Zone1 Christian Gets Kicked Out Of LGBT Church and Assaulted For Preaching The Gospel

Strange that God has scant concern about cult Christians . Must see them as a gullible bunch of losers . I certainly can only see him being embarrassed at his failed creation on this planet Once this move to officially admit to the presence of Aliens occurs , we should see Cult religions like Christianity disappear for good and quickly . The sooner the better .
Since this group of usurpers tried to take control of Canaan - the Egyptians then put a swift end to it. The re-creators of this Monotheistic cult had been in endless war's and creating/inciting unrest and revolutions with every single surrounding neighbor for a thousand years. Even upon being exiled in Babylon they found ways to instigate coups and revolutions. The Romans then finally put an end to it.
Since then they spread in all winds - and wherever they (specific group of the forefathers of the Ashkenazi) grouped up, they pursued exactly the same malicious system in regards to destabilizing others. Their by far largest triumph was the creation of Communism - thus spreading death and destruction throughout Europe and the entire world.

In 1948 they created their own state (then termed Zionists) - again forcefully and maliciously by attacking and driving out others, and appointing former terrorists as their heads of state. - till today.

And a genetically born malicious hypocrite and Semitic cult member like you, shows up everywhere, to propagate about antisemitism - whilst trying to drag other religions into the dirt. There is a solid reason why the majority of Israeli's despise your kind.
Since this group of usurpers tried to take control of Canaan - the Egyptians then put a swift end to it. The re-creators of this Monotheistic cult had been in endless war's and creating/inciting unrest and revolutions with every single surrounding neighbor for a thousand years. Even upon being exiled in Babylon they found ways to instigate coups and revolutions. The Romans then finally put an end to it.
Since then they spread in all winds - and wherever they (specific group of the forefathers of the Ashkenazi) grouped up, they pursued exactly the same malicious system in regards to destabilizing others. Their by far largest triumph was the creation of Communism - thus spreading death and destruction throughout Europe and the entire world.

In 1948 they created their own state (then termed Zionists) - again forcefully and maliciously by attacking and driving out others, and appointing former terrorists as their heads of state. - till today.

And a genetically born malicious hypocrite and Semitic cult member like you, shows up everywhere, to propagate about antisemitism - whilst trying to drag other religions into the dirt. There is a solid reason why the majority of Israeli's despise your kind.
This is what is known as revisionist history. And yours is full of chicken crap. The world saw what evil devils fascists really were and attempted immediate reparations because of such brutality.
The irony is that for thousands of years, God has shown fascists and evildoers not to be as you are by eliminating cities and one time the world of people like yourself who have hate consume your every cell in your bodies. And, he will be doing it again one last time soon. My advice is to love one another. Love those you deem your enemies. You will be a much happier person and have joy in your life and posterity.
Nothing has changed. Christianity continues to practice proselytizing.

They dare to proselytize Jews in Israel.

And continue to tell people what is right or wrong. About marriage, divorce, this, that, everything.

Stop already.
Uhh Matthew 28:18 to the end says otherwise. Christians are to bear witness of Yeshua, and lead others to the Cross, for it is the ONLY way to G-d. Problem is Jews for centuries have ignored the prophets, and are therefore blind to the Spirit.
It's sad that these people truly don't know Christ. Not having women pastors I think was more of a time period thing, but all of this other stuff is blasphemous. The only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ and if these people truly loved Jesus they wouldn't continue to live in this lifestyle and they wouldn't be treating this poor Christian like this who was only showing them love and concern about them and just trying to ask questions and help them get to Heaven. If it were me I would definitely have called the police if they shoved me right after shoving them right back out of self-defense. He has a whole lot better and bigger heart than me.

I posted a thread concerning these so-called "Social Justice" Gospel "Christians" who tolerate sin and never lead people to the Gospel.

In fact, Christ Himself has a strong rebuke for these Thyatirans.

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