'Christian warrior' militia accused in plot to kill police

Nah, I saw their website. It's pretty crazy. I didn't see anything violent or particularly subversive there, though.

Did you take a look at their forum?

It clearly is not well moderated.

Holy crap!
I guess not! Of course, all the members sans one are in jail right now.

What I see are pornographic and otherwise offensive posts from the alleged "peaceful" people who condemn these guys based on some really crappy second and third hand information.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out. Given the degree of silence, methinks there's not much to it.
Religion is a tool, easily perverted by whackos to cement a following and carry out a delusional agenda.

I think these guys are good examples of bad inbreeding and bad religion.
Thi is just a bunch of left wing, sensationalist shit trying to vilify Christians; who, are associated by lefties with the right for some reason.

"Strike fear into the hearts and minds of our enemies". Which branch of service uses that as a stalwart motto? The US Marine Corps.

You don't call THAT terrorism?

Who the terrorist is depends on which side of the psychological warfare and rifle you're on.


But you have to admit, plotting to kill a policeman,, and then kill more at a funeral isn't exactly a warm fuzzy "Leave it to Beaver" moment....

I didn't say it was. My point is, when I call terrorists terrorists, some leftwingnut will come along and explain how they are "freedom fighters." Take the government of Palestine for example ... Hamas ....

Our society and government is oppressive and our police are above the law and they have NO qualms framing people. What would you call the IRS if NOT terrorists?

People like to be selective and not choose a single standard for what the word means. They use it as it suits them at the time. Never mind they contradict themselves from previous statements due to nothing more than political partisanship.
Things I'm noticing from this whole event:

- In a local interview, while they called themselves christians, they apparently did not attend any organized church.

- They are calling the 19 year old an explosive expert. Really?

- There were 15 people in the picture shown on the news. They got eight on Sunday and one on Monday. The Monday guy was arrested about 12 miles from where I'm typing.

- The group was going to carry this out in April. Where are the IEDs?
Thi is just a bunch of left wing, sensationalist shit trying to vilify Christians; who, are associated by lefties with the right for some reason.

"Strike fear into the hearts and minds of our enemies". Which branch of service uses that as a stalwart motto? The US Marine Corps.

You don't call THAT terrorism?

Who the terrorist is depends on which side of the psychological warfare and rifle you're on.


But you have to admit, plotting to kill a policeman,, and then kill more at a funeral isn't exactly a warm fuzzy "Leave it to Beaver" moment....

I didn't say it was. My point is, when I call terrorists terrorists, some leftwingnut will come along and explain how they are "freedom fighters." Take the government of Palestine for example ... Hamas ....

Our society and government is oppressive and our police are above the law and they have NO qualms framing people. What would you call the IRS if NOT terrorists?

People like to be selective and not choose a single standard for what the word means. They use it as it suits them at the time. Never mind they contradict themselves from previous statements due to nothing more than political partisanship.

I agree. But I have a problem with the term "terrorist". It's definition is politically motivated. Is it a "terrorist" or "freedom fighter"? I'm pretty sure most "freedom fighters" use terrorist tactics to advance their causes. If they lose, they are terrorists if they win they are freedom fighters. If a larger power condemns their cause they are terrorists if a larger power supports their cause they are freedom fighters. We see this all the time through out history. Is it even possible to have a consistent definition for terrorist outside of politically-influenced agendas?
Religion is a tool, easily perverted by whackos to cement a following and carry out a delusional agenda.

I think these guys are good examples of bad inbreeding and bad religion.

Hey... There are many good Union Democrats out there; we used to refer to them as "Reagan Demoncrats"; good people, solid, God fearin' Americans who came to understand that the ideological Left has sold them a pack of Lies... but who continued to maintain their Democrat registration out of a loyalty to family and community...

And I expect that they'll resent your snide assertions that they've perverted the Socialist underpinnings of Union entitlements into some delusional agenda which requires them to get hammered in the woods and pop off at the mouth about defeating the Anti-Christ by murdering Local Police Officers... Most folks will recognize such smack talk as that common to the Left's chronic rants regarding 'getting even with the MAN!

