Christian Pastor posts March 13 (Trumpflu vs Obamaflu meme) as proof of leftist hysteria IS DEAD.

A right wing pastor dies from Wuhanvirus and the Godless Commie left celebrates.

It is what it is.

Why ā€˜celebrateā€™ what this idiot did that killed him? Political religion induced anti-science ignorance killed him. When he posted this:


He was not just ignorantly endangering himself, he was endangering everybody around him including the next guy who touched the nozzle on the gas pump. He was virus spreader for sure. Everywhere from Virginia to a New Orleans.

But worse than that, as a member of the Trump political cult and a Christian Leader, he spread his ignorance to a much larger audience.

That March 13 viral message is a lie. It is a perfect example of ignorance based hysteria rushing in against genuine science based precaution in being ready to deal with a novel virus.

Iā€™m lucky, my wife is doctor and is an epidemiologist who works for the Defense Department. Because of her scientific knowledge Iā€™ve been working from home six weeks ago when I had mild cold.

I work for an international infrastructure construction company and what I do I can do at home. Iā€™m safe and Iā€™m lucky.

The virus cannot infect and attack you if it cannot find you.

We are prepared and safe in as are all my family and friends around the country and the world.

Being careful is easy for me, but my concern is for everybody on the frontlines in vital occupations from Grocery workers to ICU Doctors.

it pisses me off to have some idiot preacher traveling around the country during a novel virus epidemic out there spreading Trump cult lies that thIs is like the common fly and nothing but a left wing hoax and mass hysteria to hurt Trump.

Spreading ignorance in the name of Jesus is a Goddamned deplorable passion in life.
No, he didn't bring it there. There were no cases in Virginia until March 7. He left for LA February 21.

I live a stoneā€™s throw from Dulles and Reagan
International airports. Key word: INTERNATIONAL

As of January 30, 2020, a total of 9976 cases had been reported in at least 21 countries.

The first confirmed case of CoV19 infection in the United States was reported on January 20, 2020?

With every nationā€™s people in the world coming, living and going here my epidemiologist wife had me taking precautions, social distancing, no bars or restaurants since early February.

I know it's hard to remember, but a month ago, there were only a handful of cases, all in the west.

all reports in the west is no reason not to worry back then. Thousands of flights came east and this virus is spread by a asymptomatic people, sometimes up to five days before showing symptoms.
No. But he had no real reason to worry back then.

I started this thread because this anti/science, religious jerk was obviously preaching right wing propaganda driven by a political desire to see TrumpO re-elected. That cult like desire was more important than worrying about and impending novel virus attacking America at the time. The virus was confirmed on continental American soil almost two months, prior to prosting this pile of hate and ignorance.


Hate, because when their cult master has a problem like the stock market taking a nosedive it has to be blamed on Obama somehow, his Supporters and the fake news
Nobody ever says what sect these people who call themselves "Christians" are in. Be that as it may, this guy chose to cook his own goose, so what is anyone supposed to think?
His parishioners should pack into his church on Easter and see him off.

"Stupid is as stupid does."

While you are still an asswipe.

And the OP is a moron (in general).

I have to agree with your comment.

Locking down is one thing (and I think it extreme).

Limited contact is doable if you follow certain protocols and certainly not for high risk folks.

Looking for trouble ? Yes, that was stupid.
Does the angry agnostic left consider the tragic death of a Christian Minister to be part of some sort of poetic (celestial) justice?
He doesn't sound like he was a Christian. More like one of the popular charlatans who are currently out to destroy the Christian faith. Nothing "tragic" here. He chose to do what he did. He paid for it with his life.
Does the angry agnostic left consider the tragic death of a Christian Minister to be part of some sort of poetic (celestial) justice?
He doesn't sound like he was a Christian. More like one of the popular charlatans who are currently out to destroy the Christian faith. Nothing "tragic" here. He chose to do what he did. He paid for it with his life.
He paid for it with his life? WTF?
Have any reporters asked Cuomo about those respirators he turned down, wishboy?

They had no reason to ask. They recognize youā€™re cult masterā€™s lies when he tells them This one was already debunked:

Trump appeared to be dramatizing a report from a New York Department of Health task force in 2015 which predicted that, if faced with a pandemic like the 1918 Spanish flu, New York would run into a ventilator shortage to the tune of 15,000. The report was recently resurfaced by Betsy McCaughey, a former lieutenant governor of New York and supporter of Trump since 2016, who wrote an op-ed about it in the New York Post. Her op-ed was later picked up by the far-right blog Gateway Pundit.​

The report, however, did not recommend that New York Health Department should have stocked up on ventilators, nor did it find a low-cost option to do so, as Trump indicated Tuesday. Instead, the 2015 report acknowledged that New York should instead prepare for a moderate scenario and rely on federal resources if faced with a severe scenario.​

"In the event of an overwhelming burden on the health care system, New York will not have sufficient ventilators to meet critical care needs despite its emergency stockpile. If the most severe forecast becomes a reality, New York State and the rest of the country will need to allocate ventilators and other scarce resources," the report reads.​

The recommendation was made, according to the report, to balance "the need to prepare for a potential pandemic against the need to maintain adequate funding for current and ongoing health care expenses." The report also indicated that they would lack the staffing to even operate as many ventilators as would be required, "and purchasing additional ventilators beyond a threshold will not save additional lives, because there will not be a sufficient number of trained staff to operate them.​

Trump is a liar. You are an idiot for believing anything your cult leader says.

