Zone1 Christianity is against the truth

I'm not interested in your demagogy. The truth is that everyone is responsible for himself, no sacrifice saves anyone from responsibility.
Really? So, let’s say you had gotten yourself into a money jam. You overextended your credit and owed more than you could repay. The judge is going to throw away the key. But then a stranger you never knew came to you and said, I’ll pay your debt so that you can clear your conscience and have a new path to a new life without the weight of your mistakes. Now, there is a catch. You will have to pay restitution of some sort to the stranger. Perhaps do some work he asks to be done. Would you turn down the assistance? He’s keeping you out of debtors prison?
Hopefully this analogy will soften your heart and verbal abuse towards Jesus Christ. Repentance and forgiveness is not really free. It requires sacrifice from the sinner as well so that the debtor can be paid.
The truth is that everyone is responsible for himself.

The Christian lie is that the death and suffering of someone else can redeem the crimes of the criminal.
You have the shorthand summary of Christianity, and not a very good one. On the other hand, "Everyone is responsible for himself" is the better shorthand summary.

It is an astonishing story. Jesus announced he was from God and had a message, a new Covenant/Testament. Repentance for the forgiveness of sins! The Kingdom of God is within the reach of all of mankind.

If someone were to come to you today and say, "I have a message to you from God," how would you react? Right! The same with people in Jesus' day. They reminded Jesus a Covenant with God had always been marked with a blood sacrifice, and how were they to know Jesus wasn't making the whole thing up. Jesus responded, Look at the good works I am doing, works that could not be done without the power of God behind them.

The Temple authorities of that time blew him off and advised him to cease and desist. Jesus was adamant he was doing the work of God, and he would remain obedient to his mission. So he was put to death, and ironically, his critics now had their blood sacrifice for a New Covenant/Testament. The Way of Redemption was indeed open as the Father had promised, and one could choose to pursue salvation (with fear and trembling was how Paul put it).

The Good Thief who was hanging beside Jesus on a cross as well had compassion towards Jesus when so many others (including the other thief) were mocking him. He asked Jesus to remember him when he came into his kingdom, and Jesus responded, "This day you will be with me in paradise." In this thief we see the change of heart (repentance). He reached out to Jesus and his ways (redemption) and salvation followed.

The story of the Good Thief is the exception of a life turning on a dime. It is not the general rule as the lives of the Apostles will attest--as the lives of the many followers of Christ will attest. Christ did his part of assuring all of Redemption, that sins are forgiven, and the Way of Salvation is open to all. As you say, that choice is where everyone is responsible for himself.
You have the shorthand summary of Christianity, and not a very good one. On the other hand, "Everyone is responsible for himself" is the better shorthand summary.

It is an astonishing story. Jesus announced he was from God and had a message, a new Covenant/Testament. Repentance for the forgiveness of sins! The Kingdom of God is within the reach of all of mankind.

If someone were to come to you today and say, "I have a message to you from God," how would you react? Right! The same with people in Jesus' day. They reminded Jesus a Covenant with God had always been marked with a blood sacrifice, and how were they to know Jesus wasn't making the whole thing up. Jesus responded, Look at the good works I am doing, works that could not be done without the power of God behind them.

The Temple authorities of that time blew him off and advised him to cease and desist. Jesus was adamant he was doing the work of God, and he would remain obedient to his mission. So he was put to death, and ironically, his critics now had their blood sacrifice for a New Covenant/Testament. The Way of Redemption was indeed open as the Father had promised, and one could choose to pursue salvation (with fear and trembling was how Paul put it).

The Good Thief who was hanging beside Jesus on a cross as well had compassion towards Jesus when so many others (including the other thief) were mocking him. He asked Jesus to remember him when he came into his kingdom, and Jesus responded, "This day you will be with me in paradise." In this thief we see the change of heart (repentance). He reached out to Jesus and his ways (redemption) and salvation followed.

The story of the Good Thief is the exception of a life turning on a dime. It is not the general rule as the lives of the Apostles will attest--as the lives of the many followers of Christ will attest. Christ did his part of assuring all of Redemption, that sins are forgiven, and the Way of Salvation is open to all. As you say, that choice is where everyone is responsible for himself.
One of the better posts you have had.
Yes, forgiveness is open to all with requirements. Restitution is required when it can be done. When it can’t, the sin cannot be committed again after repenting. We cannot save ourselves by our own. We don’t have the authority nor power to do so.
The truth is that everyone is responsible for himself.

The Christian lie is that the death and suffering of someone else can redeem the crimes of the criminal.

the desert religions are a lie, forgery or fallacy on nearly every page of all three of their religious documents.

especially when their book, c-bible does not clearly say who crucified him - the jews - their reason for doing so or that jesus would rather not have been persecuted - why have you forsaken me.

- and surly no one could or would attempt to die for someone else's sins as that would be a senseless act with no prospect for accomplishing anything.
the desert religions are a lie, forgery or fallacy on nearly every page of all three of their religious documents.

especially when their book, c-bible does not clearly say who crucified him - the jews - their reason for doing so or that jesus would rather not have been persecuted - why have you forsaken me.

- and surly no one could or would attempt to die for someone else's sins as that would be a senseless act with no prospect for accomplishing anything.
The NT clearly says the Romans crucified the Lord. The Jews did not have political authority to pronounce death sentences. When the Jews tried to stone Jesus, I'm pretty sure had the Romans found out about that, they would have crucified the religious leaders who gave the orders. Now, it was the Jews who chose the criminal Barabbas to be saved rather than Jesus on the Sabbath. So, the religious leaders of the Jews were co-conspirators. But, the people were simply doing what those leaders said to do. Mob rule.

The Bible is true and correct as it is translated correctly. As far as your contempt for someone willing to die for someone else for any reason is a stupid comment. 360,000 white persons died to free the slaves during the Civil War. Yes, people die so that others can be free in our country. We have heroes all the time that give their lives up for others. You are an idiot.

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