Christian Bake Shop Must Serve Gakes


1. They sue him in civil court for intentional damaging both their persons, their guests, and their event.

2. Since it would have been an intentional event, the insurance company would disallow the claim and the owner would be on the hook for their own lawyer and the award of the court. The "gays" would probably end up owning his business and his personal assets.

3. They were shut down for food safety violations.

4. Probably prosecuted under poisoning laws in criminal court and spend time in jail.​

Other than that, beautiful plan.


Another USMB "lawyer" pops up. :lol: Who's gonna pick through their sewage to find the trace amount of Ex-Lax, Mr. Darrow? Doctoring food for desired effect is beyond difficult to prosecute. And besides, the runs is every homo's dream scenario ain't it? :eusa_eh:

Leftovers of the cake are not typically stored in the sewer, freezers are much better.

Proving the cake was poisoned will be the easy part.

>>>> seem to know a lot about queer weddings, counselor. :eusa_eh: But my plan is almost dead-bang perfect considering those loose in the loafers also probably got flappy back how would they know they'd been punk'd by a baker? It'll work I tell ya!
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Another USMB "lawyer" pops up. :lol: Who's gonna pick through their sewage to find the trace amount of Ex-Lax, Mr. Darrow? Doctoring food for desired effect is beyond difficult to prosecute. And besides, the runs is every homo's dream scenario ain't it? :eusa_eh:

Leftovers of the cake are not typically stored in the sewer, freezers are much better.

Proving the cake was poisoned will be the easy part.

>>>> seem to know a lot about queer weddings, counselor. :eusa_eh: But my plan is almost dead-bang perfect considering those loose in the loafers also probably got flappy back how would they know they'd been punk'd by a baker? It'll work I tell ya!

Saving part of the wedding cake for the 1st Anniversary isn't a "queer wedding" thing, it been part of traditional different sex weddings for decades.

The only parties that would be happy under such a plan would be the defense lawyer (as long as he gets paid in advance) and the married couple of the financial windfall of owning all the bakers property/assets as part of the court award.

Leftovers of the cake are not typically stored in the sewer, freezers are much better.

Proving the cake was poisoned will be the easy part.

>>>> seem to know a lot about queer weddings, counselor. :eusa_eh: But my plan is almost dead-bang perfect considering those loose in the loafers also probably got flappy back how would they know they'd been punk'd by a baker? It'll work I tell ya!

Saving part of the wedding cake for the 1st Anniversary isn't a "queer wedding" thing, it been part of traditional different sex weddings for decades.

The only parties that would be happy under such a plan would be the defense lawyer (as long as he gets paid in advance) and the married couple of the financial windfall of owning all the bakers property/assets as part of the court award.


Don't be a party-pooper....Hey how about that for a pun! :lol:
Another USMB "lawyer" pops up. :lol: Who's gonna pick through their sewage to find the trace amount of Ex-Lax, Mr. Darrow? Doctoring food for desired effect is beyond difficult to prosecute. And besides, the runs is every homo's dream scenario ain't it? :eusa_eh:

Leftovers of the cake are not typically stored in the sewer, freezers are much better.

Proving the cake was poisoned will be the easy part.

>>>> seem to know a lot about queer weddings, counselor. :eusa_eh: But my plan is almost dead-bang perfect considering those loose in the loafers also probably got flappy back how would they know they'd been punk'd by a baker? It'll work I tell ya!

Conversation has been mostly about civil rights, business owners rights, religious rights and law. You are the one obsessed with the sexual aspects of gay men. Men who fear and hate gays feel threatened because they fear or know they are gay themselves. Hetrosexual men are not confused about their sexuality. They are not intimidated by gays. They have no reason to fear or hate. You might as well put a sign around your neck that says you are a confused gay man. I live in a resort town that has a large gay population. The local hetrosexual men like myself have no problems with the gays. Whenever we run into guys like you we say "he is stuck in the closet but can't find the door".
Another USMB "lawyer" pops up. :lol: Who's gonna pick through their sewage to find the trace amount of Ex-Lax, Mr. Darrow? Doctoring food for desired effect is beyond difficult to prosecute. And besides, the runs is every homo's dream scenario ain't it? :eusa_eh:

Leftovers of the cake are not typically stored in the sewer, freezers are much better.

Proving the cake was poisoned will be the easy part.

