Chinese Nuclear to Recycle Spent Fuel


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
China is making good use of the Nuclear technology Obama and the Demorats transferred to China.

Construction is well under way on a fast reactor that will use spent nuclear fuel!

President Bill Clinton shut down our Fast Breeder Reactor that could recycle spent nuclear fuel. Hopefully Trump is able to correct all these deplorable actions of the people who were suppose to protect us.

China begins construction of CFR-600 fast reactor - Nuclear Engineering International

The CFR-600 will initially use mixed-oxide fuel with 100 GWd/t burnup. Later, the fuel will be metal with a burnup of 100-120 GWd/t. The commercial-scale CFR1000 will use metal fuel with a 120-150GWd/t burnup.

Both the operating CEFR reactor and the planned CFR-600 reactor are designed to use mox fuel, although currently none is produced in China. The CEFR uses Russian fuel and in January 2017, Russia's TVEL signed a $50m contract with CIEA to supply of fuel for the CEFR. The agreement is for two additional batches of fuel assemblies in 2017-2018 with loading into the reactor in 2019. TVEL and CIEA have been working together on fuel supply for the CEFR since 1999.

However, China has long been in discussions with France’s Areva for a reprocessing plant which will handle 800 tonnes of used nuclear fuel a year. Currently, construction is due to start in 2020 for launch in 2025.
President Bill Clinton shut down our Fast Breeder Reactor that could recycle spent nuclear fuel. Hopefully Trump is able to correct all these deplorable actions of the people who were suppose to protect us.
Yep those bankers and big industrialist didn't want nuclear power that is sustainable for many generations when they can sell you crap like oil, gas, coal
Yep those bankers and big industrialist didn't want nuclear power that is sustainable for many generations when they can sell you crap like oil, gas, coal
Electricity is not generated from oil or gas. As far as what bankers want, certainly they would love to finance $trillions$ in a new green deal. Industrialists would love to build the $trillions$ in a new green deal. I can't argue with you there, bankers and industrialists will profit from building the millions of wind turbines and solar panels that last a short time, then need replacing. Industrialists and bankers will not make so much building a few nuclear power plants that last forever.
Yep those bankers and big industrialist didn't want nuclear power that is sustainable for many generations when they can sell you crap like oil, gas, coal
Electricity is not generated from oil or gas. As far as what bankers want, certainly they would love to finance $trillions$ in a new green deal. Industrialists would love to build the $trillions$ in a new green deal. I can't argue with you there, bankers and industrialists will profit from building the millions of wind turbines and solar panels that last a short time, then need replacing. Industrialists and bankers will not make so much building a few nuclear power plants that last forever.
Natural gas power plants are replacing the older coal versions.Natural gas is cheap but capital cost are high but there is a growing environmental movement and coal is not being used like it used to be.
Natural gas power plants are replacing the older coal versions.Natural gas is cheap but capital cost are high but there is a growing environmental movement and coal is not being used like it used to be.
Capital costs of natural gas are lower than everything else. Wind and Solar are very expensive, that is why the bankers and industrialists love it.

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