Chinese EMP Weapons Program Confirmed

I t is an interesting thought that perhaps the reason the Russians and Chinese haven't made a move on America is that we have a bigger military than they do. Over 200 million armed Americans. Let's keep it that way.

Then you misunderstand the nature of the conflict. The Chinese would come not with weapons but food, medicines, men to put down the riots in the cities. An EMP attack only destroys what exists. The Chinese will rebuild.

By then America will be crippled and broke. Our diversity will bring divisions you can't even dream of right now.
Chinese EMP weapons program was confirmed back in 2011. This article contains some information that should concern us. Some scientists claim they have the technology for a super EMP. The threat of an EMP strike is could wipe out the entire infrastructure of the USA the report says.

Chinese EMP Weapons Program Confirmed by Intelligence Agencies; Designed to Attack US Carrier Fleets, Taiwan | CRISISBOOM
Reports from organizations like the Center for Security Policy have confirmed that Electromagnetic Pulse, or EMP, weapons could potentially wipe out the entire infrastructure of the United States in a matter of seconds, the consequences of which may be the death of 9 out of 10 Americans within a period of one year after the blast. Many Senators, Congressman, and terrorism experts have said that EMP is the single biggest security threat the United States faces from foreign powers and terrorist organizations. Research by EMPact America indicates that a properly deployed EM pulse weapon, or weapons, has the capability of wiping out and disabling the power grid across the lower 48 states.

The threat is serious, and it just got a whole lot worse.

According to a declassified report obtained by The Washington Times the Chinese have been building and testing EMP weapons in an effort to offset their inferior technological capabilities, and are prepared to use those weapons in the event of conflict over the island of Taiwan (and likely other potential theaters of war):

China’s military is developing electromagnetic pulse weapons that Beijing plans to use against U.S. aircraft carriers in any future conflict over Taiwan, according to an intelligence report made public on Thursday.

Portions of a National Ground Intelligence Center study on the lethal effects of electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and high-powered microwave (HPM) weapons revealed that the arms are part of China’s so-called “assassin’s mace” arsenal – weapons that allow a technologically inferior China to defeat U.S. military forces. continue reading on link...

The US is China's largest trading partner. China has investments in US infrastructure that exceeds 250 billion dollar and is increasing at 14 billion a year. It seems highly unlike that China would destroy those investments and create a worldwide depression. However, the existent of such a weapon is troubling because there are those who wouldn't hesitate to use it.
I did and no book that I have read scared the shit out of me like this one....
And I'm talking...

The Exorcist.
The Omen.
Or any Stephen King novel....

Forget about who has the bigger or better Armed forces...

Detonate a few of these babies and we are thrown into the stone age.
I hope the US has been designing systems to protect against this.

They haven't.
The US has been aware of EMP technology since 1958...I would bet you are incorrect in your assertion.

Really? I'd like to think you're right but I have seen no real movement towards upgrading and strengthening the nations power grid. That will need to be done before anything else seeing as there is no real way to prevent an attack such as this... Yet.
They haven't.
The US has been aware of EMP technology since 1958...I would bet you are incorrect in your assertion.

Really? I'd like to think you're right but I have seen no real movement towards upgrading and strengthening the nations power grid. That will need to be done before anything else seeing as there is no real way to prevent an attack such as this... Yet.
LOL, I apologize. I totally misread the post!

I am not sure about if there is a defense against EMP weapons. I would think, protecting the grid is the least of the worries...hell, a grenade could probably knock out the power grid in the east.
How to defend against EMP attacks | ExtremeTech

If you’ve ever watched The Matrix or Ocean’s Eleven, you’ll be familiar with EMP weapons — pulses of intense electromagnetic radiation that melt any nearby conductors, disabling just about any electrical system or electronic device. Despite their sci-fi-like portrayal by Hollywood, EMP weapons are very real, and very capable of destroying computers or knocking out a power grid. That’s why the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany has now created a device that can defend against EMP attacks.

While the Fraunhofer Institute device can’t actually defend against the crippling effects of an EMP weapon, it can detect the strength, frequency, and location of the attack. An EMP (electromagnetic pulse) is essentially just big, high-powered burst of radiation — and like other forms of radiation, such as a radio signal, it’s relatively easy to analyze that radiation to work out what exactly is going on.
Basher Tarr, detonating an EMP blast in Ocean's Eleven

Basher Tarr, detonating an EMP blast in Ocean’s Eleven

The Fraunhofer instrument consists of four antennae on a tripod (facing different directions), a shielded box that houses some RF components (amplifiers, rectifiers, etc.), and a computer to analyze the resultant data. The Fraunhofer Institute rarely gives up more information than it has to, and sadly this case is no exception, so we have to do some guessing on how the instrument actually works. The antennae cover a quadrant of 90 degrees each, where they can detect “all types of electromagnetic sources.” In the shielded box there’s a “high-frequency module” that can determine when an electromagnetic pulse starts and stops. The computer then tallies this information up to work out where an EMP originated from, how long the EMP lasted, and what kind of EMP blast we’re talking about (weaponized, nuclear, non-nuclear, etc.) “Those affected by the attack can use this information to mount a rapid and appropriate protective response,” explains Michael Jöster from the Institute.
An EMP blast in The Matrix (definitely not nuclear)

An EMP blast in The Matrix (definitely not nuclear)

At this point, we should note that Fraunhofer’s device only works for small EMP attacks — non-nuclear EMPs that generally have very small, localized effects. The nuclear EMP that North Korea recently (reportedly) obtained from Russia is based on an atomic bomb, and would thus have enough energy to melt (fuse) every electrical system and electronic device for hundreds of miles — including the Fraunhofer Institute’s instrument. This new instrument would only be useful in defending against small, non-nuclear EMPs — and again, it would only help you locate the attacker after the EMP has already shut down your security system (or whatever else those terrorists are trying to shut down). If you’re the target of a nuclear EMP, there really isn’t anything you can do, short of shielding yourself with a lot of lead.

All of this leads me to ask an intriguing question: Just how common are these low-level EMP attacks? Fraunhofer says that at least one criminal group in Berlin has used suitcase-sized EMP devices to crack the security of limousines. Similar devices can be used to overcome alarm systems, though no real-world examples are given. In general, Fraunhofer says that consumer-grade devices (smartphones, cars) are most at risk from these suitcase EMPs — industrial systems usually have enough shielding that you’d need a serious EMP device to cause any damage. In general, there are very few reported cases of EMP attacks — but that isn’t to say they don’t exist. Presumably, if Fraunhofer has gone out of its way to mitigate against EMPs, there must’ve been demand from the Institute’s industry partners to develop such a device. Who knows: Maybe high-tech crime syndicates have suddenly started using EMPs — but in the interests of security and public relations, such attacks simply aren’t being publicized.
It is an interesting thought that perhaps the reason the Russians and Chinese haven't made a move on America is that we have a bigger military than they do. Over 200 million armed Americans. Let's keep it that way.

or nukes...but no its your gun thats the real reason

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