Chinese ‘smart uniforms’ with built in GPS

I debated with myself if this should be posted in the science and tech section but as I fear the political implications will be huge I’ve posted it here. Once any totalitarian state ( or govt’ pretending to be a democracy) demands all their citizens wear these things freedom will become obsolete overnight.

Chinese schools enforce 'smart uniforms' with GPS tracking system to monitor students

They're political Communists first and foremost with a their version of a "Free Market" economy. Our Progressives get moist when they fantasize about bringing that level of control here.
Can imagine the “debate” over there (if it was allowed).
“It’s for our own good”
“If you haven’t got anything to hide...”
“Only criminals walk unchipped”

(No, I’m not trying to tie this monster to any ongoing discussions here)
I debated with myself if this should be posted in the science and tech section but as I fear the political implications will be huge I’ve posted it here. Once any totalitarian state ( or govt’ pretending to be a democracy) demands all their citizens wear these things freedom will become obsolete overnight.

Chinese schools enforce 'smart uniforms' with GPS tracking system to monitor students

I wonder if it will be used by employers and if that makes it more palatable.
I’ve lost the link to an article the appeared last year in I think The London Times.
An IT dept of a Dutch University conducted an experiment where all members of the IT faculty, cleaners, canteen staff etc had chips installed in their wrists. Entry to the building, use of vending machines, toilets,computers etc was triggered by scanning your wrist chip. The software had a glitch on day one preventing anyone entering or leaving the building, using the toilets, computers, phones etc. Luckily a student had smuggled in his mobile and was able to call the fire frigade who shashed down the front doors. Nobody volunteered for the second trial run. Welcome to the future.
I debated with myself if this should be posted in the science and tech section but as I fear the political implications will be huge I’ve posted it here. Once any totalitarian state ( or govt’ pretending to be a democracy) demands all their citizens wear these things freedom will become obsolete overnight.

Chinese schools enforce 'smart uniforms' with GPS tracking system to monitor students

I wonder if it will be used by employers and if that makes it more palatable.
In the interests of shareholder benefit it would be cheaper to tattoo bar codes on employees heads. Employees will however need to agree to pay for surgical removal if fired.
I debated with myself if this should be posted in the science and tech section but as I fear the political implications will be huge I’ve posted it here. Once any totalitarian state ( or govt’ pretending to be a democracy) demands all their citizens wear these things freedom will become obsolete overnight.

Chinese schools enforce 'smart uniforms' with GPS tracking system to monitor students

They're political Communists first and foremost with a their version of a "Free Market" economy. Our Progressives get moist when they fantasize about bringing that level of control here.
Coming from a supporter of the Patriot Act, your comment about Progressives is as stupid as it comes.
I debated with myself if this should be posted in the science and tech section but as I fear the political implications will be huge I’ve posted it here. Once any totalitarian state ( or govt’ pretending to be a democracy) demands all their citizens wear these things freedom will become obsolete overnight.

Chinese schools enforce 'smart uniforms' with GPS tracking system to monitor students

They're political Communists first and foremost with a their version of a "Free Market" economy. Our Progressives get moist when they fantasize about bringing that level of control here.
Coming from a supporter of the Patriot Act, your comment about Progressives is as stupid as it comes.

Fuck Off, Adolf. If I ever once supported the Patriot Act I've long since changed gears on it. It's just plain fucking unamerican and created to aid the Globalist American Police State
I would support having all convicted child molesters and rapists chipped for life when released from prison. ... :cool:
I wonder if it will be used by employers and if that makes it more palatable.

It is already in use by at least one employer in the U.S., Three Square Market in Wisconsin has a pilot program ( begun 8/1/2017) that allows employees to volunteer to be implanted with a tiny RFID microchip initially used for things like door lock access, cafeteria payments.... can easily be used for location tracking as well.

Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes
I wonder if it will be used by employers and if that makes it more palatable.

It is already in use by at least one employer in the U.S., Three Square Market in Wisconsin has a pilot program ( begun 8/1/2017) that allows employees to volunteer to be implanted with a tiny RFID microchip initially used for things like door lock access, cafeteria payments.... can easily be used for location tracking as well.

Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes

Eww.....the hell is wrong with people?
I wonder if it will be used by employers and if that makes it more palatable.

It is already in use by at least one employer in the U.S., Three Square Market in Wisconsin has a pilot program ( begun 8/1/2017) that allows employees to volunteer to be implanted with a tiny RFID microchip initially used for things like door lock access, cafeteria payments.... can easily be used for location tracking as well.

Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes

Eww.....the hell is wrong with people?

Yeah it's pretty crazy but the Millennials and younger (along with many Gen-X'ers) don't seem to be overly concerned with privacy. :dunno:
I wonder if it will be used by employers and if that makes it more palatable.

It is already in use by at least one employer in the U.S., Three Square Market in Wisconsin has a pilot program ( begun 8/1/2017) that allows employees to volunteer to be implanted with a tiny RFID microchip initially used for things like door lock access, cafeteria payments.... can easily be used for location tracking as well.

Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes

Eww.....the hell is wrong with people?