>>>> seem to know a lot about queer weddings, counselor. :eusa_eh: But my plan is almost dead-bang perfect considering those loose in the loafers also probably got flappy back how would they know they'd been punk'd by a baker? It'll work I tell ya!
You sure think about gay sex a lot, dontcha?

And as WW said, it would be VERY easy to prove poisoned cake. But, you're probably the kind who thinks you'd be able to get away with it.
Leftovers of the cake are not typically stored in the sewer, freezers are much better.

Proving the cake was poisoned will be the easy part.

>>>> seem to know a lot about queer weddings, counselor. :eusa_eh: But my plan is almost dead-bang perfect considering those loose in the loafers also probably got flappy back how would they know they'd been punk'd by a baker? It'll work I tell ya!

Conversation has been mostly about civil rights, business owners rights, religious rights and law. You are the one obsessed with the sexual aspects of gay men. Men who fear and hate gays feel threatened because they fear or know they are gay themselves. Hetrosexual men are not confused about their sexuality. They are not intimidated by gays. They have no reason to fear or hate. You might as well put a sign around your neck that says you are a confused gay man. I live in a resort town that has a large gay population. The local hetrosexual men like myself have no problems with the gays. Whenever we run into guys like you we say "he is stuck in the closet but can't find the door".

Your crap would sell better if you knew how to spell "heterosexual" Loretta. :lol:
Another USMB "lawyer" pops up. :lol: Who's gonna pick through their sewage to find the trace amount of Ex-Lax, Mr. Darrow? Doctoring food for desired effect is beyond difficult to prosecute. And besides, the runs is every homo's dream scenario ain't it? :eusa_eh:

Leftovers of the cake are not typically stored in the sewer, freezers are much better.

Proving the cake was poisoned will be the easy part.

>>>> seem to know a lot about queer weddings, counselor. :eusa_eh: But my plan is almost dead-bang perfect considering those loose in the loafers also probably got flappy back how would they know they'd been punk'd by a baker? It'll work I tell ya!

It's a plan, not a good plan, but a plan, which forgets that wedding cakes are not chocolate cakes. Now if it was a chocolate cake, you have a plan. This cake was a rainbow cake which would not be a chocolate cake since the rainbow would not be visible in a chocolate cake. It was likely a white cake with food coloring and a white buttercream frosting also rainbow tinted.

Other than that, you could have a winner.

I wonder.

If I designed cakes with men and women, traditional marriage images, and offered them for sale "as is", the only difference between them would be the number of layers and type of frosting... Then a gay couple came in and asked for a wedding cake with out the images or with two male images and I showed them the sign that only those designs were available..

Would that be considered discrimination?

I wonder.

If I designed cakes with men and women, traditional marriage images, and offered them for sale "as is", the only difference between them would be the number of layers and type of frosting... Then a gay couple came in and asked for a wedding cake with out the images or with two male images and I showed them the sign that only those designs were available..

Would that be considered discrimination?

Let me make sure I understand:

1. You will pre-bake and maintain and inventory of cakes on hand.

2. You would pre-decorate the cakes as you see fit.

3. You would not accept any modifications (from either different- or same-sex couples) ordering the cakes.

4. And you would not accept custom orders designed in consultation with customers.

5. You applied these rules consistently.

6. You sold your work product in compliance with Public Accommodation laws.​

Ya, that would be legal. Probably wouldn't sell to many as unless it's forgotten birthday and you are picking up a generic cake at the last minute - people want fresh cakes and they want input on the design.

But ya, under the conditions you state (if I understand them correctly) it'd probably be legal.

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I wonder.

If I designed cakes with men and women, traditional marriage images, and offered them for sale "as is", the only difference between them would be the number of layers and type of frosting... Then a gay couple came in and asked for a wedding cake with out the images or with two male images and I showed them the sign that only those designs were available..

Would that be considered discrimination?
Since this fellow has to choose between his livelihood or his faith, your idea may seriously need to be considered.

What I would suggest is a catalogue of cakes. This baker could have a catalogue of the different types of cakes that are available, including various types of standard wedding cakes with the traditional man/woman figurines. However the baker would have a rule that anyone ordering a cake would need to select one from the catalogue. No custom cakes will be made under any circumstance. This way he won't be breaking any state laws.

