Christian Bake Shop Must Serve Gakes

That statement is false. As a man of faith, if I was asked to partake in any activity that supports or acknowledges gay marriage, I would be in direct violation of my religious beliefs. I would definitely need to renounce my faith as there is no point in practicing a faith if you don't follow it's teachings.

Then cite the Christian dogma forbidding one to accommodate a gay customer, or where to indeed accommodate a gay customer would constitute a ‘sin.’
Well, if we look at 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, homosexuality is listed as a sin. Now if we participate in any activity that supports homosexuality (like preparing a gay cake), we are endorsing homosexuality.

The same analogy can be used in the commission of a crime. Say someone who wants to rob a bank finds a driver to assist with the getaway after robbing the bank. The driver does not rob the bank, but he is just as guilty since he supported the act by helping with the getaway. For the guy who bakes the cake, even though he doesn't practice homosexuality, he is just a guilty if he prepares the cake as he is supporting a homosexual lifestyle.

So if anyone wants to prove to me that I'd be off the hook with God if I baked a gay cake, one way to do that would be to prove to me that if I were a getaway driver for a bank robbery, I'd be off the hook with law enforcement.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 ESV - Or do you not know that the unrighteous - Bible Gateway

How does baking a cake ‘promote’ homosexuality?

That notion is idiocy.

And the cited bible passage concerns one’s behavior, not that of others; where there’s nothing in the law compelling Christians to engage in ‘homosexual acts.’

In fact, Christians accommodate ‘sinners’ all the time as part of their jobs; why don’t we don’t hear Christians objecting to that?
Why can't these homosexuals show some respect to these Christian people, there are plenty of places that will make their homosexual cake.

It's just that homosexuals love to rub their nasty lifestyle in the faces of people that are religious
The baker isn't refusing to sell the gay customers baked goods, just the wedding cake.
If forced to do so, I would make sure said cake was inedible. Say...add ten times the usual amount of salt.
...remember the last chocolate pie in "The Help"?

This is no different than a court forcing a Jewish kosher deli to serve pork sandwiches.

American's are slowly losing their personal freedoms. .... :evil:

Omg it's so completely different. Are you kidding me?

How about like a court forcing a Jewish kosher deli to serve a non-jew? <-- There, now that's way closer to being no different.

I misread the're correct.
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This is no different than a court forcing a Jewish kosher deli to serve pork sandwiches.

American's are slowly losing their personal freedoms. .... :evil:
Yes it is different. At a bake shop, custom cakes are on the menu. At a kosher deli, pork is not! I wouldn't go to a cake shop and demand a pecan pie either.
Judge was in the wrong. It is a business. They have the right to refuse service. FORCING the bakery to make the cake sounds Gestapo-ish. Secondly, the gays are idiots to take it that far instead of finding a bakery that had no problem making them a wonderful cake regardless of their sexual preference.
Pride could also be considered a sin as well, BD, and homosexuals tend to exhibit it in mass quantities. But alas, that is splitting hairs.

What it all boils down to is this:

Put the gay couple in the Christians shoes. Now let's say that this is a homosexual bakery dedicated to homosexual weddings and whatnot. A Christian couple walks in with the same demands as the homosexual couple. "We want to buy a wedding cake here" they state. The owners (who are gay) say "We can't help you. You represent something we don't believe in. Your beliefs teach hatred of our type. Sate your wedding needs elsewhere," they reply. The Christians, who are now irate at the rejection, take the matter up in court; where after all the litigation has taken place, the gay bakery is ordered by the court to serve Christians.

So would it be fair to force the gay bakery to serve Christians? No. Okay then. Now, back to reality, would it be fair to force a Christian bakery to serve homosexuals? The simple answer is no.

It is an unlikely scenario as of yet, but its not far from the realm of possibility.
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Hate is a sin, Tank. There's no get out of jail free card on that one.
Saying that something is a sin is not hate. It is just pointing out what it is which is what is supposed to be done. The Lord wants his word to be shared with those who do not know about it.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

[ame=]The Help - Minny's Chocolate Pie - YouTube[/ame]
Anyway....the gay couple COULD have found a GAY bakery by going there to have their cake made. But noooooooooo.
Sorry. I am a fag hag, but in this case....they were in the wrong to insist, then sue.
Hate is a sin, Tank. There's no get out of jail free card on that one.
I'm Jewish, so we don't do the "hell" thing.

But, what about the hate you have for me?
Hate is a sin, Tank. There's no get out of jail free card on that one.
I'm Jewish, so we don't do the "hell" thing.