Yeah it's pretty crazy but the Millennials and younger (along with many Gen-X'ers) don't seem to be overly concerned with privacy. :dunno:
That’s so interesting.
Imagine if we in, let’s say 50 years from now, have given up? There would be nothing hidden. So we will have to live our lives in the eyes of everyone else. Moral lines would have to shift, or at least we would have to consider some things people do as too common to bother with.
I wonder if it will be used by employers and if that makes it more palatable.

It is already in use by at least one employer in the U.S., Three Square Market in Wisconsin has a pilot program ( begun 8/1/2017) that allows employees to volunteer to be implanted with a tiny RFID microchip initially used for things like door lock access, cafeteria payments.... can easily be used for location tracking as well.

Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes

Eww.....the hell is wrong with people?

Yeah it's pretty crazy but the Millennials and younger (along with many Gen-X'ers) don't seem to be overly concerned with privacy. :dunno:
That’s so interesting.
Imagine if we in, let’s say 50 years from now, have given up? There would be nothing hidden. So we will have to live our lives in the eyes of everyone else. Moral lines would have to shift, or at least we would have to consider some things people do as too common to bother with.

Good points and I agree that's where we are headed but personally I don't think it's going to take 50 years to get there, more like within the next decade. If you want to see one writers (fictional) vision of what you're describing looks like, there's a decent movie called "The Circle" (adapted from the David Eggers Novel) that's been out for over a year (i.e. you can probably find it on your favorite streaming service), IMHO it's pretty thought provoking .
I wonder if it will be used by employers and if that makes it more palatable.

It is already in use by at least one employer in the U.S., Three Square Market in Wisconsin has a pilot program ( begun 8/1/2017) that allows employees to volunteer to be implanted with a tiny RFID microchip initially used for things like door lock access, cafeteria payments.... can easily be used for location tracking as well.

Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes

Eww.....the hell is wrong with people?

Yeah it's pretty crazy but the Millennials and younger (along with many Gen-X'ers) don't seem to be overly concerned with privacy. :dunno:
That’s so interesting.
Imagine if we in, let’s say 50 years from now, have given up? There would be nothing hidden. So we will have to live our lives in the eyes of everyone else. Moral lines would have to shift, or at least we would have to consider some things people do as too common to bother with.

Good points and I agree that's where we are headed but personally I don't think it's going to take 50 years to get there, more like within the next decade. If you want to see one writers (fictional) vision of what you're describing looks like, there's a decent movie called "The Circle" (adapted from the David Eggers Novel) that's been out for over a year (i.e. you can probably find it on your favorite streaming service), IMHO it's pretty thought provoking .
Just thought about that - there ought to be some movie about it.
I wonder if religion will survive? Many religions lay heavy on the Word and actions you present. Human weakness is disqualifing. Can’t have a Pope who watched porn, now can we?

Thanks for the hint!
It is already in use by at least one employer in the U.S., Three Square Market in Wisconsin has a pilot program ( begun 8/1/2017) that allows employees to volunteer to be implanted with a tiny RFID microchip initially used for things like door lock access, cafeteria payments.... can easily be used for location tracking as well.

Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes

Eww.....the hell is wrong with people?

Yeah it's pretty crazy but the Millennials and younger (along with many Gen-X'ers) don't seem to be overly concerned with privacy. :dunno:
That’s so interesting.
Imagine if we in, let’s say 50 years from now, have given up? There would be nothing hidden. So we will have to live our lives in the eyes of everyone else. Moral lines would have to shift, or at least we would have to consider some things people do as too common to bother with.

Good points and I agree that's where we are headed but personally I don't think it's going to take 50 years to get there, more like within the next decade. If you want to see one writers (fictional) vision of what you're describing looks like, there's a decent movie called "The Circle" (adapted from the David Eggers Novel) that's been out for over a year (i.e. you can probably find it on your favorite streaming service), IMHO it's pretty thought provoking .
Just thought about that - there ought to be some movie about it.
I wonder if religion will survive? Many religions lay heavy on the Word and actions you present. Human weakness is disqualifing. Can’t have a Pope who watched porn, now can we?

Thanks for the hint!

No problem, enjoy the movie ! :)

If you want to see a good (IMHO) documentary regarding where we are currently at on these questions I highly recommend "Do you Trust This Computer?" (released in 2018, I think I saw it on Amazon Prime Video) very interesting stuff.
There is a big difference between keeping track of children while they are in school or keeping track of employees working in a refinery that covers square miles of property compared to tracking people when they are on their own time.
I wonder if it will be used by employers and if that makes it more palatable.

It is already in use by at least one employer in the U.S., Three Square Market in Wisconsin has a pilot program ( begun 8/1/2017) that allows employees to volunteer to be implanted with a tiny RFID microchip initially used for things like door lock access, cafeteria payments.... can easily be used for location tracking as well.

Microchip Implants for Employees? One Company Says Yes

Eww.....the hell is wrong with people?

Yeah it's pretty crazy but the Millennials and younger (along with many Gen-X'ers) don't seem to be overly concerned with privacy. :dunno:

I don't think the younger generations realize they don't have any privacy simply because they grew up with smart phones, Instagram etc.

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