Christian demands special status

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

I am anticipating that this is doomed to fail. But these extremists are still out there with their perverted ideology trying to wreck peoples lives.

The plaintiffs offer a series of examples of how they can exclude LGBT+ people from their workplaces while still meeting the obligations of the Supreme Court’s ruling.

The examples include: “No employee, male or female, may enter a gay bar or gay bathhouse,” and: “No employee, male or female, may engage in the sexual practices associated with homosexuality.”

Another example of a rule reads: “No employee, male or female, may use Grindr (or other dating apps used primarily by homosexuals.” They also list other suggestions that would ban trans staff from accessing hormone therapy or gender affirmation surgeries.
Phony "Christians" are doing all that they can to make a mockery of Christianity just for the thrill of satisfying their sexual needs by abusing and scapegoating innocent people and using religion to justify their shitty behavior. It's sick.
Phony "Christians" are doing all that they can to make a mockery of Christianity just for the thrill of satisfying their sexual needs by abusing and scapegoating innocent people and using religion to justify their shitty behavior. It's sick.
You won't be able to make any statements unless approved by the all powerful state when the godless political elites attain full power. With all the criticisms of Christianity, the 20th Century was the most bloody one in human history. And much of it was godless.
Firing people over what they do with their personal time is just digging your own hole especially if the help is needed badly enough. Until what a person does with their personal time consists of illegal activity, to me, the only reason why a person should be fired is if they are guilty of excessive tardiness, making too much of a habit of not showing up for whatever reason, and not doing the job you were hired to do even if you do show up.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, the only excusable reason if there is one for a person to miss so much work is when they have a sick family member on their plate. Sadly though if they end up missing too many days, in my opinion, the employees who do show up eventually need to become the top priority especially if they end up going into over time due to those who do not even come to work at all.
Phony "Christians" are doing all that they can to make a mockery of Christianity just for the thrill of satisfying their sexual needs by abusing and scapegoating innocent people and using religion to justify their shitty behavior. It's sick.
You won't be able to make any statements unless approved by the all powerful state when the godless political elites attain full power. With all the criticisms of Christianity, the 20th Century was the most bloody one in human history. And much of it was godless.

Cut the phony "godless" crap, idiot. You have no way of knowing the religious beliefs of anyone unless the individual reveals them.

My comment was about those who call themselves "Christian" and yet insult and mock Christianity and use it as a weapon to attack others. Unfortunately these types have been doing this for centuries. The clown bringing this lawsuit is one of them.
This demonstrates rather nicely why the whole idea of protected classes are complete and total bullshit. That said, Steve Hotze is a raving lunatic.
Phony "Christians" are doing all that they can to make a mockery of Christianity just for the thrill of satisfying their sexual needs by abusing and scapegoating innocent people and using religion to justify their shitty behavior. It's sick.
You won't be able to make any statements unless approved by the all powerful state when the godless political elites attain full power. With all the criticisms of Christianity, the 20th Century was the most bloody one in human history. And much of it was godless.
Because there have never been any wars over religion right ?
This demonstrates rather nicely why the whole idea of protected classes are complete and total bullshit. That said, Steve Hotze is a raving lunatic.
He is a new one on me. He seems to be a throwback to the dark ages.
This demonstrates rather nicely why the whole idea of protected classes are complete and total bullshit. That said, Steve Hotze is a raving lunatic.
He is a new one on me. He seems to be a throwback to the dark ages.

The retired police officer that held an HVAC guy at gun point after running him off the road in Texas was hired by Hotze. He is the very soul of a nut bar.

The lawsuit is entirely appropriate, and will succeed.

Any business or entity is entitled to sanction employees who PUBLICLY mock, deride, or deny the products, services, or principles espoused by the business. Who would question a sports team manager who fired an employee who was seen publicly wearing logo-merchandise of the team's main competitor at an open event? Or a manufacturer whose sales person is seen at a trade show sporting a garment advertising a competitor's product?

We are not talking about private behavior here. The employees in question can bugger each other to their heart's content in private, discretely, and it will not cause an issue. But to openly patronize clubs, events, and businesses whose primary raison d'etat is the celebration of homosexual sodomy and other sexual irregularities is an assault on the business, and cause for immediate dismissal.

I'm right; yinz are wrong; end of story.
The lawsuit is entirely appropriate, and will succeed.

Any business or entity is entitled to sanction employees who PUBLICLY mock, deride, or deny the products, services, or principles espoused by the business. Who would question a sports team manager who fired an employee who was seen publicly wearing logo-merchandise of the team's main competitor at an open event? Or a manufacturer whose sales person is seen at a trade show sporting a garment advertising a competitor's product?

We are not talking about private behavior here. The employees in question can bugger each other to their heart's content in private, discretely, and it will not cause an issue. But to openly patronize clubs, events, and businesses whose primary raison d'etat is the celebration of homosexual sodomy and other sexual irregularities is an assault on the business, and cause for immediate dismissal.

I'm right; yinz are wrong; end of story.
Your response suggests that there is something wrong with being homosexual. That is a nonsense. Consider this. What if a christian was sacked for just being a Christian ?

I am anticipating that this is doomed to fail. But these extremists are still out there with their perverted ideology trying to wreck peoples lives.

The plaintiffs offer a series of examples of how they can exclude LGBT+ people from their workplaces while still meeting the obligations of the Supreme Court’s ruling.

The examples include: “No employee, male or female, may enter a gay bar or gay bathhouse,” and: “No employee, male or female, may engage in the sexual practices associated with homosexuality.”

