Christians are not to take in blood.

Ahh another set of passages you simply refuse to believe. Must be nice to pick and chose what to believe and what not to when on that narrow confined road that leads to everlasting life.

As a Catholic and JW, we're going to disagree on topics like these. I should of realized from the very beginning that your post sounded fishy. That is a mistake on my part.
Learned a new one today. Jesus ordered that Christians were not to partake of the blood of any living creature, including man. Blood is part of the Soul, which all living things have. ( something else I learned today)

In Noah's time the commandant was given and repeated in Mose's time. The New Testament supersedes the laws of Moses. However Jesus repeated the commandment.

Acts 15: 28, 29

Acts 21: 25

This command is not to take blood into oneself for any reason, by any means. That would include transfusions.

Fortunately there are alternate means to blood for surgery and life threatening events.

I don't see the words of Jesus in the Acts of the Apostles... certainly not in these two passages.
I should of realized this sooner.

They're the ones who are always volunteering for (the often fatal) blood-substitute clinical trials. None of the substitutes, thus far, are safe for regular human use.


The biggest problem with blood substitutes is that the body tries to filter them out of the blood, but as the person doesn't have enough blood, this isn't possible. Thus, using the substitute often results in either kidney damage (from improper filtering), or blood vessel/heart/brain damage (from autoimmune response).


I hope that RGS and family are never in a car accident or surgery, because they will bleed out.
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They're the ones who are always volunteering for (the often fatal) blood-substitute clinical trials. None of the substitutes, thus far, are safe for regular human use.


The biggest problem with blood substitutes is that the body tries to filter them out of the blood, but as the person doesn't have enough blood, this isn't possible. Thus, using the substitute often results in either kidney damage (from improper filtering), or blood vessel/heart/brain damage (from autoimmune response).

Well my intentions coming into this thread wasn't to get into a theological debate, I was simply pointing out that it's those kind of beliefs that I and religion part. I got dragged into one about the O.T vs N.T without realizing his comment in the first place was BS.

I knew he was a Mormon, but I wasn't about to say "Well you can't talk about my religion because you're a Mormon" because that's ignorant.
I knew he was a Mormon, but I wasn't about to say "Well you can't talk about my religion because you're a Mormon" because that's ignorant.
He's a Jehova's Witness, not Mormon. Mormons have no problems with blood transfusions.

(I sometimes work in blood banks)
He's a Jehova's Witness, not Mormon. Mormons have no problems with blood transfusions.

(I sometimes work in blood banks)

Oh I didn't post the quote from the other thread. My mistake.

:rolleyes: Of course, RGS fails to point out that he stated that if you do not follow the bible, you are not a real Christian. RGS seems to think because the N.T supersedes the O.T, it is suddenly invalid.

Of course, RGS himself fails to point out a few things.

No I had a good day. I had my bible study and learned two new things. One, that animals have a soul and two we are commanded not to partake of blood of anything with a soul.

As a Christian it is my duty to pass knowledge on. I happen to know most professed Christians do NOT know of this commandment.

I am a Mormon. Though I currently am taking Saturday studies with a Jehovah Witness.

Ever read the Bible? The Bible states that only 144,000 will ascend.

The remaining people that are worthy will be resurrected to perfect bodies to live on Earth where there will be no disease, no sickness and no death. Once again, NO DEATH.
Oh I didn't post the quote from the other thread. My mistake.
So he's a Mormon in the process of being converted to a Jehova's Witness...that explains a lot. If he stops posting here at USMB, we'll know it's because he's too busy going door-to-door.

I seriously hope he does not put his family's life in danger because of this missionary.
So he's a Mormon in the process of being converted to a Jehova's Witness...that explains a lot. If he stops posting here at USMB, we'll know it's because he's too busy going door-to-door.

I got a video you'll love.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Door To Door Atheist‬‎[/ame]
BTW, where in the bible does it say that the OT supersedes the NT?

I mean, I certainly think so. Have you ever read the OT? Its bizarre. Talking snakes, people turning into salt, God killing sons for little reason, God choosing favoured nations for no apparent reason, floods killing everybody yet one man getting two of everything on the planet and putting them on a boat smaller than the yachts in Monaco, ridiculous explanations on the origins of the universe, God admitting He is a sinner, etc.

But where does it say the NT over-rules the OT? Isn't it presumptuous to think so?
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BTW, where in the bible does it say that the OT supersedes the NT?

I mean, I certainly think so. Have you ever read the OT? Its bizarre. Talking snakes, people turning into salt, God killing sons for little reason, God choosing people for no apparent reason, floods killing everybody yet one man getting two of everything on the planet and putting them on a boat smaller than the yachts in Monaco, ridiculous explanations on the origins of the universe, etc.

But where does it say the NT over-rules the OT? Isn't it presumptuous to think so?
It's like in 0 AD, God went from being schitzo and childish ("I shall punish you for not paying attention to me and arbitrarily blow shit up") to a stern old man.
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Learned a new one today. Jesus ordered that Christians were not to partake of the blood of any living creature, including man. Blood is part of the Soul, which all living things have. ( something else I learned today)

In Noah's time the commandant was given and repeated in Mose's time. The New Testament supersedes the laws of Moses. However Jesus repeated the commandment.

Acts 15: 28, 29

Acts 21: 25

This command is not to take blood into oneself for any reason, by any means. That would include transfusions.

Fortunately there are alternate means to blood for surgery and life threatening events.

The words of Jesus...;)

Mark 7:15
-15 There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.

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