT THEM type stuff.

This has nothing to do with “my standards”. This is about real news vs. fake news. Any news with spin or bias is and should be considered fake news.
“News” isn’t and shouldn’t be an opinion piece...what’s news to me should be the same news to you.
The fact is; news agencies, in an attempt to grow their viewership have morphed into propaganda machines with an agenda...they’ trying to compete with “shows”, they have lost their way and they should not be provided with the “free press” label.

You didn’t know that companies are required to follow regulatory measures and guidelines set forth by government agencies?
except that you're now back to someone having to determine what "spin" is.

i'm 100% down for the news / media to correct itself. but demanding they follow a certain path? i don't see much of a difference of one side asking for it or the other.

telling exxon they can't dump oil into the river to me isn't the same as telling CBS what the facts of a story are and what they can and can't report.

“Spin” is blurred or embellished facts/truths...this isn’t all that complex.
Truth and facts do not have two sides to them.
Lots of companies and entire industries are required to be 100% truthful under law. The notion that journalists and news agencies should operate 100% truthfully and without bias is that far fetched for you?
“News” agencies should be required to report known FACTS without ANY bias. They should not have the freedom to defame and slander while hiding behind “editorial” values. News agencies have become nothing more than talk shows pushing an agenda. You should support your President in his quest to hold media to a standard.

Such a entity does not exist and has not existed in my lifetime.

While it is a nice dream to have, it is nothing but a wet dream.

I would support the president on his quest to hold them to a higher standard if his quest included all news agencies and not just the ones that say mean things about him.

Christian beliefs and values are and have always been the core, the foundation for what made and makes America the greatest nation on earth. That said; supporting those who seek to compromise Christian values is kin to supporting those who seek to change and compromise American values. Seems fucking stupid...right?

The biggest, proudest racist on this forum is going to talk about Christian beliefs and values? That would be funny if it were not so pathetic. Jesus was not a racist, Jesus taught there was no race.

You worship a man that is on his third wife and who has cheated on all 3 of the wives and you want to bring up Christian beliefs? Have you read what Jesus has to say about divorce and adultery?

Honest question...have you ever even opened a bible let a alone read one?

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I’ve said it here many times before...every time one of you twisted fucks ask I tell you...I’M A TERRIBLE CHRISTIAN. Then I explain to the ignorant fools that one does not have to be a pastor to know that a Christian based society is one which perpetuates a higher grade society overall.

So, you claim that Christian values make a society a better place yet you refuse to embrace those values.

So, using your own standard you have no desire to work towards making your society a better place, you instead embrace the role of making it worse.


Look, you don’t take c@ck in your ass but you love your faggots...right?
Are you starting to get it?
How bout you iceberg

I do not love them, I just to not hate them like you do. Personally I could not care less about a person’s sexual preference, as it has no impact on my life at all.

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