Chris Christie, responding to quips about his weight, tells Trump to ‘look in the mirror’: “Oh, like he’s some Adonis?”

To have had lapband or gastric bypass or whatever the hell it was surgery, Christie is huger than ever. He looks very unhealthy. He could beat out Taft as the fattest POTUS ever. I mean instead of naming schools after him, we should name all you can eat buffets after the dude. That said, since I am not a republican, if we must endure another 4 years of yankee ego, I would rather it be Christie's than Trump's.
i want Trump's body, i want Trump's feet, i want him all

Trump's got that stamina. he's full of stamina. he has amazing stamina!

Chris Christie { once the darling of many Republicans } who
was popular for a few reasons { Talks tough,Loves Baseball }
can play the bully as confidently as a Dumbo played the Big Tent
Circus Elephant.One could argue that both Dumbo and Christie need
feeding throughout the day even though it's one way to guarantee
that he pipes down his voice.All said Chris Christie is no way in the same
league as Donald Trump.Like I've proven ... Trump has inarguably THE
MOST RECOGNIZED Name and Photos of any Earthling.
Sorry bout that,

1. Not to mention has the democrats figured out big time!

Christie is running for the wrong reason. Instead of genuinely wanting to improve America in any significant way, he simply wants to "stick it" to Trump. It's really obvious. I would never vote for someone with a vendetta.
The Russians are dealing with a revolt in the military and this Blinkin guy seems confused while Biden is nowhere to be found. Meanwhile the left's contribution to the political discussion concerns Christie's weight. Anything beats talking about real issues.
Nobody claimed that Cheeto Jesus was Adonis, and Christie is still a bloated tub of goo.
Yup, nobody did. But Christie does have a point. People in glass houses etc.

The last thing Rump should be making fun of other people is their weight.

What next? Making fun of people for their bad suntan? The number of times they have been accused of paying porn stars? Being all-around losers?

Christie is only running cause it keeps him in the spotlight and most likely, family and friends working on the campaign get paid nicely from the campaign money.

Christie knows he cant win.

Christie never ever was a Republican and Republican liked, let alone loved. .
Christie is running for the wrong reason. Instead of genuinely wanting to improve America in any significant way, he simply wants to "stick it" to Trump. It's really obvious. I would never vote for someone with a vendetta.
Howz bout someone with a " Transformation " Dream.
Like the Democrat " Moderate " Barack Obama.
Christie is only running cause it keeps him in the spotlight and most likely, family and friends working on the campaign get paid nicely from the campaign money.

Christie knows he cant win.

Christie never ever was a Republican and Republican liked, let alone loved. .
So then he { Christie } T'weren't done never knowed Chair of the
Republican Governors Association.
Or dint announce on June 6th,2023 his 2nd Presidential
campaign for the Republican nomination.
I get it.Maybe some rabid Stork flying around Newark
where Christie was downing a couple Hot Dogs w/everything
on them crapped and it landed on them dressed Dogs Christie was
mauling.That may explain his brusque temperment over Trump
everything.I mean,No Stork work their salt would dream of doing
such a thing within a county of Donald Trump.
Even Storks like MAGA.
So then he { Christie } T'weren't done never knowed Chair of the
Republican Governors Association.
Or dint announce on June 6th,2023 his 2nd Presidential
campaign for the Republican nomination.
I get it.Maybe some rabid Stork flying around Newark
where Christie was downing a couple Hot Dogs w/everything
on them crapped and it landed on them dressed Dogs Christie was
mauling.That may explain his brusque temperment over Trump
everything.I mean,No Stork work their salt would dream of doing
such a thing within a county of Donald Trump.
Even Storks like MAGA.
What the heck is "Storks"?
Christie is running for the wrong reason. Instead of genuinely wanting to improve America in any significant way, he simply wants to "stick it" to Trump. It's really obvious. I would never vote for someone with a vendetta.

Trump's whole adult life has been about revenge. He has been bragging about revenge since the 1980s.

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