But, what about the hate you have for me?
HELL – See Gehenna.
GEHENNA – ...hell." Hell, like paradise, was created by God (So&#7789;ah 22a); according to Gen. R. ix. 9, the words "very good" in Gen. i. 31 refer to hell; hence the latter must have been created on the sixth day. Yet opinions on ...Opinions also vary as to the situation, extent, and nature of hell. The statement that Gehenna is situated in the valley of Hinnom near Jerusalem, in the "accursed valley" (Enoch, xxvii. 1 et seq.), means ...sun receives. I came to a fiery river, whose fire flows like water, and which empties into a large sea in the West" (Enoch, xvii. 4-6). Hell here is described exactly as in the Talmud. The Persians believed that...
ABADDON – personified as the Angel of Hell: "And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." In the...
BATH – ...quite recently. It is not mentioned in the twelfth century; and the French Jew who recommends a lad to go to England warns him against Bath as "clearly at the very gates of Hell" (Richard of Devizes, "Chronicon...
GE-HINNOM – ...punishment, and thus with hell (comp. Isa. lxvi. 24; Enoch, xxvi. et seq.; and the rabbinical Hebrew equivalent). See Gehenna; Paradise
SOSA (SOSSA, SOUSA), DE – ...informing him of this fact begins with the words, "Rome is a prostituted Babylon, and I feel as if I were in hell." In a letter to the King of France, De Sosa designates Lippomano, the papal nuncio who had been...
ABYSS – ...hell; the abode of certain demons. As such the Abyss of Fire is mentioned in the Book of Enoch (xviii. 11-16, 19; xxi. 1-6; xc. 21-25) as the prison-house of impure angels (compare Luke, viii. 31; Rev. ix. 1; xi...
FRAUENTHAL, MAX – ...grand, terrific, sustained fighting in the Angle of Livid Hell and Darksome Death." After describing in detail the formation of the "Acute Angle," Judge Watts concludes: "Frauenthal, a little Jew, had the heart of...
API&#7730;OROS – ...The Minim [Judæo-Christians], the apostates, the informers, and the Api&#7731;orsim are punished in hell forever." The same passage, with slight changes, is found in the Talmud (R. H. 17a); and from it the ...doctrine of the eternity of hell for the Api&#7731;orsim is taken into the codes of Alfasi (ad loc. ed. Vienna, 209b) and of Maimonides ("Yad ha-&#7716;aza&#7731;ah, Hilkot Teshubah," iii. 5; see also Lampronti, "Pa&#7717;ad ...Yi&#7827;&#7717;a&#7731;," s.v. , who upholds the belief in the eternity of hell against Leon di Modena).The Midrash sees a type of the Api&#7731;oros in the snake (Gen. R. xix.). In...

Hell - search -

How about spending more time on study?
I'd like to see these homo's get a muslim bakery to make their fag cake
Hate is a sin, Tank. There's no get out of jail free card on that one.
I'm Jewish, so we don't do the "hell" thing.

But, what about the hate you have for me?
HELL – See Gehenna.
GEHENNA – ...hell." Hell, like paradise, was created by God (So&#7789;ah 22a); according to Gen. R. ix. 9, the words "very good" in Gen. i. 31 refer to hell; hence the latter must have been created on the sixth day. Yet opinions on ...Opinions also vary as to the situation, extent, and nature of hell. The statement that Gehenna is situated in the valley of Hinnom near Jerusalem, in the "accursed valley" (Enoch, xxvii. 1 et seq.), means ...sun receives. I came to a fiery river, whose fire flows like water, and which empties into a large sea in the West" (Enoch, xvii. 4-6). Hell here is described exactly as in the Talmud. The Persians believed that...
ABADDON – personified as the Angel of Hell: "And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." In the...
BATH – ...quite recently. It is not mentioned in the twelfth century; and the French Jew who recommends a lad to go to England warns him against Bath as "clearly at the very gates of Hell" (Richard of Devizes, "Chronicon...
GE-HINNOM – ...punishment, and thus with hell (comp. Isa. lxvi. 24; Enoch, xxvi. et seq.; and the rabbinical Hebrew equivalent). See Gehenna; Paradise
SOSA (SOSSA, SOUSA), DE – ...informing him of this fact begins with the words, "Rome is a prostituted Babylon, and I feel as if I were in hell." In a letter to the King of France, De Sosa designates Lippomano, the papal nuncio who had been...
ABYSS – ...hell; the abode of certain demons. As such the Abyss of Fire is mentioned in the Book of Enoch (xviii. 11-16, 19; xxi. 1-6; xc. 21-25) as the prison-house of impure angels (compare Luke, viii. 31; Rev. ix. 1; xi...
FRAUENTHAL, MAX – ...grand, terrific, sustained fighting in the Angle of Livid Hell and Darksome Death." After describing in detail the formation of the "Acute Angle," Judge Watts concludes: "Frauenthal, a little Jew, had the heart of...
API&#7730;OROS – ...The Minim [Judæo-Christians], the apostates, the informers, and the Api&#7731;orsim are punished in hell forever." The same passage, with slight changes, is found in the Talmud (R. H. 17a); and from it the ...doctrine of the eternity of hell for the Api&#7731;orsim is taken into the codes of Alfasi (ad loc. ed. Vienna, 209b) and of Maimonides ("Yad ha-&#7716;aza&#7731;ah, Hilkot Teshubah," iii. 5; see also Lampronti, "Pa&#7717;ad ...Yi&#7827;&#7717;a&#7731;," s.v. , who upholds the belief in the eternity of hell against Leon di Modena).The Midrash sees a type of the Api&#7731;oros in the snake (Gen. R. xix.). In...

Hell - search -

How about spending more time on study?


And Tank? If they are open in America, serving the public: The law states that they have to serve the ENTIRE public.

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