Christians in this country are turning me away from Religion

Christians in this country are turning me away from Religion. This is happening for a few reasons.

1. Far too many Christians reject science today as they're fundies that think the earth is only 6,000 years. This is retarded....Sorry, but these people aren't serious people. They reject Evolution and even the big bang for crying out loud. Everything science and the evidence say makes up our world and universe = bad to these people. They really want us to be backwards and stupid. I of course aint saying Christianity is doing it as many a great scientist from Newton, Kepler, and so many others were religious, but what we're seeing in this country is sad.

2. They use the bible to hate and judge other people....They vote in officials that attack peoples rights to be who they wish to be and limit our rights at every turn. They like to scream about rights and liberty all the time but when given power they mostly take liberty away from people. They make threads on this board talking about much they hate gays and trans and cheering on stories about other religious thugs beating innocent people up.

Is this what Jesus would want? I highly doubt it. Jesus did say that you shall not case stones unless you can't be judged yourself. Something to that effect. My choices in this life will be judged by the all mighty in heaven and your hatred, anger and violence is likely to make you look really bad to our lord and probably a hell of a lot worse then anything innocent I've done. I've helped people in my life and am generally a caring and loving person.

Christians in this country are quickly reverting to the same blood thirsty hatred as our enemies in the middle east. Is this what you want for our future? You really are going to go down this street because some liberal tells you to treat other people better? What's wrong with that? Would you wish to be treated well yourself??? Treat others the way you wish to be treated.
If only we could turn the likes of you away from this country.
Today's US Christians are too stupid to understand science, that's why they reject it.

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