I still believe though that if he obtains a good lawyer, and appeals the decision on the grounds that 1st amendment rights supersede any state laws, he has a good chance of winning his case.
Artists? Wow really digging deep for this one huh. Reality is you have nothing.

I am going to turn syrenn lose on you, feel free to tell a pastry chef that her cakes are not works of art.

Do whatever you need. This baker is not making art. Their is a difference between cake art and baking a cake. You once again do understand what you are talking about.

If it isn't artistic they can go to Safeway and pick up whatever they want.
Leftovers of the cake are not typically stored in the sewer, freezers are much better.

Proving the cake was poisoned will be the easy part.

>>>> seem to know a lot about queer weddings, counselor. :eusa_eh: But my plan is almost dead-bang perfect considering those loose in the loafers also probably got flappy back how would they know they'd been punk'd by a baker? It'll work I tell ya!

Saving part of the wedding cake for the 1st Anniversary isn't a "queer wedding" thing, it been part of traditional different sex weddings for decades.

The only parties that would be happy under such a plan would be the defense lawyer (as long as he gets paid in advance) and the married couple of the financial windfall of owning all the bakers property/assets as part of the court award.


The portion that is saved for the anniversary can be made in a different flavor upon request, it wouldn't be hard to leave the Ex-Lax out of that part.
Yes I do, both problems were created by fascists who are willing to use the law to impose their version of society on others. I will always fight that because it is always wrong.

Those laws came about because of discrimination leading to economic disadvantages - if people are able to deny service based on race then society is stratified based on race, and people are wrongfully denied opportunity - the same goes for ANY discrimination.

The Jim Crow laws came about because fascists had an economic disadvantage? Great, my question is, why do you support giving fascists economic equality?

Segregation was found unconstitutional because of the reasons I stated, which you know perfectly well. There IS no moral equivalence for you to find here. You should stop trying.
Those laws came about because of discrimination leading to economic disadvantages - if people are able to deny service based on race then society is stratified based on race, and people are wrongfully denied opportunity - the same goes for ANY discrimination.

The Jim Crow laws came about because fascists had an economic disadvantage? Great, my question is, why do you support giving fascists economic equality?

Segregation was found unconstitutional because of the reasons I stated, which you know perfectly well. There IS no moral equivalence for you to find here. You should stop trying.

You are missing the point, Jim Crow laws were social laws enforced at gunpoint, the new shit you back are social laws enforced at gunpoint. Both of these are fascist tactics, and I oppose all fascism. You, however, support it.
Lol...yeah tell this to a judge. God you would lose so badly.

Actually, no one made that argument. They also didn't argue that forcing artists to produce a work of art that they object to is a violation of free speech. The first might be shaky under current jurisprudence, but the latter is a slam dunk.

Artists? Wow really digging deep for this one huh. Reality is you have nothing.

yes.... wedding cakes are works of art. I CHOOSE who will get to have my work....

unless you get one at your local safeway..... as i would not consider a box cake with Crisco icing..... art.
Actually, no one made that argument. They also didn't argue that forcing artists to produce a work of art that they object to is a violation of free speech. The first might be shaky under current jurisprudence, but the latter is a slam dunk.

Artists? Wow really digging deep for this one huh. Reality is you have nothing.

yes.... wedding cakes are works of art. I CHOOSE who will get to have my work....

unless you get one at your local safeway..... as i would not consider a box cake with Crisco icing..... art.

I know..for some reason windbag needed to make up that all cakes are works of art because he needs to connect this to free speech or he has nothing.
I am going to turn syrenn lose on you, feel free to tell a pastry chef that her cakes are not works of art.

Do whatever you need. This baker is not making art. Their is a difference between cake art and baking a cake. You once again do understand what you are talking about.

If it isn't artistic they can go to Safeway and pick up whatever they want.
Or maybe he makes good cakes and they want one.
You have nothing per moving on.
The bakery is open to the public. So they must be open to the public! No matter who comes through the door, they are a customer. And customers is what business is all about. It's as if Woolworth released a press statement saying it is against the religious beliefs of the Board of Directors to serve Darkies at Woolworth lunch counters. Using hatred to turn away business and justifying that decision by perverting the teachings of Jesus Christ shows just what a shallow, warped mind is capable of.

Discrimination is always wrong. But hiding behind the skirts of Christianity to perpetuate fear, suspicion and hatred makes it despicable.

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