Chis Hayes Goes Full Moron - But What Else Is New ?

Hayes passes judgement on a woman who is at least 10x smarter than he is:

Call me crazy, but it seems to me that to be a good judge, you need to have good judgment? Participating in a super spreader event that contravenes local DC law and CDC guidance doesn't strike me as good judgment.

The article shows how he gets his ass handed to him.

But, let's be real.

This is a real argument ? No.

It is just another example of the dicks at PMSNBC needing to fight the right's agenda.
It's hilarous the replies as he gets his ass handed to him.

The left just does not think anything through. They are really really stupid and lazy. No wonder they want socialism, working your ass off in capitalism is hard.......way to hard for them.
lol. In right wing fantasy, you are always Right. Capitalism "died 1929" and socialism has been bailing out Capitalism ever since. Socialism is about equality and in our case, equal protection of the laws.

Please don't quote fairy tales without a link.
So socialism has been going since 1929, we shouldn't have any issues, right?......weird.
As of today, she doesn’t have the votes

Watch this dodge......

As of today, 3 Republican Senators have been isolated with COVID. Add Collins and Murkowski and you have five Republicans.

How you like THAT DODGE Skippy?
What are you talking about? They can vote and will vote. Nothing you can do to stop it.....
I don't know where you are in the stages of grief, but get to acceptance ASAP
As of today, she doesn’t have the votes

Watch this dodge......

As of today, 3 Republican Senators have been isolated with COVID. Add Collins and Murkowski and you have five Republicans.

How you like THAT DODGE Skippy?
What are you talking about? They can vote and will vote. Nothing you can do to stop it.....
I don't know where you are in the stages of grief, but get to acceptance ASAP

He's just being his usual retarded self.

Hayes passes judgement on a woman who is at least 10x smarter than he is:

Call me crazy, but it seems to me that to be a good judge, you need to have good judgment? Participating in a super spreader event that contravenes local DC law and CDC guidance doesn't strike me as good judgment.

The article shows how he gets his ass handed to him.

But, let's be real.

This is a real argument ? No.

It is just another example of the dicks at PMSNBC needing to fight the right's agenda.
It's hilarous the replies as he gets his ass handed to him.

The left just does not think anything through. They are really really stupid and lazy. No wonder they want socialism, working your ass off in capitalism is hard.......way to hard for them.

The left like to set standards and change or ignore them at will.

Hayes passes judgement on a woman who is at least 10x smarter than he is:

Call me crazy, but it seems to me that to be a good judge, you need to have good judgment? Participating in a super spreader event that contravenes local DC law and CDC guidance doesn't strike me as good judgment.

The article shows how he gets his ass handed to him.

But, let's be real.

This is a real argument ? No.

It is just another example of the dicks at PMSNBC needing to fight the right's agenda.

"Call me crazy, but it seems to me that to be a good judge, you need to have good judgment? Participating in a super spreader event that contravenes local DC law and CDC guidance doesn't strike me as good judgment".
And he would be 100% correct. And those lame tweets published in a beneath-the-notice alt-right Internet rag don't matter to anyone...except right wingers.
If that's "getting his ass handed to him", you wingers need to up your game.

We won't call him crazy, we'll call him stupid.

And you too.

Her good judgement is shown in her decisions, and in the teachings she shared as a law professor to students who admire her.

Chris Hayes throws all that out and makes his case on this.

I suggest you tell Chris to stop spending so much time with his boyfriend and work on being less of a jackass.

And the tweets that followed show excactly why his lack of research makes him a moron.

The reason I included the quote was to point out that nowhere in what Hayes said did he ever use the word "unqualified". That's just alt-right word salad. And I will question Barrett's decision making. At some point, she actually had the virus and supposedly recovered. However, no one is being specific on when she actually had it. Barrett is an illegitimate pick. I don't care one way or another what happens with her. Right now, her quick confirmation is in serious jeopardy.
The Repubs need this pick more then you. The nation is moving left because of all the forces controlled by their interests. At worse this will slow it down. When a nation commits self hari kari it has warnings if fortunate. After the death, others will laugh at the funeral. The survivors cursing the many dead who caused it.

The reason I included the quote was to point out that nowhere in what Hayes said did he ever use the word "unqualified". That's just alt-right word salad. And I will question Barrett's decision making. At some point, she actually had the virus and supposedly recovered. However, no one is being specific on when she actually had it. Barrett is an illegitimate pick. I don't care one way or another what happens with her. Right now, her quick confirmation is in serious jeopardy.
The Repubs need this pick more then you. The nation is moving left because of all the forces controlled by their interests. At worse this will slow it down. When a nation commits self hari kari it has warnings if fortunate. After the death, others will laugh at the funeral. The survivors cursing the many dead who caused it.

Alt right? what is this 2016? You do know the "Alt-right" Supports Biden...... Cmmon man....get with the times!

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