Christian Bake Shop Must Serve Gakes

Artists? Wow really digging deep for this one huh. Reality is you have nothing.

yes.... wedding cakes are works of art. I CHOOSE who will get to have my work....

unless you get one at your local safeway..... as i would not consider a box cake with Crisco icing..... art.

I know..for some reason windbag needed to make up that all cakes are works of art because he needs to connect this to free speech or he has nothing.

That IS pretty funny. :lol:
Are you trying to claim they aren't assholes now?

I asked for a link..figures youd pull this boring stunt.

Are they, or are they not, assholes who use the law to get what they want?

The asshole here is the baker who is trying to use religion to justify his prejudices. If he denied a wedding cake to a bi-racial couple because he didn't believe in mixed marriages, would you be OK with that? What about refusing a Jewish couple because Jews killed Jesus? Would that be OK?

If you are going to offer your services to the public, you have to serve the public, even people you don't like.
If you are going to offer your services to the public, you have to serve the public, even people you don't like.


You're just not allowed to refuse service based on a short list of reasons, one of which happens to be if the patrons fuck each other in the ass. As long as your reason isn't on that list, you can refuse service to anyone.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
The baker didn't refuse service because he didn't like someone. He refused service because it would be a sin for him to provide that service.
The baker didn't refuse service because he didn't like someone. He refused service because it would be a sin for him to provide that service.

Where in his bible does it say that he cannot make a cake for gays? I know Leviticus has a lot of laws....but really?

Ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah dumbass? I see you make a conscious effort not to capitalize the word "bible"'re so above us Christians ain't sure there's nothing to account for when they pull your tubes.....boy are you in for a surprise.
The baker didn't refuse service because he didn't like someone. He refused service because it would be a sin for him to provide that service.

Where in his bible does it say that he cannot make a cake for gays? I know Leviticus has a lot of laws....but really?

Ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah dumbass? I see you make a conscious effort not to capitalize the word "bible"'re so above us Christians ain't sure there's nothing to account for when they pull your tubes.....boy are you in for a surprise.

THEY got in trouble for being inhospitable to strangers - EPIC FAIL.
Where in his bible does it say that he cannot make a cake for gays? I know Leviticus has a lot of laws....but really?

Ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah dumbass? I see you make a conscious effort not to capitalize the word "bible"'re so above us Christians ain't sure there's nothing to account for when they pull your tubes.....boy are you in for a surprise.

THEY got in trouble for being inhospitable to strangers - EPIC FAIL.

No, they "got in trouble" for living a totally hedonistic group homosexuality being the main attraction. I thought the Lord dealt with them in an appropriate manner...frozen in salt...a warning too stark to miss. He hasn't changed His views on that so if you're into that garbage know there will be consequences for your soul. Forever is a long long time.
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Ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah dumbass? I see you make a conscious effort not to capitalize the word "bible"'re so above us Christians ain't sure there's nothing to account for when they pull your tubes.....boy are you in for a surprise.

THEY got in trouble for being inhospitable to strangers - EPIC FAIL.

No, they "got in trouble" for living a totally hedonistic group homosexuality being the main attraction. I thought the Lord dealt with them in an appropriate manner...frozen in salt...a warning too stark to miss. He hasn't changed His views on that so if you're into that garbage know there will be consequences for your soul. Forever is a long long time.

Matthew 10:14-15, What Did Sodom and Gomorrah Do Wrong? | The Dubious Disciple

[QUOTEEzekiel tells us what Sodom and Gomorrah did that was so naughty: “Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.” In other words, the city had plenty of bread, but refused to share. Indeed, it was Sodom’s inhospitable treatment of strangers which upset God, according to later Jewish writings. (No, it had nothing to do with sexual perversity.)[/QUOTE]
Ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah dumbass? I see you make a conscious effort not to capitalize the word "bible"'re so above us Christians ain't sure there's nothing to account for when they pull your tubes.....boy are you in for a surprise.

