Christian Terrorist Caught in the Act

Woman tried to burn down LGBT centre because gays ‘need to pay for their sins’
Thankfully nobody was hurt this time.

These people should be put on reservations where they can be monitored.
No they should be put in jail where they can't harm anybody!
I don't understand how one could call himself "Christian" and then (try to) kill other people... :(
Christians should love everybody, right? :eusa_think:

There's is no Christian in the OP story. He completely fabricated the idea that the perp was a Christian.
Yes, this woman is a terrorist, and yes she should be locked away.

Since you routinely defend Islamists, however, your concern really isn't with the actions and attitude on display, but merely the identity of the perp.

You are as transparent as all get up.
You are a fucking clown. The point here is that we dont paint all Christians as terrorists for the acts of this nutter and her friends . Reflect on that for a moment.

A person would have to be functionally retarded to think the levels of hatred against gay people vis a vis Islam and Christianity are anywhere similar, both in terms of prevalence of the hatred or the real-world violence perpetrated upon them. .

Those who try to cast them as such are nothing but useful idiots.
Its 2 cheeks of the same arse. You compare actions in a rogue state without laws and any decency with what is going on in your own country. That is a joke comparison.

320 million people in the United States of America and you are upset about a nutter!?!

Tell me about your opinion of Iran laws?

LGBT rights in Iran - Wikipedia

How about Pakistan laws?

LGBT rights in Pakistan - Wikipedia

You are trying to compare the laws in a civilised modern state with those of backward countries. Its a pointless exercise. They need to evolve to our level of civilisarion rather than us use them as a benchmark for how bad we can treat Gays.

Iran is backwards to you!?!

Try again and this time be honest and not the partisan tool that you are!

Another thing the United States of America has 320+ million people within her borders and yes there will be those that hate the Homosexual Community just like in England...

So as you focus on select nutters to push forward your partisan view the reality is America is a wonderful nation and FYI my Brother is gay and has lived in Texas for nearly twenty years and has yet to be bashed like he was in California by Aryan Brotherhood assholes!
Muzzies tossed any gays off roofs lately? Maybe they need to be "put on reservations" also?

Oops, an inconvenient fact for Pink News boy
Those that do those things should be shot, not put on reservations.
So when we become a Muslim Nation and they say you are white and look like a Christian just because your white should we or they just be able to shoot your ass.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Martin Niemöller: "First they came for the Socialists..."
Muslim on live TV: “We Have The Right to Kill Anyone Who Does Not Respect Islam”
Woman tried to burn down LGBT centre because gays ‘need to pay for their sins’
Thankfully nobody was hurt this time.

These people should be put on reservations where they can be monitored.
Along with the Muslims who commit 94% of all terror attacks. Capital idea, Timmy.
Is that all Muslims ?

What do you think? If you are trying to accuse me of broadbrushing Muslims you are out of luck. Islam causes Muslims not the other way around. What Islam teaches is the problem.
Woman tried to burn down LGBT centre because gays ‘need to pay for their sins’
Thankfully nobody was hurt this time.

These people should be put on reservations where they can be monitored.
Along with the Muslims who commit 94% of all terror attacks. Capital idea, Timmy.
Is that all Muslims ?

What do you think? If you are trying to accuse me of broadbrushing Muslims you are out of luck. Islam causes Muslims not the other way around. What Islam teaches is the problem.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZz. Who is broad brushing now ?
Woman tried to burn down LGBT centre because gays ‘need to pay for their sins’
Thankfully nobody was hurt this time.

These people should be put on reservations where they can be monitored.
Along with the Muslims who commit 94% of all terror attacks. Capital idea, Timmy.
Is that all Muslims ?

What do you think? If you are trying to accuse me of broadbrushing Muslims you are out of luck. Islam causes Muslims not the other way around. What Islam teaches is the problem.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZz. Who is broad brushing now ?

I have no problem saying what Islam is, you have the problem denying it.
Woman tried to burn down LGBT centre because gays ‘need to pay for their sins’
Thankfully nobody was hurt this time.

These people should be put on reservations where they can be monitored.
Along with the Muslims who commit 94% of all terror attacks. Capital idea, Timmy.
Is that all Muslims ?

What do you think? If you are trying to accuse me of broadbrushing Muslims you are out of luck. Islam causes Muslims not the other way around. What Islam teaches is the problem.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZz. Who is broad brushing now ?

You, in your never ending defense of the indefensible.

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