Christians, What's Your View On Smoking, Drinking, and Gambling?

With there being an estimated 2.5 billion (that's with a "B") Christians and numerous variations of them, you're going to get an equally varied number of answers to the question.
One thing is fairly certain though, almost all Christians "cherry-pick" what they want to believe out of the bible and ignore those things they don't like.
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From my own personal experience, most so-called 'religious' people are hypocrites, generally, for lack of a better description. I was raised in a Catholic family and they almost all smoked, drank and gambled , and my family was "normal middle class' supposedly. Our dysfunction paled in comparison to many others.
I also was raised in a Christian family. Not much smoking and drinking but a lot of gambling. I know there are many good sincere Christians who walk the walk. There are also those who I think use religion and church as some sort of a Sin drive through car wash. Show up in church on Sunday and whoosh! Sins washed away and they're ready for another week of whoopdeedoo.
Preachers making $30k - $50k a year tax free for a p/t gig
can be very convincing. ( that's a conservative guess)
I don't do ANY of these now. My health is finally improving after almost dying from Covid a few months ago. Also, I have diabetes, so I have to watch my intake of any kind of alcohol, even beer. I DO miss it. I never smoked or gambled (Very little) so those aren't a problem for me. I see nothing wrong in doing any of these, as long as they're done in moderation.

I'm glad you're doing better. :)

Do you at least get laid?

That wasn't any of the questions that I asked so why should I have to answer this?
We'll take that as a no. Thanks.
We'll take that as a no. Thanks.

I never said I did or didn't,.. all I said was how is it any of your business?

I'm glad to see a lot of people who have never had to or have kicked the habit of smoking.
It's a hard habit to break. And after 46 years... well I'm still not willing.
And it has to be a willingness or it doesn't work.

Young folk today have this other thing called vaping. I'm not even sure what that is.
Or they've moved from tobacco to marijuana.
There will ALWAYS be SOMETHING for SOMEONE to criticize. If it's not smoking it will be language, or laziness, or eating habits,
the way you dress, the area you live in , the company you keep, the people you marry or live with, your kids..
We wasn't put on this earth to impress each other. We are here to help each other grow in the knowledge and Love of God.
He will judge us all when the day is through. And we'll all reap the wages we have earned for good or bad.

Seeing I'm not the one writing the check, and no one is accountable to me..
I just live and let live..
and Let God.


I heard that vaping could be more dangerous than smoking actually.
As a recovering Chef....
I still enjoy certain adult beverages. I make a lot of things with them too. I don't drink like I used to...if you can't afford the fine, don't commit the crime.

Gambling in a casino or with lottery tickets?
I hate taxes...I don't like the return on investment. Gambling is stupid tax...the only game going where the odds are actually even is craps but it's very complicated to understand and think on your feet quick enough to get the even odds.
Lately the stock market has become a casino due to the SEC's rules of unrestrained naked shorting and free money policies. It's a three way battle of credit lines of the largest investors vs the retail investors. Although certain trends can be seen and capitalized upon. (Supply and demand still works)

Tobacco is a very problematic subject. It's currently out of favor in Westernized cultures. But this agricultural product was one of many products that the USA was initially capitalized upon. The USA sold cotton, distilled spirits, and tobacco by the cargo ship load to Europe. (Now Asia/Pacific Rim) So being hypocritical about it (as many are) is something else.
Well I don't smoke or gamble and the reasons are that I don't want health problems and it's tough to stop once I start (smoking) and gambling is called gambling for a reason because it's a gamble and you're more likely to lose money than win it,.. (although I sort of like the lottery I have to admit XD) but I do drink occasionally,.. just not so much that I would get drunk for two reasons; one,.. I believe it's a sin, two,.. I'm not interested in throwing up all night and having a hangover the next day.
All things in moderation is what christ said. If you can keep those things moderate it is not a sin. If you can't do not do.
Smoking= No
Drinking= only a hot toddy when sick or a little wine with dinner on a date.
Gambling= Mostly no, but I love the horse and the dog races and Jai alia. Haven't been in over 20 years.
As a recovering Chef....
I still enjoy certain adult beverages. I make a lot of things with them too. I don't drink like I used to...if you can't afford the fine, don't commit the crime.

Gambling in a casino or with lottery tickets?
I hate taxes...I don't like the return on investment. Gambling is stupid tax...the only game going where the odds are actually even is craps but it's very complicated to understand and think on your feet quick enough to get the even odds.
Lately the stock market has become a casino due to the SEC's rules of unrestrained naked shorting and free money policies. It's a three way battle of credit lines of the largest investors vs the retail investors. Although certain trends can be seen and capitalized upon. (Supply and demand still works)

Tobacco is a very problematic subject. It's currently out of favor in Westernized cultures. But this agricultural product was one of many products that the USA was initially capitalized upon. The USA sold cotton, distilled spirits, and tobacco by the cargo ship load to Europe. (Now Asia/Pacific Rim) So being hypocritical about it (as many are) is something else.
You are forgetting roulette and blackjack. You can easily get odds even in those. You can get odds better in blackjack if ya know what you are doing .
As a recovering Chef....
I still enjoy certain adult beverages. I make a lot of things with them too. I don't drink like I used to...if you can't afford the fine, don't commit the crime.

