Christ is risen from the dead. Christ ist erstanden von den Toden.


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
Christ is risen from the dead. Christ ist erstanden von den Toden. National Anthem of the Teutonic Knights order. Please sing and pray with me. I was in the mood to sing. Amen.

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In what city and on what street did you see him. I would like an autograph.
Christ is risen from the dead.

Call Rick Grimes.

But he said he'd HaShev (return).
Nobody understands what returning means because they don't grasp from that time period to now that heaven in Hebrew the words are
- Olam Habah (world to come) means the future not the sky. If you are existing in the future but speaking (messaging) to the past you can't return to where you start (exist) from (beginning is at the end=non linear timeline).
So what does Return mean?
The church elder Columbia and his Columbian tradition tells us that, on secreting the Stone of Destiny, the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' (HaShev) to his inheritance.
So the return is to one's rightful place /position after those messages change fate and outcomes change through "heeding the warnings".
Interesting enough we find this also in
The Coming of Melchizedek scroll 11Q13 Col.2 whereby Michael (the Shiloh of Ezekiel) not only comes back for his inheritance, but will return them to what is rightfully theirs as well, thus the term "ones who’s right it is" refers to returning the Temple and authority back to Jerusalem and the Kohanim (Temple Priests/ known as hosts)
note: the term ‘Clouds’ was the writers poetic license to describe & depict their appearances when they flocked together gathered in their white puffy robes which looked like clouds.
So Daniel like Thessalonians is describing an actual event, the procession to the temple with the "gathering" of Rabbis up to Mt Zion.
But he said he'd HaShev (return).
Nobody understands what returning means because they don't grasp from that time period to now that heaven in Hebrew the words are
- Olam Habah (world to come) means the future not the sky. If you are existing in the future but speaking (messaging) to the past you can't return to where you start (exist) from (beginning is at the end=non linear timeline).
So what does Return mean?
The church elder Columbia and his Columbian tradition tells us that, on secreting the Stone of Destiny, the Abbot prophesied that one day
'The Michael' would 'return' (HaShev) to his inheritance.
So the return is to one's rightful place /position after those messages change fate and outcomes change through "heeding the warnings".
Interesting enough we find this also in
The Coming of Melchizedek scroll 11Q13 Col.2 whereby Michael (the Shiloh of Ezekiel) not only comes back for his inheritance, but will return them to what is rightfully theirs as well, thus the term "ones who’s right it is" refers to returning the Temple and authority back to Jerusalem and the Kohanim (Temple Priests/ known as hosts)
note: the term ‘Clouds’ was the writers poetic license to describe & depict their appearances when they flocked together gathered in their white puffy robes which looked like clouds.
So Daniel like Thessalonians is describing an actual event, the procession to the temple with the "gathering" of Rabbis up to Mt Zion.
Note: Rabbi simply means teacher and in the plural teachers. Thus teaching or ( Returning... Hashev..) people’s, nations, individuals back to the original concepts or ideas before they were twisted either mistakenly or on purpose) and this teaching will take place in a future rebuilt temple as a platform Or central area Of authority where they can Emirate from or spread out so that all people’s can take from them or be blessed....Mt Moriah stems from to teach unlike the hill the Vatican is built on which was for other purposes if one only looks it up truthfully...
Christ is risen from the dead.

Call Rick Grimes.

View attachment 384693

Who’s the anti-Christ?

You jest but, the irony is you missed the underlining symbolism in the WD, remember just like in scripture the WD script had Jesus giving Rick and Rishona that apple offering his fruits for their loyalty and service in fighting Negan, and that did not work out to well, as a false promise he gave of security he got them killed just as the characters making up the Jesus image instead of liberating their flocks, got them killed and their people dispersed..
So if you read Genesis the serpent offering the same false security and eternity given in the NT, is the fallen prophet Jesus as in the show WD.
Christ is risen from the dead. Christ ist erstanden von den Toden. National Anthem of the Teutonic Knights order. Please sing and pray with me. I was in the mood to sing. Amen.

Only to make something clear: "Teutonic knights" is a wrong expression. The word "teutonic" is only an onomatopoetic expression of the German word for German = "deutsch", which means something what's very similar to the word "united". The "Deutsche Ritter" (German knights) are members of the "Deutsche Orden" ("German Order"). The Latin expression "Ordo fratrum domus hospitalis Sanctae Mariae Teutonicorum Ierosolimitanorum" uses also the wrong word "Teutonicorum" instead of Germanorum.

This knights were in the beginning a hospital financed from merchants of the Hanse (an economic union) in Lübeck and Bremen. The name of the hospital was „St. Marien-Hospital der Deutschen zu Jerusalem“ = "Hospital St. Mary of the Germans in Jerusalem".

My prayers are with all male and female knights and heroes in all hospitals all over the planet, who are fighting the good fight. God might always be with you.

„Helfen, Wehren, Heilen“ - "help, defend, heal" - is the motto of the German Knights.

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