THEY got in trouble for being inhospitable to strangers - EPIC FAIL.

No, they "got in trouble" for living a totally hedonistic group homosexuality being the main attraction. I thought the Lord dealt with them in an appropriate manner...frozen in salt...a warning too stark to miss. He hasn't changed His views on that so if you're into that garbage know there will be consequences for your soul. Forever is a long long time.

Nope...even the bible makes it clear that it was over inhospitality. But the bible also thought it was ok for Lot to hand over his virgin daughters so the crowd would leave him alone.
THEY got in trouble for being inhospitable to strangers - EPIC FAIL.

No, they "got in trouble" for living a totally hedonistic group homosexuality being the main attraction. I thought the Lord dealt with them in an appropriate manner...frozen in salt...a warning too stark to miss. He hasn't changed His views on that so if you're into that garbage know there will be consequences for your soul. Forever is a long long time.

Nope...even the bible makes it clear that it was over inhospitality. But the bible also thought it was ok for Lot to hand over his virgin daughters so the crowd would leave him alone.

I'm all too familiar with shit stains like you who falsely claim chapter and verse somehow proves there is no Lord. But we all know what you'll do if you or a family member is in a 70mph ambulance ride to a hospital. You'll punk out and beg for His forgiveness....and you'll maybe get it and then a month later deny you prayed and that He had nothing to do with keeping your miserable ass alive. You know what you are and so does everybody who reads what you say here. I can't insult you more than you insult yourself time after time. :eusa_hand:
No, they "got in trouble" for living a totally hedonistic group homosexuality being the main attraction. I thought the Lord dealt with them in an appropriate manner...frozen in salt...a warning too stark to miss. He hasn't changed His views on that so if you're into that garbage know there will be consequences for your soul. Forever is a long long time.

Nope...even the bible makes it clear that it was over inhospitality. But the bible also thought it was ok for Lot to hand over his virgin daughters so the crowd would leave him alone.

I'm all too familiar with shit stains like you who falsely claim chapter and verse somehow proves there is no Lord. But we all know what you'll do if you or a family member is in a 70mph ambulance ride to a hospital. You'll punk out and beg for His forgiveness....and you'll maybe get it and then a month later deny you prayed and that He had nothing to do with keeping your miserable ass alive. You know what you are and so does everybody who reads what you say here. I can't insult you more than you insult yourself time after time. :eusa_hand:
No one claimed atheism. No one is denying the existence of God. If your particular lessons learned include ridicule and disdain for those with a different interpretation of scripture, can you still claim to hold a pure faith?

The issue is the refusal of the baker to provide the typical services he normally provides, i.e. baking a wedding cake.

Does he have to attend the wedding? No! Does he have to bring a toaster oven or blender as a wedding gift? No! He just has to provide the services he is in business to provide. How could he know that other couples aren't entering marriage with what he might consider sinful motives? His place is not to judge. His place is to provide normal, everyday services to the public. If his shop is open to the public, he must serve the public. He cannot hide behind the skirts of Christianity to justify refusal of services he normally renders.

And Boedeca is right. The Bible does not constitute the laws of this land. While the Bible is full of divine teachings, beautiful poetry, spiritual guidance and well learned life lessons, it is not a code of regulations enforceable by state authority. Nor is it a biology text book, a geology textbook, an anthropology text book or an astronomy text book.
Nope...even the bible makes it clear that it was over inhospitality. But the bible also thought it was ok for Lot to hand over his virgin daughters so the crowd would leave him alone.

I'm all too familiar with shit stains like you who falsely claim chapter and verse somehow proves there is no Lord. But we all know what you'll do if you or a family member is in a 70mph ambulance ride to a hospital. You'll punk out and beg for His forgiveness....and you'll maybe get it and then a month later deny you prayed and that He had nothing to do with keeping your miserable ass alive. You know what you are and so does everybody who reads what you say here. I can't insult you more than you insult yourself time after time. :eusa_hand:
No one claimed atheism. No one is denying the existence of God. If your particular lessons learned include ridicule and disdain for those with a different interpretation of scripture, can you still claim to hold a pure faith?