The entire episode and all of it's dirty little 'facts' is much closer to Bill Ayer's, than Jesus Christ.
Religion is a tool, easily perverted by whackos to cement a following and carry out a delusional agenda.

I think these guys are good examples of bad inbreeding and bad religion.

Hey... There are many good Union Democrats out there; we used to refer to them as "Reagan Demoncrats"; good people, solid, God fearin' Americans who came to understand that the ideological Left has sold them a pack of Lies... but who continued to maintain their Democrat registration out of a loyalty to family and community...

And I expect that they'll resent your snide assertions that they've perverted the Socialist underpinnings of Union entitlements into some delusional agenda which requires them to get hammered in the woods and pop off at the mouth about defeating the Anti-Christ by murdering Local Police Officers... Most folks will recognize such smack talk as that common to the Left's chronic rants regarding 'getting even with the MAN!

The entire episode and all of it's dirty little 'facts' is much closer to Bill Ayer's, than Jesus Christ.

But these guys....they've got that whole dualing banjo inbreeding thing going...I swear one's head looks squashed in a vice and the other's comes to a point :eek:
Religion is a tool, easily perverted by whackos to cement a following and carry out a delusional agenda.

I think these guys are good examples of bad inbreeding and bad religion.

Hey... There are many good Union Democrats out there; we used to refer to them as "Reagan Demoncrats"; good people, solid, God fearin' Americans who came to understand that the ideological Left has sold them a pack of Lies... but who continued to maintain their Democrat registration out of a loyalty to family and community...

And I expect that they'll resent your snide assertions that they've perverted the Socialist underpinnings of Union entitlements into some delusional agenda which requires them to get hammered in the woods and pop off at the mouth about defeating the Anti-Christ by murdering Local Police Officers... Most folks will recognize such smack talk as that common to the Left's chronic rants regarding 'getting even with the MAN!

The entire episode and all of it's dirty little 'facts' is much closer to Bill Ayer's, than Jesus Christ.

But these guys....they've got that whole dualing banjo inbreeding thing going...I swear one's head looks squashed in a vice and the other's comes to a point :eek:

And you can't fix that with some plaster of paris and duct tape?:eek:
Religion is a tool, easily perverted by whackos to cement a following and carry out a delusional agenda.

I think these guys are good examples of bad inbreeding and bad religion.

Hey... There are many good Union Democrats out there; we used to refer to them as "Reagan Demoncrats"; good people, solid, God fearin' Americans who came to understand that the ideological Left has sold them a pack of Lies... but who continued to maintain their Democrat registration out of a loyalty to family and community...

And I expect that they'll resent your snide assertions that they've perverted the Socialist underpinnings of Union entitlements into some delusional agenda which requires them to get hammered in the woods and pop off at the mouth about defeating the Anti-Christ by murdering Local Police Officers... Most folks will recognize such smack talk as that common to the Left's chronic rants regarding 'getting even with the MAN!

The entire episode and all of it's dirty little 'facts' is much closer to Bill Ayer's, than Jesus Christ.

But these guys....they've got that whole dualing banjo inbreeding thing going...I swear one's head looks squashed in a vice and the other's comes to a point :eek:

Oh they're not an attractive bunch...

But hey... addled minded drunks; chronically unemployed, life long Union Members; Democrats, suffering the predictable, chronic long term effects of a socialist state, aren't likely to maintain much of anything... with above average looks being the least likely of all.
Hey... There are many good Union Democrats out there; we used to refer to them as "Reagan Demoncrats"; good people, solid, God fearin' Americans who came to understand that the ideological Left has sold them a pack of Lies... but who continued to maintain their Democrat registration out of a loyalty to family and community...

And I expect that they'll resent your snide assertions that they've perverted the Socialist underpinnings of Union entitlements into some delusional agenda which requires them to get hammered in the woods and pop off at the mouth about defeating the Anti-Christ by murdering Local Police Officers... Most folks will recognize such smack talk as that common to the Left's chronic rants regarding 'getting even with the MAN!

