Chris Christie tells Romney to release income tax returns immediately

Clhristie is so self absorbed (case in point, his girth) why would Mitt ever think he would stump in any positive way for him? Romney's campaign is not doing him much good.
Ask Christie. When everyone does something normal except one guy. Everyone is going to wonder why that one guy didn't and make assumptions. Christie knows this and so does everyone else with a brain in their head.

It is standard practice to release college transcripts - yet Obama didn't. Where's the fauxtrage over that???
What an opportunity for deflection that this latest screw-up by Mitt has presented for Zander and company.

I think Romney should release his tax returns, and he has promised that he will. I simply want the same scrutiny applied to Obama.
Ask Christie. When everyone does something normal except one guy. Everyone is going to wonder why that one guy didn't and make assumptions. Christie knows this and so does everyone else with a brain in their head.

Yet you guys never ask why Obama hides his college transcripts, his college records, his wives college records and papers? You didn't care that for 20 years Obama sat front row in a Church lead by a racist America hating pastor that he called a father figure and inspired him to name a book after him.

I wonder why that is?

You're bad at deflection
Ask Christie. When everyone does something normal except one guy. Everyone is going to wonder why that one guy didn't and make assumptions. Christie knows this and so does everyone else with a brain in their head.

Yet you guys never ask why Obama hides his college transcripts, his college records, his wives college records and papers? You didn't care that for 20 years Obama sat front row in a Church lead by a racist America hating pastor that he called a father figure and inspired him to name a book after him.

I wonder why that is?

Yeah we agree with that--BUT--it doesn't mean Romney should react in the same manner does it--especially when all other GOP candidates have. If Romney is so freaking squeaky clean he should be able to release his income tax return immediately--as Chris Christie has stated.

^^^ :lol:
I think he should not only release his tax returns from last year but also the year before.
Might be a little more revealing.
Oh that Chrispie. He's a "glutton" for punishment.

He's fat? Wow, you're so brilliant and stuff....:cuckoo:
Christie is not just fat. Newt Gingrich is fat. Fat is being a bit overweight. Chris Christie is grotesquely obese. He is a deformed freak and were it not for the fact that America has become a nation with a significantly overweight population his presence on the political stage would not be so readily accepted.

I have no doubt that Christie intends to jump into the presidential race as soon as it becomes apparent that Romney doesn't have a chance against Obama. And my first feeling about that is if this medically endangered freak became President it would occur to the rest of the world as a symbolically appropriate disgrace. The gluttonous leader of a gluttonous, militarily aggressive empire.

Christie would be Nero in the new Rome and anyone who cannot see that coming is blind as well as stupid. Anyone who would not only allow himself to become like that but to audaciously regard and present himself as if he were a normal, ordinary person rather than a psychologically disordered aberration should not be considered for Mayor of a one-pump town, no less for President of The United States.

Chris Christie is analogous to a man who walks around with his hand in his pants and conducts himself as if it were perfectly normal.

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4 reasons Mitt Romney's tax returns could hurt him: The super-rich GOP frontrunner is already taking heat for his 15 percent tax rate. But the real fireworks may start when he releases his tax documents in April
January 19, 2012

1. Romney could have big money in dodgy offshore tax havens
... ABC reports that the sort of "secretive offshore funds in the Caymans" that Romney has invested in through his old firm, Bain Capital, cost the feds an estimated $100 billion per year.

2. He likely benefits from an "unconscionable" tax loophole
... In "Romney's private equity portfolio are dozens of funds" managed by Bain, and "it is entirely possible that Romney didn't personally invest a dime into any of those funds." ... This carried interest boondoggle is an "unconscionable" sop to super-wealthy private equity managers, says John Cassidy at The New Yorker. And in defending the loophole and pushing "even more tax cuts skewed to the rich," Romney is becoming the face of the 1 percent.

3. America will see how much Romney's own tax plan would benefit him
Romney's annual income is somewhere between $6 million and $40 million ... "Romney's plan would give him a tax cut of more than 40 percent" compared to Obama's favored tax policies. So essentially, says Matt Miller at The Washington Post, "Romney believes the best-off Americans should be completely exempt from participating in the wrenching burden other Americans will need to help shoulder (via taxes and spending cuts) to get the country's fiscal house in order."

4. The ghost of Romney's father is hovering over him
... Obama, for example, disclosed six years' worth of tax returns in March 2008, and has continued releasing them every year since. "Making it worse — the person who set the precedent of releasing returns that every major presidential candidate has since followed was Romney's own father, who put out 12 years' worth a year before his own 1968 run."

Mitt Romney's taxing baggage - Yahoo! News
The fact that Romney hasn't already released his tax returns in an effort to silence his critics would suggest that they may contain some of the "smoking guns" listed above.

It will also be interesting if he follows Obama's example and releases tax returns for the past 6 years, or the example set by his father and release the last 12 years.
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