Chris Christie: let's treat immigrants like FEDEX packages!!! Let's tag 'em!

Remember when the RWnuts loved Christie?

We get rid of the bad, not like liberals. You still suck Obama's pecker 24/7. Even after you were Grubered. Lol

You've fallen for Trump who if anything is a bigger RINO than Christie.
Nope, I stated that I love the way Trump is stirring both parties up. My choice right now is Carson, even have his bumper sticker in my car. If it comes down to Trump and Hillary, I will choose Trump.
Yes, the NaziCons now want to tag immigrants like Hitler tagged the Jews. Welcome to GOP Gestapo America.
Remember when the RWnuts loved Christie?

We get rid of the bad, not like liberals. You still suck Obama's pecker 24/7. Even after you were Grubered. Lol

You have a fascinating obsession with gay oral sex? Hmmmmm..... hmmmmmmmm..... hmmmmmmm....

poor fellow.

Oh, well.

He isn't the only one. lol



Sometimes, your statements just blow me away.
On nation, under National Photo ID card:

And why the ACLU are not fans but you might be? 5 Problems with National ID Cards
Yes, the NaziCons now want to tag immigrants like Hitler tagged the Jews. Welcome to GOP Gestapo America.
If Obama came up with the idea, you would be falling all over yourself to support it.
The thread's about Christie, nitwit, not Obama.

Although it's understandable you'd attempt to deflect from such rightwing stupidity.
Christie was destroyed by Democrats with the bridge scandal, now they want to resurrect his political career? Maybe they realized they shot their wad WAY too early on fat boy?

At any rate, he's irrelevant. He has no support, no chance, and soon- no $$$$$

Uhm, Christie is not running as a Democrat. Neither did we destroy him nor will we resurrect him, but gee, thanks for ascribing such awesome powers to us!!

He's as viable a GOP candidate as Lincoln Chafee is to the Democrats.

You really need to get a new schtick......
Christie is a whore in the Hillary Clinton mold. They both will say whatever they think will benefit them. They would probably both advocate replacing the American flag with a Nazi flag if they thought it would get them the presidency.
Christie is a whore in the Hillary Clinton mold. They both will say whatever they think will benefit them. They would probably both advocate replacing the American flag with a Nazi flag if they thought it would get them the presidency.
Look, another Right Winger who doesn't know what a Nazi is.

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