The issue is the refusal of the baker to provide the typical services he normally provides, i.e. baking a wedding cake.

Does he have to attend the wedding? No! Does he have to bring a toaster oven or blender as a wedding gift? No! He just has to provide the services he is in business to provide. How could he know that other couples aren't entering marriage with what he might consider sinful motives? His place is not to judge. His place is to provide normal, everyday services to the public. If his shop is open to the public, he must serve the public. He cannot hide behind the skirts of Christianity to justify refusal of services he normally renders.

And Boedeca is right. The Bible does not constitute the laws of this land. While the Bible is full of divine teachings, beautiful poetry, spiritual guidance and well learned life lessons, it is not a code of regulations enforceable by state authority. Nor is it a biology text book, a geology textbook, an anthropology text book or an astronomy text book.

Thanks for the recap....your version of it complete with conclusions I didn't make. The "gay" wedding and the baker are already long gone in this conversation. A business owner should have no objections to any customer with green cash. A Christian business owner who walks his talk should not be subjected to customers who's moral compass is covered in excrement. Big deal....a judge says he was wrong....who's judge? Some leftist appointee who may suck dicks himself? The baker was right, the queers were just crying for attention...and they got it and the Christian got got. That's the way this culture is going these days. The correction will be best decide which side of what's coming you'll be on.
The baker didn't refuse service because he didn't like someone. He refused service because it would be a sin for him to provide that service.

Where in his bible does it say that he cannot make a cake for gays? I know Leviticus has a lot of laws....but really?

There is no evidence at all that gays were prohibited from buying anything the bakery sold. They could walk in and buy all the cookies, cakes and pastries they liked. No discrimination.

They wanted a specific baker to make them a specific cake. Not even one from a catalogue of cakes but a specifically designed wedding cake just for them. Requiring the baker to exercise this level of participation is wrong. Just wrong and very near slavery. Forcing one man to labor, against his will, in service to another is a travesty.
I'm all too familiar with shit stains like you who falsely claim chapter and verse somehow proves there is no Lord. But we all know what you'll do if you or a family member is in a 70mph ambulance ride to a hospital. You'll punk out and beg for His forgiveness....and you'll maybe get it and then a month later deny you prayed and that He had nothing to do with keeping your miserable ass alive. You know what you are and so does everybody who reads what you say here. I can't insult you more than you insult yourself time after time. :eusa_hand:
No one claimed atheism. No one is denying the existence of God. If your particular lessons learned include ridicule and disdain for those with a different interpretation of scripture, can you still claim to hold a pure faith?

The issue is the refusal of the baker to provide the typical services he normally provides, i.e. baking a wedding cake.

Does he have to attend the wedding? No! Does he have to bring a toaster oven or blender as a wedding gift? No! He just has to provide the services he is in business to provide. How could he know that other couples aren't entering marriage with what he might consider sinful motives? His place is not to judge. His place is to provide normal, everyday services to the public. If his shop is open to the public, he must serve the public. He cannot hide behind the skirts of Christianity to justify refusal of services he normally renders.

And Boedeca is right. The Bible does not constitute the laws of this land. While the Bible is full of divine teachings, beautiful poetry, spiritual guidance and well learned life lessons, it is not a code of regulations enforceable by state authority. Nor is it a biology text book, a geology textbook, an anthropology text book or an astronomy text book.

Thanks for the recap....your version of it complete with conclusions I didn't make. The "gay" wedding and the baker are already long gone in this conversation. A business owner should have no objections to any customer with green cash. A Christian business owner who walks his talk should not be subjected to customers who's moral compass is covered in excrement. Big deal....a judge says he was wrong....who's judge? Some leftist appointee who may suck dicks himself? The baker was right, the queers were just crying for attention...and they got it and the Christian got got. That's the way this culture is going these days. The correction will be best decide which side of what's coming you'll be on.
Do you know what homosexuals want? Tolerance. And tolerance does not mean acceptance. Homosexuals also want simple human respect.

