Zone1 Christianity is against the truth

If someone had a gun pointed at one of my children, I would take the bullet to spare their life.
That is what Christ did. He took the bullet that should have been yours. I hope you meet Him someday.
He didn't take anything. The system did not change because he was executed, they were executed by the millions.

From the birth of Christ, a new Era is counted. Era is the god of plague and chaos.

And before Christ, the Germans believed that the sacrifice of Dionysus and Odin saves them from retribution for their crimes. Before that, they believed that by shedding innocent blood on the altar, they were saved.

But heaven knows: everyone will answer for himself.
If someone had a gun pointed at one of my children, I would take the bullet to spare their life.
That is what Christ did. He took the bullet that should have been yours. I hope you meet Him someday.
Funny I wasn't even alive 2000 years ago.

How can you think you have been saved when you weren't even born at the time?
He didn't take anything. The system did not change because he was executed, they were executed by the millions.

From the birth of Christ, a new Era is counted. Era is the god of plague and chaos.

And before Christ, the Germans believed that the sacrifice of Dionysus and Odin saves them from retribution for their crimes. Before that, they believed that by shedding innocent blood on the altar, they were saved.

But heaven knows: everyone will answer for himself.
Era ~ a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic.
The era after the death of Christ is the era of the Gentile. The time when God draws non Jews to Him. It is about to end.
Both Odin and Christ died. ONE came back. < And that is why people were executed by the millions. Because they knew first hand that He was who He said He was and refused to deny Him.
Era ~ a long and distinct period of history with a particular feature or characteristic.
The new era is a turning point, it is associated with the mythological god of plague and chaos, Erra. This turning point mainly occurred after the invasion of the Macedonian faggot to the east, this time, but there were also more ancient events.
This exactly coincides with the beginning of the shameful slave age of Rome, the end of the Roman Republic.
Apparently, the "Jesus Witnesses" conspiracy was part of a plan to overthrow the Republic. After that, the bastard Nero came and finally mixed Rome with plebeian shit
I gave you the def. for era. It is a span of time. We have had several Biblical eras, from the age of Innocence to the age of the Law, to the age of the Gentile today. Had the Jews accepted Christ, He would have never left. His mission here was to save the Jews. He considered Gentiles the same as dogs.
The faith of a Gentile believer caused Christ to graft us into the Jewish line, and include us into the promises God made to Abraham.
Followers of Christ were hung on crosses as far as the eye could see by the Romans. For a hundred years they tried to wipe out Christianity. But just like Jesus said, "My words will never pass away."
The NWO is on a quest to wipe out Christianity again. We will be rounded up and executed for His sake, along with the Jews this time.
Except this time Christ is coming back as a lion, not a lamb. And He will be staying...
If someone had a gun pointed at one of my children, I would take the bullet to spare their life.
That is what Christ did. He took the bullet that should have been yours. I hope you meet Him someday.
Religion is faith, not fact. It is a belief, not true or false.
Religion is faith, not fact. It is a belief, not true or false.
Try this: Faith as the assurance of things hoped for that are true. Faith as the evidence of things not seen. Faith as the principle of action in all intelligent beings. Guess intelligence is left out of atheists... :popcorn:
Through the concept of someone else's sacrifice for one's own sins
There's a broken circuit in your logic and reasoning. Or, a missing link. Here it is: It isn't just that Jesus Christ came to offer himself as the atonement of our sins. The act requires us to do something to receive that forgiveness. We have to repent of our sins. That often requires sacrifice in many ways. Restitution must be paid for the repentance to be accepted and the atonement made to be in force. There are sins that we will never really be able to make restitution for. But, we can do all that we can and then the atonement carries us the rest of the way. Things like murder, adultery, abortion, homosexual acts and so on are in that category. The key sir is hope. We hope that our efforts will be good enough. See, many people stop participating in their faith because they don't believe there is hope for them. That they have done so much wrong there is no possibility they will escape hell into the eternities. But, that's where the atonement of Jesus Christ can give people hope of eternal forgiveness after all they can do to pay back their restitution for their sins to the persons they hurt.
There's a broken circuit in your logic and reasoning. Or, a missing link. Here it is: It isn't just that Jesus Christ came to offer himself as the atonement of our sins. The act requires us to do something to receive that forgiveness. We have to repent of our sins. That often requires sacrifice in many ways. Restitution must be paid for the repentance to be accepted and the atonement made to be in force. There are sins that we will never really be able to make restitution for. But, we can do all that we can and then the atonement carries us the rest of the way. Things like murder, adultery, abortion, homosexual acts and so on are in that category. The key sir is hope. We hope that our efforts will be good enough. See, many people stop participating in their faith because they don't believe there is hope for them. That they have done so much wrong there is no possibility they will escape hell into the eternities. But, that's where the atonement of Jesus Christ can give people hope of eternal forgiveness after all they can do to pay back their restitution for their sins to the persons they hurt.

I'm not interested in your demagogy. The truth is that everyone is responsible for himself, no sacrifice saves anyone from responsibility.

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