Gambling in a casino or with lottery tickets?
I hate taxes...I don't like the return on investment. Gambling is stupid tax...the only game going where the odds are actually even is craps but it's very complicated to understand and think on your feet quick enough to get the even odds.
Lately the stock market has become a casino due to the SEC's rules of unrestrained naked shorting and free money policies. It's a three way battle of credit lines of the largest investors vs the retail investors. Although certain trends can be seen and capitalized upon. (Supply and demand still works)

Tobacco is a very problematic subject. It's currently out of favor in Westernized cultures. But this agricultural product was one of many products that the USA was initially capitalized upon. The USA sold cotton, distilled spirits, and tobacco by the cargo ship load to Europe. (Now Asia/Pacific Rim) So being hypocritical about it (as many are) is something else.
You are forgetting roulette and blackjack. You can easily get odds even in those. You can get odds better in blackjack if ya know what you are doing .
Odds still favor the house. 5-deck tables etc are too much to try and figure the odds on. And the nice casinos with free food, drinks, and rooms weren't built because they lose a lot of money.
Well I don't smoke or gamble and the reasons are that I don't want health problems and it's tough to stop once I start (smoking) and gambling is called gambling for a reason because it's a gamble and you're more likely to lose money than win it,.. (although I sort of like the lottery I have to admit XD) but I do drink occasionally,.. just not so much that I would get drunk for two reasons; one,.. I believe it's a sin, two,.. I'm not interested in throwing up all night and having a hangover the next day.

Smoking - No, I never had the slightest interest in it, I think it's stupid and gross.
Drinking - I used to, but I made the decision to quit it completely. I haven't had a drop of alcohol since November 2004. It's tied for 2nd best decision I ever made. :)
Gambling - I can't remember the last time I was in a casino, but if I did go, I'd just play the slot machines. I do tend to get lucky with things like that, lol. As others mentioned, the important thing is moderation and self-control.
Well I don't smoke or gamble and the reasons are that I don't want health problems and it's tough to stop once I start (smoking) and gambling is called gambling for a reason because it's a gamble and you're more likely to lose money than win it,.. (although I sort of like the lottery I have to admit XD) but I do drink occasionally,.. just not so much that I would get drunk for two reasons; one,.. I believe it's a sin, two,.. I'm not interested in throwing up all night and having a hangover the next day.

Smoking - No, I never had the slightest interest in it, I think it's stupid and gross.
Drinking - I used to, but I made the decision to quit it completely. I haven't had a drop of alcohol since November 2004. It's tied for 2nd best decision I ever made. :)
Gambling - I can't remember the last time I was in a casino, but if I did go, I'd just play the slot machines. I do tend to get lucky with things like that, lol. As others mentioned, the important thing is moderation and self-control.
Once I worked with a company that took us to the casinos as a group perk once a year. I took $200 with me...I planned on $50 for gambling and then $150 for buying drinks at our hotel once we got back for everyone (including myself)

It worked perfectly.
I found being around adults relatives that smoke disgusting to the point of being abusive when I was a kid. Try going on a two hour road trip during the winter with an adult that smokes in the car. I have never smoked a cigarette or cigar and I will tell anyone off that offers it to me.

I don't drink. A little alcohol in cold medication is okay.

Gambling - generally no. Maybe once a year or two I will buy one of the big money lottery tickets. I do enjoy getting together with a group of friends to play poker with pocket change. The stakes are high enough to make the game interesting, yet cost less than going out for dinner and a movie.
Well I don't smoke or gamble and the reasons are that I don't want health problems and it's tough to stop once I start (smoking) and gambling is called gambling for a reason because it's a gamble and you're more likely to lose money than win it,.. (although I sort of like the lottery I have to admit XD) but I do drink occasionally,.. just not so much that I would get drunk for two reasons; one,.. I believe it's a sin, two,.. I'm not interested in throwing up all night and having a hangover the next day.
I don't do ANY of these now. My health is finally improving after almost dying from Covid a few months ago. Also, I have diabetes, so I have to watch my intake of any kind of alcohol, even beer. I DO miss it. I never smoked or gambled (Very little) so those aren't a problem for me. I see nothing wrong in doing any of these, as long as they're done in moderation.
Some people that smoke live to be over 100. Smoking is not harmful to everyone.

If smoking a few cigarettes a day can prevent a person from being 30 lbs overweight, is it worth the trade off?

Just trying to be open minded.
Sorry, I don't really see how those two go together. :/

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