Chinese muscle in on Afghanistan’s rare earth mineral deposits, create headaches for Biden

You have a point

China is all about strengthening China, as where those in the US government are only interested in padding their bank accounts and hate the notion of "America First" for anything.

That's why Biden left Americans to be tortured, raped, and eaten by the Taliban.
Biden left no Americans behind that the Taliban is refusing to release. The last few are still coming out every day.

That political spin should be buried along with the very few Americans who died in the process. This evacuation carried off by Bidean or whoever was responsible was a huge success.

It could be become another Dunkirk with the Taliban's holding the ability to make it a slaughter.
LOLOL.. China and Afghanistan are neighbors and China has been building power plants, mining operations and railroads for over a decade. They even built Port Gwadar while Dubya was fighting Iraq and Afghanistan.
There's little doubt that America must quickly adopt a friendly attitude toward the Taliban if it doesn't want to be completely dealt out of Afghanistan.

All that stands in the way now is America needed to pretend to keep up the feigned concern for the women of Afghanistan. If it's good enough for Saudi it's good enough ..................... for any other countries where US security interests trump everything else.
There will never be a need for war after libs turn the world over to china

but in his stumbling bumbling way biden might still do the right thing and stand up to china

all we can do is hope
Standing up to China is 'hollow' words coming from both Trump and Biden. America doesn't have the leverage to slow down China's progress.

America is only interested in it's domestic political fight.

A major US war has just been lost.
China didn't need to fight in it to win.
You know you're a loser when you have to lie.. What terrorists do you think they are funding? They are fighting ISIS and AQ.
Bad feelings for the Taliban are chiefly driven by America's domestic political shitfight. Soon attitudes will moderate and the Taliban will be roundly accepted as America'a ally against Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan.
Bad feelings for the Taliban are chiefly driven by America's domestic political shitfight. Soon attitudes will moderate and the Taliban will be roundly accepted as America'a ally against Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan.
Bad feeling towards the Taliban stem from their support of Islamic terror and actually fighting them for 20 years. That is not a product of domestic political disputes.
Bad feeling towards the Taliban stem from their support of Islamic terror and actually fighting them for 20 years. That is not a product of domestic political disputes.
Bad feelings for the Taliban are becoming good feelings overnight now. The Taliban maintained control outside of the Kabul airport during the evacuation and that kept US military losses to a paltry 13! That could have easily become a bloodbath for American forces in the thousands.

And now, the Taliban continues to co-operate and allow the evacuation to go more smoothly than any other known evacuation with a similar situation. (Vietnam was not a defeated nation until later.)

America is undoubtedly hugely involved in co-operation with the Taliban forces to ensure that there are no more ISIS incidents around the airport.

The Taliban have no known ambitions of doing battle with the US. That's over.

Now it's time for both America and the Taliban to take advantage of that which both sides can and will offer.

The faux feelings for the women will be pushed far back on the burner, in favour of US security concerns.

That's the only way America can see something positive coming of it's rout from that country.
Bad feeling towards the Taliban stem from their support of Islamic terror and actually fighting them for 20 years. That is not a product of domestic political disputes.
In fact, you're not even correct to say that American fought the Taliban for 20 years.

But that fact is above your pay grade, so you'll have to do a little research on that fact.
From your muslim perspective, do your also feel that the Taliban should be allowed to fund terrorism???

Of course.

.“I have been commanded to wage war against mankind till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, …and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf ….”

Know whose quote that is?

Muhammad bin Abdullah (570-632)
In fact, you're not even correct to say that American fought the Taliban for 20 years.

But that fact is above your pay grade, so you'll have to do a little research on that fact.
Our initial airstrikes included Taliban targets, or is that not considered fighting them in you entry level opinion?
Just another reaaon we should have maintained the status quo in Afghanistan.

Biden is clueless and probably gives zero fucks about anything but himself, his family and ice-cream.

Oh shit yes..... the Taliban is the bitch strapped to the mattress face down right now ...... they haven't figured it out yet. When they do and they start bitching about it they will simply disappear one at a time or fifty thousand at a time..... whichever works best for the CCP. They will not be pulling any of that suicide bomber shit on Beijing lemme tell ya.... Every time they do it or even try it an entire village will simple be evaporated. They have no friggin idea just how far down in the Stomach of the Dragoon they are...wait until the digestive juices begin to sting at their flesh.

LOLOL.. China and Afghanistan are neighbors and China has been building power plants, mining operations and railroads for over a decade. They even built Port Gwadar while Dubya was fighting Iraq and Afghanistan.
I don't know what you think that post proves except the very opposite of what you are asserting. That is correct....the Red Dragon has already been digesting Afghanistan bit by it will be chunk by chunk....

Of course.

.“I have been commanded to wage war against mankind till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, …and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf ….”

Know whose quote that is?

Muhammad bin Abdullah (570-632)

That Muhammad guy is the same one that married a nine year old girl. Marrying underage girls is still practiced by muslims today.

An islamic country is no place for a bright and independent woman, which explains why Afghani women are now in the streets of Kabul protesting Taliban repression.

That Muhammad guy is the same one that married a nine year old girl. Marrying underage girls is still practiced by muslims today.

An islamic country is no place for a bright and independent woman, which explains why Afghani women are now in the streets of Kabul protesting Taliban repression.

The Biden Rollercoaster back to the 7th century.
9The Chinese have already built a railroad, power plants and mining operations.

When Dubya was in office they built Port Gwadar. You should probably look at a map.
What is your point?

