CDZ China's Stimulus Packages not working so more are being Added

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Massive Obama style QE is being used and the capital markets and real economy are not doing well. How bad could this get?
Massive Obama style QE is being used and the capital markets and real economy are not doing well. How bad could this get?

This the part where their crappy and corrupt financial system accelerates their collapse, because no one with any sense will extend them the credit they need. Trump needs to stick with the tariffs and even throw in an embargo over their human rights atrocities, but don't be surprised if McConnell and the Congress bail them out and loan them massive amounts of taxpayers' cash to keep Wall Street, Walmart, and the labor racketeers happy, and of course don't care if Red China pays any of it back, and just blame everything on all those IOU's they have to pay back to Social Security and the other payroll tax revues they stole to subsidize tax bennies for foreign 'trade' and tax cuts for parasite corporations.
Massive Obama style QE is being used and the capital markets and real economy are not doing well. How bad could this get?
The primary problem here is that Keynesian voodoo is completely unfalsifiable.

Conditions improve, the economic wizards of smart take the credit...Conditions don't improve, the economic wizards of smart claim that the "stimulus" wasn't big enough.....No matter what happens, they claim that they're right and everyone else is wrong.

The only thing that the tinkerers and planners refuse to consider is getting the hell out of the way.
Massive Obama style QE is being used and the capital markets and real economy are not doing well. How bad could this get?
The primary problem here is that Keynesian voodoo is completely unfalsifiable.

Conditions improve, the economic wizards of smart take the credit...Conditions don't improve, the economic wizards of smart claim that the "stimulus" wasn't big enough.....No matter what happens, they claim that they're right and everyone else is wrong.

The only thing that the tinkerers and planners refuse to consider is getting the hell out of the way.

total agreement. China is overdue for a dynastic change and that is my concern
Massive Obama style QE is being used and the capital markets and real economy are not doing well. How bad could this get?
The primary problem here is that Keynesian voodoo is completely unfalsifiable.

Conditions improve, the economic wizards of smart take the credit...Conditions don't improve, the economic wizards of smart claim that the "stimulus" wasn't big enough.....No matter what happens, they claim that they're right and everyone else is wrong.

The only thing that the tinkerers and planners refuse to consider is getting the hell out of the way.

total agreement. China is overdue for a dynastic change and that is my concern

That is a concern. Our potential involvement in any Chinese revolution almost makes me hope they don't have one.

On the stimulus front, those things alwys help in the short term. Its the long term where the boost they gave must be compared to the interest they cost. Same with tax cuts. In general, both should be "inspired" not just tossed around.

Build a bunch of hydroletric dams with stimulus money and it probably helps lower the cost of electricity. Build football stadiums and.....well, I dunno, makes construction equipment, supplies and labor more expensive for everyone else. Tax cuts on liquor, I dunno, but tax cuts on fuel which help everyone get to work cheaper.
Other than Trump cracking down on IP theft US involvement in this case of a Chinese dynasty "losing the mandate of heaven" is really minimal. Team China buying shares and using them as collateral to buy even more is going where no other regime has gone and survived. The only close second is Ptolemaic Egypt and the Nile is much more dependable than any region or industry China has.
Can't wait for them to collapse; they get too strong they take down a lot more than themselves. Better they go down now than in 5 year later.

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