You can go all machismo and slam 'queers' saying they have no moral compass. You can accuse judges of something they are not just to soothe your personal homophobia. But try a little basic human respect on to see how it fits. You are not going to become Gay. You are not going to offend God. You are not going to be diminished in the eyes of your comrades. You are going to experience the Golden Rule first hand. Treat others as you would have others treat you.

You are far from perfect, as am I. But neither you nor I have the capacity to judge others when their actions have no impact on our personal lives. Nothing a homosexual has ever done has had any direct effect on my personal life. Live and let live. It's not just a slogan, it's a lesson learned by the people who are the most at peace with themselves and their Lord.
The baker didn't refuse service because he didn't like someone. He refused service because it would be a sin for him to provide that service.

Where in his bible does it say that he cannot make a cake for gays? I know Leviticus has a lot of laws....but really?

There is no evidence at all that gays were prohibited from buying anything the bakery sold. They could walk in and buy all the cookies, cakes and pastries they liked. No discrimination.

They wanted a specific baker to make them a specific cake. Not even one from a catalogue of cakes but a specifically designed wedding cake just for them. Requiring the baker to exercise this level of participation is wrong. Just wrong and very near slavery. Forcing one man to labor, against his will, in service to another is a travesty.
You mean the baker wasn't even goi9ng to get paid for his services, or are you just flexing your hyperbole muscles?

Has the baker ever executed a unique design for other clients? Was that slavery too? Or do you just emphasis hyperbole in instances involving what you perceive as a political enemy?
I'm tolerant of homosexuals..I'm not tolerant of in-your-face sexual activism, or the concept that people should *identify* themselves via the sex acts they most enjoy. I'm not tolerant of people who I find morally bankrupt telling my children that they are not expected or capable of controlling their sexual urges. I'm not tolerant of people who change the language to suit their own reality, and then force ME to accept that new *reality*. I'm not tolerant of oppression by a small minority of assholes who think they have the right to say whatever they like to and about me, but who want to throw me in jail for daring to voice opinions that are not in agreement with THEM. I'm not tolerant of a small minority who have tried and continue to try to normalize abnormal behavior, depraved behavior, and who want to de-criminalize criminal behavior, based on the false concept that people cannot control their sexual behavior..while at the same time attempt to CRIMINALIZE moral behavior, and attempt to criminalize any religious objection to, or sermonizing about, what constitutes moral behavior.

So no, I'm not tolerant of that shit. And typically, that's what the homo block is all about. It isn't about getting equal rights. It's about eliminating the rights of people who refuse to endorse the depraved and public sexual posturings of a tiny minority.
I'm tolerant of homosexuals..I'm not tolerant of in-your-face sexual activism, or the concept that people should *identify* themselves via the sex acts they most enjoy. I'm not tolerant of people who I find morally bankrupt telling my children that they are not expected or capable of controlling their sexual urges. I'm not tolerant of people who change the language to suit their own reality, and then force ME to accept that new *reality*. I'm not tolerant of oppression by a small minority of assholes who think they have the right to say whatever they like to and about me, but who want to throw me in jail for daring to voice opinions that are not in agreement with THEM. I'm not tolerant of a small minority who have tried and continue to try to normalize abnormal behavior, depraved behavior, and who want to de-criminalize criminal behavior, based on the false concept that people cannot control their sexual behavior..while at the same time attempt to CRIMINALIZE moral behavior, and attempt to criminalize any religious objection to, or sermonizing about, what constitutes moral behavior.

So no, I'm not tolerant of that shit. And typically, that's what the homo block is all about. It isn't about getting equal rights. It's about eliminating the rights of people who refuse to endorse the depraved and public sexual posturings of a tiny minority.

Bullshit. :D

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