As you know, Afghanistan is landlocked. What does Port Gwadar, in Pakistan, have to do with mining operations in Afghanistan?
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I can't wait for the caliphate. ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, three sick, ignorant and vicious groups that will make Afghanistan the capitol of terrorism, and China is going to provide the funding.

It seems we no longer have the character necessary to move civilization forward.
Yall know the funny thing is we are all immigrants unless your 100% Native American. So Trump the chump needs to look at his ancestors and go back to where he came from. That goes for everyone saying they hate immigrants. Guess what you are an immigrant as well. Hopefully when Biden and Trump are done with their presidencies this country can get back on track. I will agree Trump will go down in history as crooked as Nixon. He's constantly being out smarted and maneuvered by Russia by acting he's smarter than he is. He is also exactly like everyone else criticize rather than work to build up the. Country. Next time your at Trump tower buy a souvenir look on bottom " made in China" hypocrite. Buy one of his hats made in Mexico. Sickening . Biden isn't the answer we need a candidate that isn't on the radar yet. Capable of thinking for themselves. A leader not a follower, Trump definitely a follower who you as Putin. Constantly out maneuvered Trump out smarted him. Which is sad. At least Trumps wife left after he lost the election. No fraud just lost. His own hand picked and well paid judges could help but laugh at him. It'll only take around 8 years of a truly bipartisan candidate to correct trumps mess alone. Never seen a president like him using our constitution as toilet paper. Trump and Nixon forever tied together as crooked. Which brings me to my point he should as he likes to say get on a boat and go back to wherever he's from. According to his policy he should send his wife pack to where she is from if he believes in his policies as much as he claims.


You're fear, hate, and vitriol are tearing you apart and have cost you any semblance of common sense.

Conclusively proven is the fact that there was no collusion between President Trump and President Putin. Given that fact, how would Putin have outsmarted him?

What you fear is that the record of the already failed administration of Harris/Biden. It is a catastrophe and you think by diverting attention to a highly successful administration, somehow that will detract attention from Biden.

My wild guess is that you don't consider the fact that Hunter Biden (son of President Biden) received tens of millions of dollars from the Chinese as well as millions from Ukraine for sitting on the board of a gas and oil company as being any sort of collusion. Would you more fairly then call what the Biden's are doing, accepting bribes?
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Yall know the funny thing is we are all immigrants unless your 100% Native American. So Trump the chump needs to look at his ancestors and go back to where he came from. That goes for everyone saying they hate immigrants. Guess what you are an immigrant as well. Hopefully when Biden and Trump are done with their presidencies this country can get back on track. I will agree Trump will go down in history as crooked as Nixon. He's constantly being out smarted and maneuvered by Russia by acting he's smarter than he is. He is also exactly like everyone else criticize rather than work to build up the. Country. Next time your at Trump tower buy a souvenir look on bottom " made in China" hypocrite. Buy one of his hats made in Mexico. Sickening . Biden isn't the answer we need a candidate that isn't on the radar yet. Capable of thinking for themselves. A leader not a follower, Trump definitely a follower who you as Putin. Constantly out maneuvered Trump out smarted him. Which is sad. At least Trumps wife left after he lost the election. No fraud just lost. His own hand picked and well paid judges could help but laugh at him. It'll only take around 8 years of a truly bipartisan candidate to correct trumps mess alone. Never seen a president like him using our constitution as toilet paper. Trump and Nixon forever tied together as crooked. Which brings me to my point he should as he likes to say get on a boat and go back to wherever he's from. According to his policy he should send his wife pack to where she is from if he believes in his policies as much as he claims.


"He's constantly being out smarted and maneuvered by Russia..."

You.....using the term "out smarted"????

Quite a lack of self-awareness.

1.Bombed Russian ally, Syria, hitting Russian facilities killing a number of Russian military

2.Pulled out of the Iran deal…a Russian signee

3.Pulled out of Paris Accords….a Russian signee

4.Sanctions against Russia…460 sanctions against individuals and entities

5.Expelled Russian diplomats

6.Gave Ukraine Javelin anti-tank missiles to use against Russian proxies…Obama sent mittens

7. Obama….more flexible, Hillary ‘reset button,’ wouldn’t give Poland defensive missiles, Uranium one deal….

8. At the NATO meeting, he warned Germany not to make huge energy deals enriching Russia….

9. Trump created an energy juggernaut in the United States….a body-blow to the Russian economy. Anyone pro-fracking is anti-Russia.

10. And, of course, you dunce, first and foremost.....

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.


12. Biden administration to waive sanctions for head of Nord Stream 2 pipeline

An ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin leads the company that is building the gas pipeline.

Now we know the reason for this:

"Hunter Biden received $3.5M wire transfer from Russian billionaire: Senate report

Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from Elena Baturina, the richest woman in Russia and the widow of Yury Luzhkov, the former mayor of Moscow, Senate Republicans revealed in their report on the younger Biden’s work in Ukraine.

Baturina is referenced in the 87-page report, which was released Wednesday, addressing her payment to Biden’s investment firm in early 2014.

“Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor,” it said in providing background on the businesswoman."

Selling-out America has become the cottage industry for Democrats.


So you're a government school grad, huh?
There will never be a need for war after libs turn the world over to china

but in his stumbling bumbling way biden might still do the right thing and stand up to china

all we can do is hope
No prayer of President Biden standing up to China. Like Clinton, China is paying Biden's addicted son to enjoy life most of us could only dream about.

Biden figures that he is old and will be dead by the time we give China the keys to our country. His kid is an ally of China, his wife and brother are old too.

After that, screw America.

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