Another example of a rule reads: “No employee, male or female, may use Grindr (or other dating apps used primarily by homosexuals.” They also list other suggestions that would ban trans staff from accessing hormone therapy or gender affirmation surgeries.

The man is in Texas and filed his lawsuit there.

If you know anything about the courts and judges in Texas this isn't doomed to fail.

Conservative judges twist themselves, logic and the constitution into pretzels to justify their rulings that are unconstitutional.

We wil have to wait to see the outcome of this case which will go to the Supreme Court which is filled with far right extremists who will also twist themselves, the law and constitution into a pretzel to rule in favor of the bigot.
Phony "Christians" are doing all that they can to make a mockery of Christianity just for the thrill of satisfying their sexual needs by abusing and scapegoating innocent people and using religion to justify their shitty behavior. It's sick.

I would love to see even once, a person who isn't christian insists they can discriminate a christian because the christian isn't homosexual then use their religion to justify and make it legal to do.

I bet the courts of our nation, especially the Supreme Court, would rule against that non christian.
Phony "Christians" are doing all that they can to make a mockery of Christianity just for the thrill of satisfying their sexual needs by abusing and scapegoating innocent people and using religion to justify their shitty behavior. It's sick.
You won't be able to make any statements unless approved by the all powerful state when the godless political elites attain full power. With all the criticisms of Christianity, the 20th Century was the most bloody one in human history. And much of it was godless.
A certain rightwing sect of 'christians' want their version of sharia law to rule the United States.

I am anticipating that this is doomed to fail. But these extremists are still out there with their perverted ideology trying to wreck peoples lives.

The plaintiffs offer a series of examples of how they can exclude LGBT+ people from their workplaces while still meeting the obligations of the Supreme Court’s ruling.

The examples include: “No employee, male or female, may enter a gay bar or gay bathhouse,” and: “No employee, male or female, may engage in the sexual practices associated with homosexuality.”

Another example of a rule reads: “No employee, male or female, may use Grindr (or other dating apps used primarily by homosexuals.” They also list other suggestions that would ban trans staff from accessing hormone therapy or gender affirmation surgeries.

The man is in Texas and filed his lawsuit there.

If you know anything about the courts and judges in Texas this isn't doomed to fail.

Conservative judges twist themselves, logic and the constitution into pretzels to justify their rulings that are unconstitutional.

We wil have to wait to see the outcome of this case which will go to the Supreme Court which is filled with far right extremists who will also twist themselves, the law and constitution into a pretzel to rule in favor of the bigot.
Surely an adult will step in at some point ?
I am anticipating that this is doomed to fail. But these extremists are still out there with their perverted ideology trying to wreck peoples lives.

Is Pink News your own personal website, Tom? I see people getting fired left and right just for passing comments on FB, an employer doesn't need an excuse, you are hired AT WILL which means they can fire you for no reason at all, much less because you are a sick pervert. If you don't like it, next time, don't apply to work for a christian company whose religious values are part of the company statement. As an employer, they have every right to hire and keep people who fit THEIR criterias! Not yours.
This is a natural result when employers can scour your social media and fire you for expressing support for politicians and policies the employer doesn't like. If you want employers free to fire or to refuse to hire someone who expresses support for TRUMP!, just for one example, you should have to accept this as well. Should Planned Parenthood be free to fire an employee who refers panicky teenagers to pro-life help centers? How about simply writing pro-life messages on social media? I dare say some of y'all getting your panties in a twist over this would cheer to see people like that thrown out of a job.
Phony "Christians" are doing all that they can to make a mockery of Christianity just for the thrill of satisfying their sexual needs by abusing and scapegoating innocent people and using religion to justify their shitty behavior. It's sick.
You won't be able to make any statements unless approved by the all powerful state when the godless political elites attain full power. With all the criticisms of Christianity, the 20th Century was the most bloody one in human history. And much of it was godless.
Because there have never been any wars over religion right ?
all wars are over MONEY
The lawsuit is entirely appropriate, and will succeed.

Any business or entity is entitled to sanction employees who PUBLICLY mock, deride, or deny the products, services, or principles espoused by the business. Who would question a sports team manager who fired an employee who was seen publicly wearing logo-merchandise of the team's main competitor at an open event? Or a manufacturer whose sales person is seen at a trade show sporting a garment advertising a competitor's product?

We are not talking about private behavior here. The employees in question can bugger each other to their heart's content in private, discretely, and it will not cause an issue. But to openly patronize clubs, events, and businesses whose primary raison d'etat is the celebration of homosexual sodomy and other sexual irregularities is an assault on the business, and cause for immediate dismissal.

I'm right; yinz are wrong; end of story.

This is one of the most idiotic theories I have ever heard of. Merely going about one's personal life is not an assault on any business.

Moreover, being anti-LGBT is a belief embraced by only some denominations, divisions, sects, and cults of Christianity., while others do not believe that such abusiveness and scapegoating is even acceptable, much less desirable.
NO RELIGION condemns BEING HOMOSEXUAL! None. Not one. Anywhere.

Homosexual sodomy is condemned by every major religion in the world, not just Christianity. Several religious groups, desperately fearing the loss of members, or hoping to secure new members by abandoning their principles, have accepted these perversions. The Episcopal Church USA being Exhibit A, and various jewish groups are similarly indifferent or accepting.

The is a day-and-night difference between BEING HOMOSEXUAL and marching in a Gay Pride parade, when viewed from the perspective of an employer who identifies as orthodox, whether Christian, Jewish, Mormon, or Muslim. Only a moron or a Leftist could fail to see it.

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