'Christian warrior' militia accused in plot to kill police

I would be placated if the left would collectively say "We are lying pieces of shit who are afraid of everyone different from ourselves."

Say that, embrace the truth, and everything will be ok.
BTW, so far it's looking like what's his name was right...they are unemployed...likely union members as well....
I just heard they kicked a guy off their website who was posting racist/anti-semitic shit, so,

they're not racist, they're fundamentalist Christian, they hate the UN, they fear one world government, they love guns, and they apparently believe that you have the right to overthrow a tyrannical government...

...what's not to like about these people, 'wingers? They sound like half the conservatives right here.
From what I've been seeing, it's a small group...a guy, his kids and a few friends. At least one is mentally ill, more than one (if not all) are unemployed, and no bomb making materials were seized.

This weekend, the FBI conducted a series of raids in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana to detain members of a Christian militia group on criminal charges. So what does this group believe, and how do its members fit in with the larger radical right?

The group in question calls itself the "Hutaree"; its website says the term translates as "Christian warrior." And in keeping with that name, the material it has posted online reflects an outlook of violent religious confrontation. The Hutaree believe that acts of violence can bring about the final judgment prophesied in the Christian Bible — and therefore have been arming themselves to go to war with the Antichrist, "evil Jews," and Muslims. They have documented their training exercises in a series of YouTube videos. And they spell out the theological rationale for their actions on the "About Us" page on their website:

Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves using the sword and stay alive using equipment. The only thing on earth to save the testimony and those who follow it, are the members of the testimony, til the return of Christ in the clouds. We, the Hutaree, are prepared to defend all those who belong to Christ and save those who aren't. We will still spread the word, and fight to keep it, up to the time of the great coming ... The Hutaree will one day see its enemy and meet him on the battlefield if so God wills it. We will reach out to those who are yet blind in the last days of the kingdoms of men and bring them to life in Christ.

Who are the Christian militia 'Hutaree' and why was the FBI targeting them? - Yahoo! News

this is a very small sect...i hope that the fbi was able to ferret them out and shut them down. the call to other militias is troublesome. all we need right now is a so called "religious war".
I really doubt if the FBI has done a good job. Traditionally they don't.

The Hutaree are about 9 guys who know each other or are related. At least one is mentally ill, and I don't think any of them have jobs.

My guess is they got drunk and were theorizing about offing some cops, an over-zealous FBI agent heard about it, and the sting was on!
I really doubt if the FBI has done a good job. Traditionally they don't.
The Hutaree are about 9 guys who know each other or are related. At least one is mentally ill, and I don't think any of them have jobs.

My guess is they got drunk and were theorizing about offing some cops, an over-zealous FBI agent heard about it, and the sting was on!

Nah, I saw their website. It's pretty crazy. I didn't see anything violent or particularly subversive there, though.
I really doubt if the FBI has done a good job. Traditionally they don't.

The Hutaree are about 9 guys who know each other or are related. At least one is mentally ill, and I don't think any of them have jobs.

My guess is they got drunk and were theorizing about offing some cops, an over-zealous FBI agent heard about it, and the sting was on!

If that is the case, then charges will be dropped.

But I'm sure that the authorities have a lot more than just someone overhearing a drunk person say "Let's kill a cop!"

Nah, I saw their website. It's pretty crazy. I didn't see anything violent or particularly subversive there, though.

Did you take a look at their forum?

It clearly is not well moderated.
Thi is just a bunch of left wing, sensationalist shit trying to vilify Christians; who, are associated by lefties with the right for some reason.

"Strike fear into the hearts and minds of our enemies". Which branch of service uses that as a stalwart motto? The US Marine Corps.

You don't call THAT terrorism?

Who the terrorist is depends on which side of the psychological warfare and rifle you're on.
Thi is just a bunch of left wing, sensationalist shit trying to vilify Christians; who, are associated by lefties with the right for some reason.

"Strike fear into the hearts and minds of our enemies". Which branch of service uses that as a stalwart motto? The US Marine Corps.

You don't call THAT terrorism?

Who the terrorist is depends on which side of the psychological warfare and rifle you're on.


But you have to admit, plotting to kill a policeman,, and then kill more at a funeral isn't exactly a warm fuzzy "Leave it to Beaver" moment....
Who the terrorist is depends on which side of the psychological warfare and rifle you're on.

Hamas would agree with you.

And as an American citizen, I am on the otherside of the rifle from the Michigan loonies.

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