The entire episode and all of it's dirty little 'facts' is much closer to Bill Ayer's, than Jesus Christ.

But these guys....they've got that whole dualing banjo inbreeding thing going...I swear one's head looks squashed in a vice and the other's comes to a point :eek:

Oh they're not an attractive bunch...

But hey... addled minded drunks; chronically unemployed, life long Union Members; Democrats, suffering the predictable, chronic long term effects of a socialist state, aren't likely to maintain much of anything... with above average looks being the least likely of all.

hmmmm.....you've got a point there....:doubt:

You think we *might* have some contenders for the 2010 Darwin Award in the bunch?
I think they just look like ordinary people would look if the cops bashed in their doors while they were sitting around in their underwear watching the tube....
Hey... There are many good Union Democrats out there; we used to refer to them as "Reagan Demoncrats"; good people, solid, God fearin' Americans who came to understand that the ideological Left has sold them a pack of Lies... but who continued to maintain their Democrat registration out of a loyalty to family and community...

And I expect that they'll resent your snide assertions that they've perverted the Socialist underpinnings of Union entitlements into some delusional agenda which requires them to get hammered in the woods and pop off at the mouth about defeating the Anti-Christ by murdering Local Police Officers... Most folks will recognize such smack talk as that common to the Left's chronic rants regarding 'getting even with the MAN!

The entire episode and all of it's dirty little 'facts' is much closer to Bill Ayer's, than Jesus Christ.

93% of the population of Michigan is in fact non-union.

The chances of these people being union, or former union are slight. Combine that with their obviously right-wing ideology, and the chances go down to nothing.

If you're going to come up with some rationalization as to why these people are supposedly left-wing, you should try a new tactic.

The fact that you can't seem to accept that crazy radicals do exist on your side of the fence says something about your naivete.

You should really take a good hard look around you and listen to what people are saying.

As I previously stated, the right holds no monopoly on radical extremist lunatics. There are plenty of them on the left and in just about every ideology.

These people, however, are decidedly right-wing.

Although that does not mean that they are therefore associated with any other right-wing group, just like the weathermen were their own crazy-assed entity, completely separate from the rest of the 60's left movement.
I think they just look like ordinary people would look if the cops bashed in their doors while they were sitting around in their underwear watching the tube....

...and planning to kill some cops :)
But these guys....they've got that whole dualing banjo inbreeding thing going...I swear one's head looks squashed in a vice and the other's comes to a point :eek:

Oh they're not an attractive bunch...

But hey... addled minded drunks; chronically unemployed, life long Union Members; Democrats, suffering the predictable, chronic long term effects of a socialist state, aren't likely to maintain much of anything... with above average looks being the least likely of all.

hmmmm.....you've got a point there....:doubt:

You think we *might* have some contenders for the 2010 Darwin Award in the bunch?

Cuh-LEARLY! Ironically... Spared by the bunch which they were allegedly about to use to cull themselves from the gene pool.
Oh they're not an attractive bunch...

But hey... addled minded drunks; chronically unemployed, life long Union Members; Democrats, suffering the predictable, chronic long term effects of a socialist state, aren't likely to maintain much of anything... with above average looks being the least likely of all.

hmmmm.....you've got a point there....:doubt:

You think we *might* have some contenders for the 2010 Darwin Award in the bunch?

Cuh-LEARLY! Ironically... Spared by the bunch which they were allegedly about to use to cull themselves from the gene pool.

Surely at least ONE of them geared up in explosive undies? Or a firecracker in the jockstrap? Something to warrant a Darwin inclusion?
Mind your own fucking business ..... outsider.

he's been here longer than any of the people he mentioned.

and i never do understand that 'you don't live here' thing...

especially given that i've never seen anyone say it to him who wasn't all for intervening elsewhere.
And by the same token, just because they are "Christian" does not mean that they should therefore be associated with Christians in general.

As I said, every Ideology has it's nut-bags.

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