Christians in this country are turning me away from Religion


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Christians in this country are turning me away from Religion. This is happening for a few reasons.

1. Far too many Christians reject science today as they're fundies that think the earth is only 6,000 years. This is retarded....Sorry, but these people aren't serious people. They reject Evolution and even the big bang for crying out loud. Everything science and the evidence say makes up our world and universe = bad to these people. They really want us to be backwards and stupid. I of course aint saying Christianity is doing it as many a great scientist from Newton, Kepler, and so many others were religious, but what we're seeing in this country is sad.

2. They use the bible to hate and judge other people....They vote in officials that attack peoples rights to be who they wish to be and limit our rights at every turn. They like to scream about rights and liberty all the time but when given power they mostly take liberty away from people. They make threads on this board talking about much they hate gays and trans and cheering on stories about other religious thugs beating innocent people up.

Is this what Jesus would want? I highly doubt it. Jesus did say that you shall not case stones unless you can't be judged yourself. Something to that effect. My choices in this life will be judged by the all mighty in heaven and your hatred, anger and violence is likely to make you look really bad to our lord and probably a hell of a lot worse then anything innocent I've done. I've helped people in my life and am generally a caring and loving person.

Christians in this country are quickly reverting to the same blood thirsty hatred as our enemies in the middle east. Is this what you want for our future? You really are going to go down this street because some liberal tells you to treat other people better? What's wrong with that? Would you wish to be treated well yourself??? Treat others the way you wish to be treated.
It doesn't take much to turn a leftie away from religion. Belief in God is not what they want to hear.
Christians in this country are turning me away from Religion. This is happening for a few reasons.

1. Far too many Christians reject science today as they're fundies that think the earth is only 6,000 years. This is retarded....Sorry, but these people aren't serious people. They reject Evolution and even the big bang for crying out loud. Everything science and the evidence say makes up our world and universe = bad to these people. They really want us to be backwards and stupid. I of course aint saying Christianity is doing it as many a great scientist from Newton, Kepler, and so many others were religious, but what we're seeing in this country is sad.

2. They use the bible to hate and judge other people....They vote in officials that attack peoples rights to be who they wish to be and limit our rights at every turn. They like to scream about rights and liberty all the time but when given power they mostly take liberty away from people. They make threads on this board talking about much they hate gays and trans and cheering on stories about other religious thugs beating innocent people up.

Is this what Jesus would want? I highly doubt it. Jesus did say that you shall not case stones unless you can't be judged yourself. Something to that effect. My choices in this life will be judged by the all mighty in heaven and your hatred, anger and violence is likely to make you look really bad to our lord and probably a hell of a lot worse then anything innocent I've done. I've helped people in my life and am generally a caring and loving person.

Christians in this country are quickly reverting to the same blood thirsty hatred as our enemies in the middle east. Is this what you want for our future? You really are going to go down this street because some liberal tells you to treat other people better? What's wrong with that? Would you wish to be treated well yourself??? Treat others the way you wish to be treated.


Don't worry about how far short we fellow sinners fall below the standard our Lord sets for us.

All you have to know is He loves you very much. So much, he died on the cross for you, rose from the dead and offers you eternal life. It's a free inheritance. Your choice.
It doesn't take much to turn a leftie away from religion. Belief in God is not what they want to hear.

An informed, intelligent populace doesn't believe in fairy tales.
Christians in this country are turning me away from Religion. This is happening for a few reasons.

1. Far too many Christians reject science today as they're fundies that think the earth is only 6,000 years. This is retarded....Sorry, but these people aren't serious people. They reject Evolution and even the big bang for crying out loud. Everything science and the evidence say makes up our world and universe = bad to these people. They really want us to be backwards and stupid. I of course aint saying Christianity is doing it as many a great scientist from Newton, Kepler, and so many others were religious, but what we're seeing in this country is sad.

2. They use the bible to hate and judge other people....They vote in officials that attack peoples rights to be who they wish to be and limit our rights at every turn. They like to scream about rights and liberty all the time but when given power they mostly take liberty away from people. They make threads on this board talking about much they hate gays and trans and cheering on stories about other religious thugs beating innocent people up.

Is this what Jesus would want? I highly doubt it. Jesus did say that you shall not case stones unless you can't be judged yourself. Something to that effect. My choices in this life will be judged by the all mighty in heaven and your hatred, anger and violence is likely to make you look really bad to our lord and probably a hell of a lot worse then anything innocent I've done. I've helped people in my life and am generally a caring and loving person.

