Christians vs. Atheists (the argument)

I can understand preaching AGAINST it for peace reasons.

If you read the Bible, the Apostles in Acts going forward were not violent. They were persecuted, but, very strong in their faith and suffered for it.

We are to be the same... speaking in love and truth (what Christians believe to be truth).....

Unfortunately, there are may people that use the title Christian that are not OR have been taught false doctrine.

In evangelicals' defense, my neighbors next-door, and 2 doors adown are both ultra-religious. Neither's ever even hinted on the subject of religion to me. Shrug. :)

What the hell is "ultra-religious"???


Religious homeschooling, run a home church out of their apartment (2 doors down one anyway,) weekly Bible study with neighbors.

If not so tolerant of stupid people it'd be really annoying. :) Plus, just about every adult atheist began as a reliigous child so I actually encourage it. :)

I have some very good friends who did just that and are wonderful people. Their kids have turned out quite solid types with families of their own. They seem not to have missed out on much...except the drugs and sex at school stuff. But anyway I think the homeschooling thing is an overreaction to what are really fairly small...though significant..."off the rails" kids.


If you are a good parent, you can teach your children to be strong in the face of public school environment.
.... having been a member of a few churches, I find self-proclaimed Christians to be not that much different from the world, and in many cases, worse (in the way of being hospitable, sacrificial and caring....)

This is why many people turn to the Mormon faith, they have it down pat - but their doctrine is so screwed up it's pathetic......

Unfortunately, modern churches and religions almost always take their eyes off God.. and the focus ultimately becomes something else ... or things get twisted.....

I attended a Pentecostal church with a girlfriend of the time. The second in charge had a nervous breakdown and left to form his own congregation. He was pilloried from the pulpit as being almost the anti-christ. The odd thing was...nothing they were saying was new though they were most insistent that they were "right". Of course I stayed Catholic right through the experience. They really made fools of themselves. My girlfriend left due to some scandal....not affecting her directly as she was not a gullible lass.

I can understand preaching AGAINST it for peace reasons.

If you read the Bible, the Apostles in Acts going forward were not violent. They were persecuted, but, very strong in their faith and suffered for it.

We are to be the same... speaking in love and truth (what Christians believe to be truth).....

Unfortunately, there are may people that use the title Christian that are not OR have been taught false doctrine.

In evangelicals' defense, my neighbors next-door, and 2 doors adown are both ultra-religious. Neither's ever even hinted on the subject of religion to me. Shrug. :)

What the hell is "ultra-religious"???


Religious homeschooling, run a home church out of their apartment (2 doors down one anyway,) weekly Bible study with neighbors.

If not so tolerant of stupid people it'd be really annoying. :) Plus, just about every adult atheist began as a reliigous child so I actually encourage it. :)

I have some very good friends who did just that and are wonderful people. Their kids have turned out quite solid types with families of their own. They seem not to have missed out on much...except the drugs and sex at school stuff. But anyway I think the homeschooling thing is an overreaction to what are really fairly small...though significant..."off the rails" kids.


If you are a good parent, you can teach your children to be strong in the face of public school environment.

And Private School involvement as well. The curse of materialism is not confined to Public Schools by a long shot.

I can understand preaching AGAINST it for peace reasons.

If you read the Bible, the Apostles in Acts going forward were not violent. They were persecuted, but, very strong in their faith and suffered for it.

We are to be the same... speaking in love and truth (what Christians believe to be truth).....

Unfortunately, there are may people that use the title Christian that are not OR have been taught false doctrine.

In evangelicals' defense, my neighbors next-door, and 2 doors adown are both ultra-religious. Neither's ever even hinted on the subject of religion to me. Shrug. :)

What the hell is "ultra-religious"???


Religious homeschooling, run a home church out of their apartment (2 doors down one anyway,) weekly Bible study with neighbors.

If not so tolerant of stupid people it'd be really annoying. :) Plus, just about every adult atheist began as a reliigous child so I actually encourage it. :)

I have some very good friends who did just that and are wonderful people. Their kids have turned out quite solid types with families of their own. They seem not to have missed out on much...except the drugs and sex at school stuff. But anyway I think the homeschooling thing is an overreaction to what are really fairly small...though significant..."off the rails" kids.


If you are a good parent, you can teach your children to be strong in the face of public school environment.

Even so Parents can only do so much. It is quite common for kids from wonderful homes to be lead or lead others astray. Damn free choice thing!!!


Hmm. Maybe we should leave it in God's hands. ;) (btw, don't go to snopes, it'll just bum you out.)
Christianity lived right is not harmful.

But opposition will rise against it (inevitably) - and often times the finger is pointed at the Christian or their belief for the cause of the strife and/or violence.
I think that is where you run into a problem. What is "living right" and who decides?

Actually, it is less "who decides," more which outcome has proven successful.

1. Justice means choice. The choice must be by recourse and devotion to laws made impartially,without respect to individuals, and applied impartially.

2. This is the great contribution of our Judeo-Christian foundation to Western civilization. The principles of justice are laid down in the Torah and the Gospels, and implemented throughhuman actions memorialized in judicial codes.

a. The written laws and rules are codifications of the unwritten ones worked out over millennia as the result of human interactions and experience.

3. But the execution of the laws must take into account human frailty, and must acknowledge the limits of reason, and, therefore, resort to impartial statutes in order to be fair.

4. The Bible is the wisdom of the West. It is from the precepts of the Bible that the legal systems of the West have been developed-systems, worked out over millennia, for dealing with inequality, with injustice, with greed, reducible t that which Christians call the Golden Rule, and the Jews had propounded as “That which is hateful to you, don not do to your neighbor.”

It is these rules and laws which form a framework which allows the individual foreknowledge of that which is permitted and that which is forbidden.

"The Secret Knowledge: On the Dismantling of American Culture," by David Mamet
I can understand why Christians want to tell people the Gospel. To evangelize to others because they feel it is their responsibility to do so as commanded in the Bible. To go out to the world and tell....
Because they are concerned for others souls, want to see that all go to Heaven. Out of love.

But, why do Atheists feel compelled to try to disprove God and Christianity?
This fails as a straw man fallacy, as indeed it's a lie.

Those free from faith in no way feel 'compelled' to 'disprove' any deity or religion.

Doesn't take up a lot of my time that's for sure. As I liken it, "I don't need to prove the sky is blue." :)

Your own posts disprove you. You make more posts concerning religion than anyone else on USMB. You are totally obsessed with it.

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