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A right wing pastor dies from Wuhanvirus and the Godless Commie left celebrates.

It is what it is.

Itā€™s a shame that both churched and unchurched frontline nurses doctors health care workers first responders and all essentials workers in America risking their health and lives because Evangelical Christian idiots got their way and put a completely amoral anti/science idiot in the White House nearly four years ago.

ā€œItā€™s well known that Donald Trumpā€™s surge to the presidency was greatly aided by his evangelical supporters. Now, according to the New York Timesā€™ Katherine Stewart, ā€œwe are all reaping what that movement has sownā€ as the coronavirus health crisis continues to spiral.​

The ā€œdenial of science and critical thinking among religious ultraconservatives now haunts the American response to the coronavirus crisis,ā€ Stewart writes, citing examples of Christian pastors who insisting on keeping their church doors open as lockdown orders grip the country.ā€​

If thatā€™s true then explain how the majority of cases are in liberal locations.
You get an A+ for turning a tragedy into a political weapon.
You also get an A for being a garbage human being.
And the OP is a moron (in general).

Another Whacko Evangelical preacher idiot is dead.

TrumpOā€™s leadership failure to educate his whacky evangelical ChristiIans to the real danger of this pandemic, is knocking off voters he will need in the fall.

Pastor dies from COVID-19 ā€” after claiming coronavirus was a ā€˜mark of the beastā€™ conspiracy

March 27, 2020

By Matthew Chapman

According to The Christian Post, Pastor Ronnie Hampton of the New Vision Community Church in Shreveport, Louisiana, has died of COVID-19 ā€” after telling his followers that the virus was not a huge deal and suggesting that God was just testing the faithful.
ā€œThis virus that is out now, look at what itā€™s doing,ā€ he said in a Facebook Live broadcast one week before his death on Wednesday. ā€œItā€™s shutting down everything, which means that the physical connection of Christians is being ripped apart. Weā€™re not able to fellowship. Weā€™re not able to love each other. Weā€™re not able to greet each other with a handshake or a hug. Weā€™re not able to be in close proximity of each other. Weā€™re not able to break bread, sit down and eat with each other because Caesar is mandating how we conduct ourselves using the pretext of this virus to be able to conduct our lives and run our lives for us.ā€

Hereā€™s another idiot that might not be around for to vote for TrumpO this fall.

Pro-Trump Pastor Urges Christians To ā€˜Break The Lawā€™ And Open Up Churches Right Now

Right-wing pastor Jonathan Shuttlesworth, who called church leaders a ā€œbunch of pansiesā€ last week for cancelling services due to the coronavirus, is now saying that church leaders should be ā€œwilling to go to jailā€ and open up their churches during this pandemic.
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Have any reporters asked Cuomo about those respirators he turned down, wishboy?

They had no reason to ask. They recognize youā€™re cult masterā€™s lies when he tells them This one was already debunked:

Trump appeared to be dramatizing a report from a New York Department of Health task force in 2015 which predicted that, if faced with a pandemic like the 1918 Spanish flu, New York would run into a ventilator shortage to the tune of 15,000. The report was recently resurfaced by Betsy McCaughey, a former lieutenant governor of New York and supporter of Trump since 2016, who wrote an op-ed about it in the New York Post. Her op-ed was later picked up by the far-right blog Gateway Pundit.​

The report, however, did not recommend that New York Health Department should have stocked up on ventilators, nor did it find a low-cost option to do so, as Trump indicated Tuesday. Instead, the 2015 report acknowledged that New York should instead prepare for a moderate scenario and rely on federal resources if faced with a severe scenario.​

"In the event of an overwhelming burden on the health care system, New York will not have sufficient ventilators to meet critical care needs despite its emergency stockpile. If the most severe forecast becomes a reality, New York State and the rest of the country will need to allocate ventilators and other scarce resources," the report reads.​

The recommendation was made, according to the report, to balance "the need to prepare for a potential pandemic against the need to maintain adequate funding for current and ongoing health care expenses." The report also indicated that they would lack the staffing to even operate as many ventilators as would be required, "and purchasing additional ventilators beyond a threshold will not save additional lives, because there will not be a sufficient number of trained staff to operate them.​

Trump is a liar. You are an idiot for believing anything your cult leader says.

At the conclusion they simply said the language was a little different.

They never debunked the basic fact that Cuomo fucked over his state.
At the conclusion they simply said the language was a little different.

They never debunked the basic fact that Cuomo fucked over his state.

Liar. There was no language in the referenced study that Governor Cuomo read that justifies the LIE TRUMPO Told.

TrumpO best start thanking Cuomo for the excellent Crisis Leadership the Governor of New York has shown. Cuomoā€™s early and decisive shut down of the tri State area has demonstrably flattened the wave, if you know what that means.

Even TrumpO learned that phrase since he was all over in the press conference tonight ā€œflattening the wave, flattening the wave,ā€ as if he understands what he is blabbing about.

Cuomoā€™s shut down has had a positive effect that shows up in the data. The rate of new cases is slowing down.

although itā€™s New York City, fewer deaths per day so hospitals can keep up prevents headlines that could harm Trumpā€™s re-election.

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