Christians in this country are quickly reverting to the same blood thirsty hatred as our enemies in the middle east. Is this what you want for our future? You really are going to go down this street because some liberal tells you to treat other people better? What's wrong with that? Would you wish to be treated well yourself??? Treat others the way you wish to be treated.

Christians in this country are turning me away from Religion.

Let's face it, Matty baby, one way or another, you would find some excuse to be "turned away" from faith in God. You are just rationalizing why you are on the outside looking in.
It cannot be denied that Christians as well as those of other religions and none have done dreadful things to people and places everywhere. We are all members of the human race and once we have left our childhood behind, we lose our innocence. No-one and no religion is perfectly good.
Christians in this country are turning me away from Religion. This is happening for a few reasons.

1. Far too many Christians reject science today as they're fundies that think the earth is only 6,000 years. This is retarded....Sorry, but these people aren't serious people. They reject Evolution and even the big bang for crying out loud. Everything science and the evidence say makes up our world and universe = bad to these people. They really want us to be backwards and stupid. I of course aint saying Christianity is doing it as many a great scientist from Newton, Kepler, and so many others were religious, but what we're seeing in this country is sad.

2. They use the bible to hate and judge other people....They vote in officials that attack peoples rights to be who they wish to be and limit our rights at every turn. They like to scream about rights and liberty all the time but when given power they mostly take liberty away from people. They make threads on this board talking about much they hate gays and trans and cheering on stories about other religious thugs beating innocent people up.

Is this what Jesus would want? I highly doubt it. Jesus did say that you shall not case stones unless you can't be judged yourself. Something to that effect. My choices in this life will be judged by the all mighty in heaven and your hatred, anger and violence is likely to make you look really bad to our lord and probably a hell of a lot worse then anything innocent I've done. I've helped people in my life and am generally a caring and loving person.

Christians in this country are quickly reverting to the same blood thirsty hatred as our enemies in the middle east. Is this what you want for our future? You really are going to go down this street because some liberal tells you to treat other people better? What's wrong with that? Would you wish to be treated well yourself??? Treat others the way you wish to be treated.


Don't worry about how far short we fellow sinners fall below the standard our Lord sets for us.

All you have to know is He loves you very much. So much, he died on the cross for you, rose from the dead and offers you eternal life. It's a free inheritance. Your choice.

The OP was about so called Christians. The Christians are nothing like God or Jesus.
Christians in this country are turning me away from Religion. This is happening for a few reasons.

1. Far too many Christians reject science…

Says the guy who defends “transgenderism”—a position which completely disqualifies you from making any claim to science.

2. They use the bible to hate and judge other people…

Only because you define it as “hate” to stand for truth and decency, as opposed to madness, perversion, and outright evil. Much of which ties into the previous point. You include, under “hate”, recognizing the scientific definition between male and female, and rejecting the absurd and insane position that a man can be a woman or vice versa. You make a claim to “science”, while rejecting genuine science as “hate”.

And ultimately, your point is to blame others for the consequences of your own bad choices. You chose to reject God. You chose to reject morality, in favor of perversion. You chose to reject sanity in favor of madness. You chose to reject good in favor of evil. And instead of taking any vestige of responsibility, you choose to blame others for the consequences of your bad choices.
Xtians in this country have always turned me towards my own religion.
Orthodox Jews, Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christians, and Fundamentalist Muslims are a huge turn off.

They have directed me to Freedom From Religion as I believe there should be a separation of Church and State, and that line is blurred with the Pubs.
I didn't see Pelosi or Biden get up and protest when the Pope was allowed to lecture congress.

This thread seems disingenuous. You've never shown any inclination to faith in God. If you had you wouldn't let the actions of others come between you and God.

When we stand before God on the day of judgment and He asks of us why we didn't believe, I don't believe saying because someone else did something is the right response. Our duty is to seek God. We are told if we do that we will find Him. No matter what others do.

Science and faith aren't at odds even though some try to act that way. Some of the greatest scientists were men of faith.

Read the bible for yourself. Learn it for yourself. Seek God.
Matthew, I didn't even bother to read your stupid OP. All I can say is, I don't give a damn whether or not you are a Christian. But don't blame others for your choices, it's all on you. When you meet Jesus, he's not going to accept your stupid excuses for why you rejected him. He will send you to hell just the same.
Ummmm you being a scientist should know there is no historical, physical evidence that Jesus existed as a singular real historical figure. As a scientist you should know social group behavior and mass psychosis and the deception of selective recognition.
Ummmm you being a scientist should know there is no historical, physical evidence that Jesus existed as a singular real historical figure. As a scientist you should know social group behavior and mass psychosis and the deception of selective recognition.

Since when is matt a scientist?

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